การวิจัยเกี่ยวกับ เบต้ากลูแคนที่สกัดจากยีสต์มากว่า 5 ทศวรรษแล้ว ในเวปไซต์นี้ไปเพียงการรวบรวมงานวิจัยที่ถูกตีพิมพ์มาจากทั่วโลก โดยมีงานวิจัยที่ตีพิมพ์มาแล้วกว่า 10,000 เอกสาร ทาง อิมมูน แล็บ เบต้ากลูแคน เป็นเพียงผู้เรียบเรียงงานวิจัยต่างๆเหล่านี้ให้อยู่ในหมวดหมู่ของโรคและอาการต่างๆ เพื่อให้ผู้บริโภคได้รับความรู้ที่ถูกต้องและเกิดประโยชน์ต่อผู้บริโภคสูงสุด
- โรคภูมิแพ้
Allergies: Talbott S, Talbott J, et al, “B-Glucan supplementation, allergy symptoms and quality of life in self-described ragweed allergy sufferers,” Food Sci Nutr; 1(1):90-101 PMCID:PMC3951572, Jan 2013: Quote: “Our findings suggest that the B-1,3/1,6-glucan can be used to decrease the symptoms of allergy in individuals with self-described ragweed allergy. ..Furthermore, they occur naturally, and are effective.”
Allergies: Yamada J, et al: “Alleviation of seasonal allergic symptoms with superfine beta-1-glucan: A randomized study.” Nippon Ganka Gakkai Zaeshi, 113(11):1082-7; PMID 19994586; Nov 2009. Quote: “Allergic response is induced by the Th2-type immune response. …The intracellular…antigen-presenting cells (APCS) reportedly regulates the Th1/Th 2 balance via distinctive cytokine production of APCs. …The double-blind, placebo-controlled randomized study shows that the ingestion of superfine dispersed beta-1,3-glucan alleviates ongoing symptoms of rhinoconjunctivitis.”
Allergies: Yamada J, Hamuro J, Hatanak H, Hamabata K, Kinoshita S: “Alleviation of seasonal allergic symptoms with superfine beta-1-glucan: A randomized study.” J of Allergy and Clinical Immunology 119(5):1119-26: PMID 17379290, Meiji U of Oriental Medicine, Kyoto, Japan; 06 2007. Quote: “It was examined whether orally ingested, superfine dispersed beta-1,3-glucan (SDG), easily absorbed by the intestinal mucosa, would alleviate allergic symptoms. Allergic patients were orally administrated …superfine dispersed beta-1,3 glucan…and allergic symptoms were assessed clinically in a double-blind, placebo-controlled randomized study. …Alleviation of allergic symptoms was evident not only for seasonal allergy to cedar pollen but also for perennial allergy. Oral ingestion of beta-1,3-glucan in individuals with allergic tropism [cells sensitive to allergens] could reduce spontaneous increase in both allergen-specific and total IgE titers.”
Allergies: Kirmaz C, Bayrak P; “Effects of glucan treatment on the Th1/Th2 [Th=Helper T cells] balance in patients with allergic rhinitis [hayfever]: a double-blind placebo-controlled study.” Eur Cytokine Netw, 20005 Jun;16(2)):128-34. PMID 15941684. Quote: “Th2-originated IL-4 and IL-5 levels responsible for the allergic inflammatory response in the microenvironment of patients with allergic rhinitis, are decreased with Glucan, while levels of Th1-originated IL-12 are increased. …eosinophils, which are important effector cells of the inflammatory response, are decreased… .”
Asthma: Sarinho E, Medeiros D, Schor D, Silva A R, Sales V, Mottta ME, Costa A, Azoubel A, Rizzo JA; “Production of interleukin-10 [anti-inflammatory cytokine] in asthmatic children after Beta-1-3 glucan;” Allergol Immuopathol (Madr): PMID 19912977; Vol 37, Num 4:188-92,July-Aug 2009. Quote: “An experimental study carried out using a murine respiratory model detected…an increase in Interleukin-10 (IL-10 anti-inflammatory) after glucan use. This open, exploratory study with blind outcome evaluation included asthmatic children between 6 and 12 years of age with mild to moderate persistent asthma and inadequate disease control. …Beta-1-3-glucan has been proving itself to be a medication with a powerful action on interferon-gamma production, in stimulating macrophages and in its differentiation to antigen-presenting cells.
Macrophages are able of modulating the immune response because they secrete anti-inflammatory mediators such as Prostaglandin E2 (PGE-2), Tumor Growth Factor (TGE-a) and IL-10. As such, Beta-1-3-glucan can act as a macrophage stimulant and prevent the appearance of a Th2 response. …In an animal model a single high dose of Beta-1-3-glucan has been related to an improvement in asthma and pulmonary function abnormalities.”
Conjunctivitis (Pink Eye): Lee HS, Kwon JY, Joo CK. “Topical Administration of B-1,3-Glucan to Modulate Allergic Conjunctivitis in a Murine Model.” Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci,, 57(3), 1352-60; PMID 27002295; Mar 2016.” Quote: “BG is capable of stimulating IL-10-producing CD4 [Helper T cells]]+ T cells and suppressing both the Th2 response in draining LNs and conjunctival eosinophil infiltration. We therefore demonstrated the therapeutic potential of topical BG administration for allergic conjunctivitis.” Note: LN refers to Lymph Nodes and BG to Beta Glucan.
โรคภูมิแพ้ผิวหนัง (Atopic Dermatitus) โรคผิวหนังต่างๆ (Skin)
Atopic Dermatitus – Jesenak M, Urbancek S, et al, “B-Glucan-based cream in supportive treatment of mild-to-moderate atopic dermatitis,” J Dermatolog Treat. 1-10, December 2015.PMID:26654776; Quote: “Atopic dermatitis (AD) is one of the most common chronic inflammatory skin diseases with serious impact on quality of life. B-Glucans are natural substances with potent immunomodulatory and anti-inflammatory activity. Topical B-glucan application resulted in the significant improvement of both objective and subjective symptoms of Atopic dermatitis (AD). On the application side, significant decline in the number of days with Atopic dermatitis exacerbation and severity was observed.”
Dermatitus-Atopic – Jesenak M, Urbancek S, et al, “B-Glucan-based cream in supportive treatment of mild-to-moderate atopic dermatitis,” J Dermatolog Treat. 1-10, December 2015.PMID:26654776 Quote: “Atopic dermatitis (AD) is one of the most common chronic inflammatory skin diseases with serious impact on quality of life. B-Glucans are natural substances with potent immunomodulatory and anti-inflammatory activity. Topical B-glucan application resulted in the significant improvement of both objective and subjective symptoms of Atopic dermatitis (AD). On the application side, significant decline in the number of days with Atopic dermatitis exacerbation and severity was observed.”
Dermatitis: Castelli D, Colin L, Camel E, Ries G; “Pretreatment of skin with a Ginkgo biloba extract/sodium carboxymethyl-beta-1,3-glucan formulation appears to inhibit the elicitation of allergic contact dermatitis in man;” Contact Dermatitia, 38:3,123-6. Mar 1998. Quote: “…Ginkgo biloba / carboxymethyl-beta-1,3-glucan formulation can mitigate against allergic contact dermatitis.”
Skin Damage: Donzis B.A.; Photoprotective composition containing yeast extract; U.S. Patent 5397773; 1995.
การบำรุงเสริมความงาม (Skin Regeneration/Revitalization)(Skin)
Skin Regeneration: Vacher, A M; “Cosmetic composition which includes at least one polysaccharide derived from bacteria of hydrothermal origin,” U.S. Patent Application 20020187167, December 12, 2002. Quote: “It was shown, for example, that a .beta-glucan which was extracted from the wall of a yeast, i.e. Saccharomyces cerevisiae, enabled skin to regenerate.”
Skin Revitalization: Donzis B.A.; “beta (1,3) finely ground yeast cell wall glucan composition with dermatological and nutritional uses; U.S. Patent 5702719; 1997.
Skin Revitalization: Donzis B.A.; Method of revitalizing skin by applying topically water insoluble glucan; U.S. Patent 5223491; 1993.
Skin: Ber L., “The Skin Connection;” Natures Impact, Dec 1997. Quote: “The effect of a cosmetic regimen containing beta-1,3-glucan on the signs of aging in the skin was evaluated in 150 women, ages 35 to 60. A 27 percent improvement in skin hydration was observed after eight weeks of using the regimen twice a day. A measurable improvement in lines and wrinkles at the end of the study reached 47 percent, firmness and elasticity increased by 60 percent and skin color improved by 26 percent.”
Skin: Katz S.; “The skin as an Immunologic Organ,” National Institutes of Health, Bethesda MD – J. Am. Academy of Dermatology; Vol 13:3; 530-536; 1985.
Skin: Murphy G, Messadi D, Fonterko E, Hancock W; “Phenotypic Transformation of Macrophages to Langerhans Cells in the skin;” Am. J. Pathology; Vol 123:401-406. 1986.
การรักษาแผลต่างๆ และ ทำให้แผลหายเร็วะแสโลหิต (Ulcers /Wound Healing)(Skin)
Ulcers – Decubitus: Browder I.W., DiLuzio N.R., et al. “Enhanced Healing of Decubitus Ulcers by Topical Application of Particulate Glucan.” Tulane University School of Medicine; Research Summary. 1984.
Ulcers, Pressure: Sener G, Sert G, Ozer SA, Arbak S, Uslu B, Gedik N, Avanoglu-Dulger G; “Pressure ulcer-induced oxidative organ injury is ameliorated by beta-glucan treatment in rats.” Int Immunopharmacol:6(5):724-32; Marmara U, Sch of Pharmacy, Dept Pharmacology, Div Biochemistry; Epub Nov 2005; May 2006. Quote: “Pressure ulcers (PU) cause morphological and functional alterations in the skin and visceral organs. … Local treatment with beta-glucan inhibited the increase in MDA and MPO levels and the decrease in GSH in the skin induced by (PU), … systemic treatment prevented the damage in the visceral organs. Significant increases in creatinine, BUN, ALT, AST, LDH and collagen levels in PU [Pressure Ulcers] group were prevented by beta-glucan treatment. …Tissue injury was decreased. …Thus, supplementing geriatric and neurologically impaired patients with adjuvant therapy of beta-glucan may have some benefits for successful therapy and improving quality of life.”
Ulcers – Venous: Medeiros SD et al; “Effects of Purified Saccharomyces cerevisiae (1-3)-B-Glucan on Venous Ulcer Healing;” Laboratory of Clinical Immunology, Department of Clinical and Toxicological Analysis, Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN), General Gustavo Cordeiro de Farias Ave., Petrópolis, Natal, RN 59012-570, Brazil; Int J Mol Sci. 2012;13(7):8142-58. Epub 2012 Jul 2. Quote: “The effects of the glucan on wound healing were assessed in human venous ulcers by histopathological analysis after 30 days of topical treatment. (1→3)-β-glucan enhanced ulcer healing and increased epithelial hyperplasia, as well as increased inflammatory cells, angiogenesis and fibroblast proliferation. In one patient who had an ulcer that would not heal for over 15 years, glucan treatment caused a 67.8% decrease in the area of the ulcer. This is the first study to investigate the effects of (1→3)-β-glucan on venous ulcer healing in humans; our findings suggest that this glucan is a potential natural biological response modifier in wound healing.”
Wound Healing: Chen J, Raymond K, “Beta-glucans in the treatment of diabetes and associated cardiovascular risks,” Vascular Health Risk Management, 4(6): 1265-1272; Dec 2008. Quote: Management of diabetes includes: control of blood glucose level and lipids; and reduction of hypertension. Dietary intake of beta-glucans has been shown to reduce all these risk factors to benefit the treatment of diabetes and associated complications. In addition, beta-glucans also promote wound healing and alleviate ischemic heart injury.”
Wound Healing: Berdal M, Appelbom HI, Eikrem JH et al: “Aminated B-1-3-D-glucan has dose-dependent effect on wound healing in diabetic db/db mice.” 2011 Sep-Oct;19(5):579-87. doi: 10.1111/j.1524-475X.2011.00715.x.. Quote: Inflammatory responses are common in diabetes and are operative in angiopathy, neuropathy, and wound healing. There are indications of incomplete macrophage activation in diabetes and reduced expression of growth factors. We have previously found that up to 15 topical applications of the macrophage-stimulant, aminated β-1,3-D-glucan (AG), improved wound healing in db/db mice.
Wound Healing – Zechner-Krpan V, Petravic-Tominac V, GrBa Slobodan, Pnaikota-Krbavcic I, Vidovic L, “Biological Effects of Yeast B-Glucans,” Agriculturae Conspectus Scientificus, 2010, Vol 75, No.4 (149-158). Quote: “Immunomodulation by B-glucan, both in vitro and in vivo, inhibits cancer cell growth and metastasis and prevents bacterial infection. In humans, dietary B-glucan lowers blood cholesterol, improves glucose utilization by body cells and also helps wound healing.”
Wound Healing: Jamas S, Easson D, Ostroff G: “Underivatilized aqueous soluble beta (1,3) glucan, composition and method of making same.” U.S. Patent Application 20020032170, March 14, 2002. Quote: “Beta-glucan was shown to be beneficial in animal models of trauma, wound healing and tumorigenesis.“
Wound Healing: Browder IW., Williams D., Lucor P., Pretus H., McNamee R., Jones E., “Effect of enhanced macrophage function on early wound healing,” Surgery, 104:224-230, 1988.
Wound Healing: Kaplan J.; “Acceleration of Wound Healing by a Live Yeast Cell Derivative”. Archives and Surgery”, Sep. 1984; 119:1005-1008. 1984.
Wound Healing: Leibovich S.J., et al., “Promotion of Wound Repair in Mice by Application of Glucan”. J. Reticuloendothel, Soc. 27: 1-11. 1980. Quote: “Of all the substances tested, glucan was the only substance to exhibit a particularly marked enhancement of the proliferative phase of wound healing. It appears, from these experiments, that the effect observed by others in terms of the activation of reticuloendothelial [immune response] function by glucan and the activation of macrophages, both locally and systematically, also apply to activation of macrophages in healing wounds.”
Wound Healing: Leibovich S.J., et al., “Promotion of Wound Repair in Mice by Application of Glucan”. J. Reticuloendothel, Soc. 27: 1-11. 1980. Quote: “Of all the substances tested, glucan was the only substance to exhibit a particularly marked enhancement of the proliferative phase of wound healing. It appears, from these experiments, that the effect observed by others in terms of the activation of reticuloendothelial [immune response] function by glucan and the activation of macrophages, both locally and systematically, also apply to activation of macrophages in healing wounds.”
Wound Healing: Lehtovaara BC, Gu FX; “Pharmacological, Structural, and Drug Delivery Properties and Applications of 1,3-B-Glucans,” Dept of Chem Eng, U of Waterloo, Ontario, Canada; J Agric Food Chem, Jun 7 2011. PMID 21609131. Quote: “The pharmacological capabilities of 1,3-B-glucans include the impartation of tumor inhibition, resistance to infectious disease, and improvements in wound healing.”
Wound Healing: Portera CA, Love EJ, Memore L, Zhang L, Muller A, Browder W, Williams DL; “Effect of macrophage stimulation on collagen biosynthesis in the healing wound,” Am Surg, 63:2,125-131. Feb 1997. Quote: “…macrophage modulation with glucan phosphate will increase tensile strength in experimental colon and skin wounds. In addition, we have observed a positive correlation between glucan phosphate treatment, wound tensile strength, and collagen biosynthesis.”
Wound Healing: Williams D.L. ,Mueller A., Mueller P., Swails W., et. al., “Randomized phase I/II trial of a macrophage-specific immunomodulator (PGG-glucan) in high-risk surgical patients”. Ann. Surg.; 220(5):601-609. 1994.
Wound Healing: Williams D.L., Browder I. and DiLuzio N.R., “Soluble phosphorylated glucan: methods and compositions for wound healing,” U.S. Patent 4975421, Issued Dec 4, 1990. Quote: “The soluble phosphorylated glucans are useful for promoting the wound healing process. The soluble phosphorylated glucans are also useful for prophylactic and therapeutic applications against neoplastic, bacteria, viral, fungal and parasitic diseases.”
Wound Healing: Wolk, M. and Danon, D.; “Promotion of Wound Healing by Yeast Glucan Evaluated on Single Animals”; Medical Biology; 63:73-80. 1985.*
โรคข้ออักเสบ (Arthritis)
Arthritis: Janusz M.J., Austen K.F., Czop J.K.; “Isolation of a Yeast Heptaglucoside that Inhibits Monocyte Phagocytosis of Zymosan Particles”. The Journal of Immunology; 142:959-965. Dept of Med, Harvard Med Sch, Boston, MA.* 1989. Quote: “Beta-Glucans with 1,3-and 1,6 glycosidic linkages are the major structural components of yeast and fungal cell walls and are active pharmacologic agents in host defense systems of plants and animals….The administration of particulate glucans from S. cerevisiae to laboratory animals induces host resistance to a variety of lethal pathogens bymechanisms involving macrophage stimulation.
In vitro studies reveal that bone marrow-derived mouse macrophages and human peripheral blood monocytes possess Beta-glucan receptors that mediate phagocytosis of glucan particles and induce release of proinflammatory mediators…”
โรคภูมิแพ้ตัวเอง (Autoimmune Disease)
Rheumatoid Arthritis: Sener G, Eksioglu-Demiraop E, Cetiner M, Ercan F, Yegen BC; “beta-glucan ameliorates methotrexate-induced oxidative organ injury via its antioxidant and immunomodulatory effects.” European J Pharmacology; 542(1-3):170-178; Epub May 2006. Aug 7 2006. Quote: “Methotrexate is an antifolate that is widely used in the treatment of rheumatic disorders and malignant tumors. The efficacy of methotrexate is often limited by severe side effects and toxic sequelae [disease condition caused by a disease], where oxidative stress is noticeable. … Thus, the findings of the present study suggest that beta-glucan, through its antioxidant and immunoregulatory effects, may be of therapeutic value in alleviating the leukocyte apoptosis [white immune cell death], oxidative tissue injury and thereby the intestinal and hepatorenal [liver or kidney] side effects of methotrexate treatment.”
โรคหลอดเลือดแดงแข็ง (Atherosclerosis) / โรคหัวใจตีบตัน (Coronary Artery Disease)
Atherosclerosis: Williams D.L., Browder I. and DiLuzio N.R., “Soluble phosphorylated glucan: methods and compositions for wound healing,” U.S. Patent 4975421, Issued Dec 4, 1990. Quote: “Beta 1,3 glucan has proven to both stimulate and activate the macrophage cells,…People with high risk of atherosclerosis should definitely add beta 1,3 glucan to their diet in addition to any cholesterol-reducing drugs. [Atherosclerosis is a disease in which plaque builds up inside the arteries.]
Atherosclerotic Complications: DiLuzio N.R. and Williams D.L., “ The Roll of Glucan in the Prevention and Modification of Microparasitic Diseases;” Immunology Medicine, Alan R. Liss, Inc.; pp. 443-456. 1984. Quote: “Mindful of the extremely high rate of atherosclerotic complications and the extraordinary requirements for antioxidants in diabetic patients, the use of beta –1,3 glucan becomes an obvious adjunct for improved lifestyle under these conditions.”
Heart – Artherogenic progression: Vetvicka V, Vetvickova J; ; “Effects of yeast-derived beta-glucans on blood cholesterol and macrophage functionality.” U of Louisville, Dept of Pathology, Louisville, KY 40202; March 2009. Quote: “…consumption of …yeast-derived beta-glucan indicated a dose-dependent decrease in plasma cholesterol levels…highly purified yeast-derived beta-glucans modify cholesterol levels and other indicators associated with artherogenic progression in mice..”
Heart – Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting: Asrsaether E, Rydningen M, et al; “Cardioprotective effect of pretreatment with beta-glucan in coronary artery bypass grafting.” Dept of Cardiothoracic and Vascular Surgery, Univ Hosp of N Norway, Norway. Sand Cardiovasc J. 40(5):298-304; PubMed 17012141. Oct 2006. Quote: “…The aims of the present study were to examine the safety of pretreatment with beta-1,3/1,6-glucan in patients scheduled for coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG), and to investigate whether beta-1,3/1,6-glucan pretreatment could suppress inflammatory response and protect against ischemia-reperfusion injury following CABG. ……Twenty one patients scheduled for CABG were assigned to oral beta-1,3/1,6-glucan 700 mg (Group 1) or 1 400 mg (Group 2) five consecutive days before surgery and were compared with a control group (Group 3). Blood samples were drawn preoperatively and on the first, third and fifth postoperative day for analysis of acute-phase reactants, hematology, cytokines and myocardial enzymes. CONCLUSIONS: Beta-1,3/1,6-glucan pretreatment is safe in patients undergoing CABG [Coronary artery bypass grafting] and may protect against ischemia reperfusion injury following CABG.
Heart – Coronary Artery Disease: Robert Nicolosi, Stacey J Bell, Bruce R Bistrian, Isaac Greenberg, R Armour Forse and George L Blackburn, “Cholesterol Benefits from Beta 1,3/1,6 Glucan Purified from Yeast Cell Wall,” Nutrition and Infection Laboratory, Harvard Medical School; the Centers for the Study of Nutrition and Medicine and for Nutritional Research, and Clowes Surgical Metabolism Laboratory, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Boston. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, Vol. 70, No. 2, 208-212, August 1999. Quote: “The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect on serum lipids of a yeast-derived ß-glucan fiber in 15 free-living, obese, hypercholesterolemic men. … The yeast-derived ß-glucan fiber significantly lowered total cholesterol concentrations and was well tolerated…The link between elevated plasma LDL-cholesterol concentrations and the risk of developing coronary artery disease has been clearly established…Elevated plasma cholesterol and, in particular, LDL-cholesterol concentrations are associated with increased risk of coronary artery disease, whereas an elevated of HDL-cholesterol concentration is inversely correlated with the incidence of cardiovascular…The yeast-derived ß-glucan fiber lowered total cholesterol and raised HDL-cholesterol concentrations significantly. …
Unlike the significant increases in HDL-cholesterol concentrations observed 4 wk after the end of the study for subjects receiving the yeast-derived ß-glucan, none of the 24 studies of oat products reported significant changes in HDL concentration. …Because higher HDL-cholesterol concentrations are associated with a reduced risk of developing coronary artery disease, there may be unique benefits of using the yeast-derived ß-glucan, and perhaps psyllium, rather than the oat products.”
Heart Disease: Carrow, D.J.; “Beta-1,3-glucan as a Primary Immune Activator,” Townsend Letter; June 1996. Quote: “…immunosuppression is observed in people with stress-related disease such as coronary heart disease. Under such influences the number of macrophages [white immune cells] available are reduced and unable to participate in the immune cascade, which caused an even greater immunosuppression.
Beta 1,3 glucan has proven to both stimulate and activate the macrophage cells, which will counter these negative effects. …People with high risk of atherosclerosis should definitely add beta 1,3 glucan to their diet in addition to any cholesterol-reducing drugs.
Macrophage activation helps draw extra cholesterol from the blood, prevent further plaque formation on the arterial walls and phagocytes [eats] existing plaque which is recognized as a foreign body.”
Heart Disease: Bell S, Goldman VM, Bistrian BR, Arnold AH, Ostroff G, Forse RA, “Effect of beta-glucan from oats and yeast on serum lipids [cholesterol included],” Critical Rev Food Science Nutrition, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA; 39(2):189-202, March 1999: Quote: Heart disease is the leading cause of death in the U.S. One way to reduce the risk of developing the disease is to lower serum cholesterol levels by making dietary changes. In addition to reducing intake of total fat, saturated fat and dietary cholesterol, serum cholesterol can be further reduced by added fiber, especially from sources rich in beta-glucan. …The yeast-derived fiber is a more concentrated source of beta-glucan than the oat product.”
Heart – Atherosclerotic Complications: DiLuzio N.R. and Williams D.L., “ The Roll of Glucan in the Prevention and Modification of Microparasitic Diseases;” Immunology Medicine, Alan R. Liss, Inc.; pp. 443-456. 1984. Quote: “Mindful of the extremely high rate of atherosclerotic complications and the extraordinary requirements for antioxidants in diabetic patients, the use of beta –1,3 glucan becomes an obvious adjunct for improved lifestyle under these conditions.” [Atherosclerosis is a disease in which plaque builds up inside the arteries.]
โรคไวรัสตับอักเสบ (Hepatitis)
Hepatic Metastases : Sherwood. E.R., et al., “Soluble Glucan and Lymphokine-activated Killer (LAK) Cells in the Therapy of Experimental Hepatic Metastases,” Chemical Abstracts; 108:179752V. 1988.
Hepatitis – Viral : Williams D.L. and DiLuzio N.R.; “Glucan-Induced Modification of murine Viral Hepatitis”. Science (1980), 208: 67-69. 1980.* Quote: “Thus glucan is capable of increasing survival, inhibiting hepatic necrosis, and maintaining an activated state of phagocytic activity in mice challenged with [mouse hepatitis virus strain] MHV-A59.”
Hepatitis – Viral: Williams D.L. and DiLuzio N.R.,;“Modification of Experimental Viral Hepatitis by Glucan Induced Macrophage Activation”. in the Reticuloendothelial System and Pathogenesis of Liver Disease, Liehr and Grun, eds. Elsevier/North Holland Biomedical Press; pp. 363-368. 1983.
Hepatitis: “Modification of Experimental Viral Hepatitis By Glucan Induced Macrophage Activation”. Elesevier/North Holland Biomedical Press; pp. 363-368. 1980.
โรคปอดบวม/ ปอดอักเสบ (Pneumonia)
Pneumonia: Steele C, Marrero L, Swain S, Harmsen AG, Zheng M, Brown GD, Gordon S, Shellito JE, Kolls JK., “Alveolar macrophage-mediated killing of Pneumocystis carinii f. sp. muris involves molecular recognition by the Dectin-1 beta-glucan receptor.” Department of Pediatrics, Division of Pulmonology, Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh, University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, Pittsburgh, PA 15213, USA. J Exp Med. 198(11): 1677-88; Dec 2003.: Quote: “…these results show that nonopsonic phagocytosis and subsequent killing of P. carinii [a frequent cause of pneumonia in immunocompromised individuals] by alveolar macrophages is dependent upon recognition by the Dectin-1 beta-glucan receptor [activated by beta-glucan ingestion in the Dectin-1 beta-glucan receptor].”
Pneumonia: Maurici da Rocha e Silva et al; “Infection Prevention in Patients with Severe Multiple Trauma with the Immunomodulater Beta 1-3 Polyglucose (glucan);” Surgery, Gynecology & Obstetrics; 177:383-388. 1993. Quote: “The incidence of hospital pneumonia of 55% and sepsis of 35% confirms results of previous studies of patients with multitrauma. Glucan decreased pneumonia and sepsis to a significantly lower level of 9.5%….The mortality rate related to infection decreased from 30.0 to 4.8%. The lower number of instances of pneumonia and sepsis….decreased the period of time in the intensive care and the hospital, with a global reduction of 40% on hospital cost.”
โรคเยื่อบุช่องท้องอักเสบ (Peritonitis)
Peritonitis: Lahnborg G., Hedstrom K.G., Nord C.E.; “The Effect of Glucan – A Host Resistance Activator and Ampicillin on Experimental Intraabdominal Sepsis”. Journal of Reticuloendothelial Society. 32: 347-353. 1982.* Quote: “It is concluded that glucan, in combination with ampicillin, has a significant effect on the survival rate of rats with induced peritonitis, probably by enhancing the activities of the reticuloendothelial system, an important part of the total host resistance.”
Peritonitis: Onderdonk, A.B., et al., “Anti-Infective Effect of Poly-.beta.1-6 -Glucotrisyl-.beta.1-3-Glucopyranose Glucan In Vivo,” Infec. Immun.; 60:1642-1647. 1992. Dept of Pathology, Channing Lab, Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Boston, MA.* Quote: “Mice challenged with Escherichia coli or Staphylococcus aureus were protected against lethal peritonitis by the intravenous administration of 10 micrograms of poly-beta 1-6-glucotriosyl-beta 1-3-glucopyranose (PGG) glucan per animal 4 to 6 h prior to bacterial challenge.”
โรคเริม (Herpes-Simplex)
Herpes-simplex: Kohl, et al., “Inhibition of Human Monocyte-Macrophage and Lymphocyte Cytotoxicity to Herpes-simplex Cells by Glucan”. J. Immunol. Methods; 29: 361-368. 1979.* Quote: “Particulate, cell-associated glucan irreversibly inhibited MP antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity (ADCC).”
Herpes-simplex 1: Marchetti M, Pisani S, Pietropaolo V, Seganti L, Nicoletti R, Degener A, Orsi N; “Antiviral effect of a polysaccharide from Schlerotium glucanicum towards herpes simples virus type 1 infection.” Planta Med, 62:4, 301-7. Aug 1996. Quote: “The antiviral effect of scleroglucan seems to be related to its binding with membrane glycoproteins of HSV-1 particles which impedes the complex interactions of the virus with the cell plasma membrane.”
โรค อี. โคไล (Esherichia coli)
Esherichia coli: Tzianabos AO, Cisneros RL; “Prophylaxis with the immunomodulator PGG glucan enhances antibiotic efficacy in rats infected with antibiotic-resistant bacteria,” Ann NY Acad Sci 797: 285-287; Oct 1996.* Quote: “Results of these studies demonstrated that prophylaxis with PGG glucan in combination with antibiotics provided enhanced protection against lethal challenge with Escherichia coli or Staphylococcus aureus as compared with the use of antibiotics alone.”
Escherichia coli: Onderdonk, A.B., et al., “Anti-Infective Effect of Poly-.beta.1-6 -Glucotrisyl-.beta.1-3-Glucopyranose Glucan In Vivo,” Infec. Immun.; 60:1642-1647. 1992. Dept of Pathology, Channing Lab, Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Boston, MA.* Quote: “Mice challenged with Escherichia coli or Staphylococcus aureus were protected against lethal peritonitis by the intravenous administration of 10 micrograms of poly-beta 1-6-glucotriosyl-beta 1-3-glucopyranose (PGG) glucan per animal 4 to 6 h prior to bacterial challenge.”
Escherichia coli : Rasmussen, LT, Konopski Z, Oian P, Seljelid R; “Killing of Escherichia coli by mononuclear phagocytes and neutrophils stimulated in vitro with beta-1,3-D-polyglucose derivatives,” Microbiol Immunol 36(11):1173-1188. Inst of Med Bio, U of Tromso, Norway. 1992.*
Escherichia coli : Rasmussen LT, Seljelid R, “Dynamics of blood components and peritoneal fluid during treatment of murine E. coli sepsis with beta-1,3-D-polyglucose derivatives. I. Cells.,” Scand J Immunol 32(4): 321-331. Oct 1990.*
Escherichia coli: Williams D.L., et al; “Effect of glucan on neutrophil dynamics and immune function in Escherichia coli peritonitis.” J. Surg. Res. 44:54-61, 1988.
Escherichia coli: Almdahl SM, Seljelid R; “Semisoluble animated glucan: long-term efficacy against an intraperitoneal E. coli challenge and its effect on formation of abdominal adhesions,” Res Exp Med (Berlin) 187(5): 369-377, 1987.*
Escherichia coli: Almdahl SM, Bogwald J., Hoffman J., Sjunneskog C.; “The effect of splenectomy on Escherichia coli sepsis and its treatment with semisoluble animated glucan,”, Scand J. Gastroenterol, 22:261-267, 1987.
Escherichia coli: Seljelid R., et al., “The protective effect of beta 1-3D-glucan-derivatized plastic beads against Escherichia coli infection in mice,” Scand J. Immuno 25(1):55-60. Jan 1987.* Quote: “Pretreatment with beta-1,3-D-glucan-drivatized plastic beads conferred strong protection against Escherichia coli infection in mice.”
Escherichia coli : Rasmussen, LT, Fandrem. Jr., and Seljelid R., “Dynamics of Blood Components and Peritoneal Fluid During Treatment of Murine E. Coli Sepis with . beta.-1,3-D-polyglucose Derivatives”; Scand. J 63:73-80 Immunol. 1985.
Escherichia coli: Williams D.L, Browder IW and DiLuzio N.R,“Immunotherapeutic modification of Escherichia coli—induced experimental peritonitis and bacteremia by glucan,” Surgery 93(3):448-454. Mar 1983.* Quote: “These data denote that the intraperitoneal administration of glucan significantly modifies the course of E. coli-induced peritonitis and bacteremia due, in part, to glucan-induced enhancement of macrophage function.”
คอเรสเตอรรอล (Cholesterol)
Cholesterol – Zechner-Krpan V, Petravic-Tominac V, GrBa Slobodan, Pnaikota-Krbavcic I, Vidovic L, “Biological Effects of Yeast B-Glucans,” Agriculturae Conspectus Scientificus, 2010, Vol 75, No.4 (149-158). Quote: “Immunomodulation by B-glucan, both in vitro and in vivo, inhibits cancer cell growth and metastasis and prevents bacterial infection. In humans, dietary B-glucan lowers blood cholesterol, improves glucose utilization by body cells and also helps wound healing.”
Cholesterol: “The Biological activity of beta-glucans”; Minerva Medical; 100(3):237-245; Pub Med 19571787; Jun 2009; Quote: “…Beta-glucans have studied for their hypocholesterolemic effects; these mechanisms include: reducing the intestinal absorption of cholesterol and bile acids by binding to glucans; shifting the liver from cholesterol syntheses to bile acid production; and fermentation by intestinal bacteria to short-chain fatty acids, which are absorbed and inhibit hepatic cholesterol syntheses. …beta-1,3-glucans improve the body’s immune system defense against foreign invaders by enhancing the ability of macrophages, neutrophils and natural killer cells to respond to and fight a wide range of challenges such as bacteria, viruses, fungi, and parasites. …there is renewed interest in the potential usefulness of beta-glucan as a radioprotective drug for chemotherapy, radiation therapy and nuclear emergencies, particularly because glucan can be used not only as a treatment, but also as a prophylactic [taken in advance for protection].”
Cholesterol: Vetvicka V, Vetvickova J; ; “Effects of yeast-derived beta-glucans on blood cholesterol and macrophage functionality.” U of Louisville, Dept of Pathology, Louisville, KY 40202; March 2009. Quote: “…consumption of …yeast-derived beta-glucan indicated a dose-dependent decrease in plasma cholesterol levels…highly purified yeast-derived beta-glucans modify cholesterol levels and other indicators associated with artherogenic progression in mice..”
Cholesterol: Naumann E, Van Rees AB, Onning G, Oste R, Wydra M, Mensink RP; “Beta-glucan incorporated into a fruit drink effectively lowers serum LDL-cholesterol concentrations.” American J Clin Nutr:83(3):601-5. Department of Human Biology, Maastricht University, Maastricht, Netherlands. March 2006. Quote: “…beta-Glucan can reduce serum concentrations of total and LDL cholesterol. …: Beta-glucan lowers serum concentrations of total and LDL cholesterol when incorporated into a fruit drink. A reduced cholesterol absorption contributes to the cholesterol-lowering effect of beta-glucan without affecting plasma concentrations of lipid-soluble antioxidants.”
Cholesterol Control: Robert Nicolosi, Stacey J Bell, Bruce R Bistrian, Isaac Greenberg, R Armour Forse and George L Blackburn, “Cholesterol Benefits from Beta 1,3/1,6 Glucan Purified from Yeast Cell Wall,” Nutrition and Infection Laboratory, Harvard Medical School; the Centers for the Study of Nutrition and Medicine and for Nutritional Research, and Clowes Surgical Metabolism Laboratory, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Boston. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, Vol. 70, No. 2, 208-212, August 1999. PubMed 10426696 Quote: “The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect on serum lipids of a yeast-derived ß-glucan fiber in 15 free-living, obese, hypercholesterolemic men. … The yeast-derived ß-glucanfiber significantly lowered total cholesterol concentrations and was well tolerated…The link between elevated plasma LDL-cholesterol concentrations and the risk of developing coronary artery disease has beenclearly established…Elevated plasma cholesterol and, in particular, LDL-cholesterol concentrations are associated with increased risk of coronary artery disease, whereas an elevated of HDL-cholesterol concentration is inversely correlated with the incidence of cardiovascular…The yeast-derived ß-glucan fiber lowered total cholesterol and raised HDL-cholesterol concentrations significantly. …
Unlike the significant increases in HDL-cholesterol concentrations observed 4 wk after the end of the study for subjects receiving the yeast-derived ß-glucan, none of the 24 studies of oat products reported significant changes in HDL concentration. …Because higher HDL-cholesterol concentrations are associated with a reduced risk of developing coronary artery disease, there may be unique benefits of using the yeast-derived ß-glucan, and perhaps psyllium, rather than the oat products.”
Cholesterol Control: Bell S, Goldman VM, Bistrian BR, Arnold AH, Ostroff G, Forse RA, “Effect of beta-glucan from oats and yeast on serum lipids [cholesterol included],” Critical Rev Food Science Nutrition, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA; 39(2):189-202, March 1999: Quote: Heart disease is the leading cause of death in the U.S. One way to reduce the risk of developing the disease is to lower serum cholesterol levels by making dietary changes. In addition to reducing intake of total fat, saturated fat and dietary cholesterol, serum cholesterol can be further reduced by added fiber, especially from sources rich in beta-glucan. …The yeast-derived fiber is a more concentrated source of beta-glucan than the oat product.”
โรคเบาหวาน (Diabetes)
Diabetes: Cao Y, Zou S, et al., “Hypoglycemiic activity of Baker’s yeast B-glucan in obese/type 2 diabetic mice and the underlying mechanism,” Mol Nutr Food Res, PMID:27396408 DOI:10.1002/mnfr.201600032 , July 10, 2016. Quote: “B-Glucans have been shown to reduce the risk of obesity and diabetes. …pure B-glucan (BYGlc) was a linear Beta-(1,3) glucan.. It was first found that the oral administration of pure B-glucan into T2D and DIO mice significantly down-regulated the blood glucose through suppressing SGLT-1 expression in intestinal mucosa. Meanwhile pure B-glucan promoted glycogen synthesis and inhibited fat accumulation in the liver… and depressed pro-inflammatory cytokines.”
Diabetes – Silva VO, Lobato RV, et al, “B-Glucans (Saccharomyces cereviseae) Reduce Glucose Levels and Attenuate Alveolar Bone Loss in Diabetic Rats with Periodontal Disease,” PLoS One, Aug 20;10(8):e0134742. PMID 26291983: PMC4546386, 2015. Quote:…oral ingestion of β-glucans isolated from Saccharomyces cereviseae … reduced the amount of alveolar bone loss in animals with periodontal [gum] disease in both the diabetic and non-diabetic groups). β-glucans reduced blood glucose, cholesterol and triacylglycerol levels in diabetic animals, both with and without periodontal disease. It was concluded that treatment with β-glucans has beneficial metabolic and periodontal effects in diabetic rats with periodontal disease.
Diabetes – Karmuthil-Melethil S, Sofi MH, etc, “TLR2- and Dectin 1-associated innate immune response modulates T-cell response to pancreatic B-cell antigen and prevents type 1 diabetes;” Diabetes 2015 Apr;64(4):1341-57. PMID: 25377877 PMCID:PMC4375080. Quote:“These results show that zymosan [containing beta glucan] can be used as an immune regulatory adjuvant for modulating the T-cell response to pancreatic B-cell-Ag [antigen] and reversing early-stage hyperglycemia in Type 1 Diabetes.” [hyperglycemia=high blood sugar glucose]
Diabetes – Karumuthil-Melethil S, Gudi R, etc. “Fungal B-glucan, a Dectin-1 ligand, promotes protection from type 1 diabetes by inducing regulatory innate immune response.” J Immunol, 2014 Oct 1;193(7):3308-21, doi;. PMID:25143443; PMCID:PMC4170060. Quote: ” Studies using B-glucans and other Dectin 1 binding components have demonstrated the potential of these agents in activating the immune cells for cancer treatment and controlling infections. …In this study, we show that the β-glucan from Saccharomyces cerevisiae induces the expression of immune regulatory cytokines (IL-10, TGF-β1, and IL-2) and a tolerogenic enzyme (IDO) in bone marrow-derived dendritic cells as well as spleen cells….NOD mice with low-dose β-glucan resulted in a profound delay in hyperglycemia, and this protection was associated with increase in the frequencies of Foxp3(+), LAP(+), and GARP(+) T cells. …the innate immune response induced by low-dose B-glucan is regulatory in nature and can…modulate T cell response to B cell Ag for inducing an effective protection from Type 1 Diabetes. Note: B cell Ag (antigen) receptors mediate different types of signals between immature B cells and mature B cells
Diabetes: Francelino A, Vieira L, Vasques A, “Effect of Beta-Glucans in the Control of Blood Glucose Levels of Diabetic Paients: A Systematic Review.” Nutr Hosp, 1;31(n01):170-177, 2014 Jan; Quote: ...the ingestion of BGs [beta- glucans] was efficient in decreasing glucose levels of diabetic patients.”
Diabetes – Zechner-Krpan V, Petravic-Tominac V, GrBa Slobodan, Pnaikota-Krbavcic I, Vidovic L, “Biological Effects of Yeast B-Glucans,”Agriculturae Conspectus Scientificus, 2010, Vol 75, No.4 (149-158). Quote: “Immunomodulation by B-glucan, both in vitro and in vivo, inhibits cancer cell growth and metastasis and prevents bacterial infection. In humans, dietary B-glucan lowers blood cholesterol, improves glucose utilization by body cells and also helps wound healing.”
Diabetes: Chen J, Raymond K, “Beta-glucans in the treatment of diabetes and associated cardiovascular risks,” Vascular Health Risk Management, 4(6): 1265-1272; PMCID:PMC2663451; Dec 2008. Quote: Management of diabetes includes: control of blood glucose level and lipids; and reduction of hypertension. Dietary intake of beta-glucans has been shown to reduce all these risk factors to benefit the treatment of diabetes and associated complications. In addition, beta-glucans also promote wound healing and alleviate ischemic heart injury.”
Diabetes: Kida K, Inoue T, Kaino Y, Goto Y, Ikeuchi M, Ito T, Matsuda H, Elliott RB. “An immunopotentiator of beta-1,6;1,3 D-glucan prevents diabetes and insulitis in BB rats.” Dept of Pediatrics, Ehime U Sch of Med, Japan; Diabetes Res Clin Pract 17(2):75-9, PMID 1425150; Aug 1992. Quote: “The intravenous administration of 1 mg kg- 1 week- of beta-1,6;1,3 D-glucan from the age of 4 weeks decreased the cumulative incidence of diabetes from 43.3% to 6.7% and also incidence of insulitis from 82.4% to 26.3% at the age of 20 weeks. …These data indicate that immunopotentiators [beta-1,6;1,3 D-glucan] could modulate the autoimmune mechanisms directed to pancreatic islets and inhibit the development of diabetes in BB rats.”
Diabetes / Glucose Control: Pola P, “Composition for the prevention and/or treatment of lipid metabolism disorders and allergic forms,”U.S. Patent Application 20030017999, January 23, 2003. “.beta-1,3-D-glucan has proved effective not only in preventing lipid metabolism disorders, but also in stimulating immune defenses, in preventing onset of tumors and in controlling serum glucose.
Diabetes: Carrow, D.J.; “Beta-1,3-glucan as a Primary Immune Activator,” Townsend Letter; June 1996. Quote: “The following list includes benefits from the use of Beta 1,3-glucan supplementation: …people with chronic degenerative disorders such as diabetes or chronic inflammation. …
Diabetes: Lang C.H., Dobrescu C.; “Interleukin-1 induced increases in glucose utilization are insulin mediated.” Life Sciences; 45(22):2127-34. 1989.
Diabetes: Sherwood. E.R., et al., “Enhancement of Interleukin-1 and Interleukin-2 Production by Soluble Glucan,” International Journal of Immunopharmacology.; 9:(3):261-267. 1987.
Diabetes : DiLuzio N.R. and Williams D.L., “ The Roll of Glucan in the Prevention and Modification of Microparasitic Diseases;” in Chemical Regulation of Immunology in Veterinary Medicine, Alan R. Liss, Inc.; pp. 443-456. 1984. Quote: “Mindful of the extremely high rate of atherosclerotic complications and the extraordinary requirements for antioxidants in diabetic patients, the use of beta –1,3 glucan becomes an obvious adjunct for improved lifestyle under these conditions.”
Diabetes – Periodontal Disease: Silva Vde O1, et al, “B-Glucans (Saccharomyces cereviseae) Reduce Glucose Levels and Attenuate Alveolar Bone Loss in Diabetic Rats with Periodontal Disease.” PLoS One; 10(8):e0134742; Aug 20; 2015. Quote: “β-glucans reduced the amount of alveolar bone loss in animals with periodontal disease in both the diabetic and non-diabetic groups.”
ไข้หวัด (Colds/ Flu)
Colds: Stier H, Ebbeskotte V, Gruenwald J, “Immne-modulatory effects of dietary Yeast Beta 1,3/1,6-D glucan,” Nutr J 13:38, 2014. PMCID: PMC 4012169. Quote: “In contrast, a lower susceptibility to cold episodes reflects an improved defense against infections and, hence, a properly functioning immune system. Therefore, common cold is widely used as a proper model to investigate potential immune-modulating properties of natural substances, including β-glucans. …Two independent randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trials showed that daily oral administration of the proprietary insoluble (1,3)-(1,6)-β-glucan, derived from brewers’ yeast, reduced the incidence of common cold episodes during the cold season in otherwise healthy subjects….During the most intense infection season, the β-glucan group had significantly less infections compared to placebo. Ingestion of β-glucans significantly reduced the typical cold symptoms. …The second trial with 162 participants confirmed these results, as the number of cold episodes was reduced by 25% in the β-glucan group, compared to the placebo group. Moreover, the authors reported a milder progression of severe common cold episodes in subjects supplemented with β-glucans. Also, sleeping difficulties, regarded as a side effect of a cold infection, were improved by the supplementation of β-glucan”
Colds / Pathogens: Aulinger A, Riede L, Bothe G, Busch R, Gruenwald J, “Yeast (1,3)-(1-6)-beta-glucan helps to maintain the body’s defense against pathogens: a double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled, multicentric study in healthy subjects [162]. ” Eur J Nutr, 52: 1913-1918; Jan 23, 2013. PMID 233340963. Quote: “…supplementation with insoluble yeast (1,3)-(1-6)-beta-glucan reduced the number of symptomatic common cold infections by 25% as compared to placebo. …Beta-glucan significantly reduced sleep difficulties caused by cold episode…the yeast beta-glucan preparation increased the body’s potential to defend against invading pathogens.”
Colds/Flu: McFarlin BK, Carpenter KC, Davidson T, “Baker’s yeast beta glucan supplementation increases salivary IgA [immunoglobulin] and decreases cold/flu symptomatic days after intense exercise,” J Diet Suppl 10(3):171-83, Sept 2013. PMID: 23927572. Quote: “BG [beta glucan] was associated with a 37% reduction in the number of cold/flu symptom days postmarathon compared to placebo (p = .026). In E2, BG was associated with a 32% increase in salivary IgA [immunoglobulin A].” Note: Immunoglobulin A is an antibody that plays a critical role in immune function in the mucous membranes.
Flu/Colds: McFarlin BK, Carpenter KC, Davidson T, “Baker’s yeast beta glucan supplementation increases salivary IgA [immunoglobulin] and decreases cold/flu symptomatic days after intense exercise,” J Diet Suppl 10(3):171-83, Sept 2013. PMID: 23927572. Quote: “BG [beta glucan] was associated with a 37% reduction in the number of cold/flu symptom days postmarathon compared to placebo (p = .026). In E2, BG was associated with a 32% increase in salivary IgA [immunoglobulin A].” Note: Immunoglobulin A is an antibody that plays a critical role in immune function in the mucous membranes.
Flu/Colds Jung K, et al, “Antiviral effect of Saccharomyces cerevisiae beta-glucan to swine influenza virus by increased production of interferon-gamma and nitric oxide,” J Vet Med B Infect Dis Vet Public Health 51(2):72-6, Mar 2004. Quote: “Saccharomyces cerevisiae beta-glucan reduced the pulmonary lesion score and viral replication rate in SIV [swine influenza virus]-infected pigs. These findings support the potential application of beta-glucan as prophylactic/treatment agent in influenza virus infection.
Flu Vaccine Adjuvant: Wang M, Yang R, et al, “Improvement of immune response to influenza vaccine (H5N1) by sulfated yeast beta glucan,” Int J Biol Macromol, 93(Pt A) 203-207. PubMed 27339320. June 23, 2016. Quote: “The adjuvant activity of … glucan from saccharomyces cerevisiae (GSC) was researched…with inactivated H5N1 vaccine. The research showed that GSC could significantly enhance lymphocyte [white blood cell] proliferation, effectively increase the percentage of CD4*T Cells, decrease the percentage of CD8*T Cells and elevate the CD4/CD8 ratio, enhance the Hl antibody titre, and promote the production of IL-2, INF-y, IL4 and IL-6 at medium level. …GSC could be used as an effective immune adjuvant for an inactivated H5N1 vaccine. Note: GSC is beta 1,3/1,6 glucan. CD4 and CD8 are T Helper Cells. IL2-cytokine white immune cell regulator. IL4-induces differentiation to Th2 cells.
Influenza/Colds: McFarlin BK, Carpenter KC, Davidson T, “Baker’s yeast beta glucan supplementation increases salivary IgA [immunoglobulin] and decreases cold/flu symptomatic days after intense exercise,” J Diet Suppl 10(3):171-83, Sept 2013. PMID: 23927572. Quote: “BG [beta glucan] was associated with a 37% reduction in the number of cold/flu symptom days postmarathon compared to placebo (p = .026). In E2, BG was associated with a 32% increase in salivary IgA [immunoglobulin A].” Note: Immunoglobulin A is an antibody that plays a critical role in immune function in the mucous membranes.
Influenza/Colds Jung K, et al, “Antiviral effect of Saccharomyces cerevisiae beta-glucan to swine influenza virus by increased production of interferon-gamma and nitric oxide,” J Vet Med B Infect Dis Vet Public Health 51(2):72-6, Mar 2004. Quote: “Saccharomyces cerevisiae beta-glucan reduced the pulmonary lesion score and viral replication rate in SIV [swine influenza virus]-infected pigs. These findings support the potential application of beta-glucan as prophylactic/treatment agent in influenza virus infection.
Influenza Vaccine Adjuvant: Wang M, Yang R, et al, “Improvement of immune response to influenza vaccine (H5N1) by sulfated yeast beta glucan,” Int J Biol Macromol, 93(Pt A) 203-207. PubMed 27339320. June 23, 2016. Quote: “The adjuvant activity of … glucan from saccharomyces cerevisiae (GSC) was researched…with inactivated H5N1 vaccine. The research showed that GSC could significantly enhance lymphocyte [white blood cell] proliferation, effectively increase the percentage of CD4*T Cells, decrease the percentage of CD8*T Cells and elevate the CD4/CD8 ratio, enhance the Hl antibody titre, and promote the production of IL-2, INF-y, IL4 and IL-6 at medium level. …GSC could be used as an effective immune adjuvant for an inactivated H5N1 vaccine. Note: GSC is beta 1,3/1,6 glucan. CD4 and CD8 are T Helper Cells. IL2-cytokine white immune cell regulator. IL4-induces differentiation to Th2 cells.
โรคที่เกิดจากการติดเชื้อจากแบคทีเรีย (Bacteria Infection)
Bacterial Infection: Vural KD, Uslu H, Keles ON, Unal B, Alp HH, “Investigation of the protective effects of beta-D-glucan against invasive encapsulated Streptococcus pneumonia sepsis in splenectomized rats.” Mikrobiyol Bul, Jul: 49(3):314-26, 2015. PMID 26313274. Quote: “The most common species which are responsible for sepsis are encapsulated bacteria such as Streptococcus pneumoniae, Haemophilus influenzae and Neisseria meningitidis. …b-D-glucan [BDG] … shows immunomodulatory activity, by enhancing the resistance of the host against microbial agents, and promotes phagocytic and proliferative activities of reticuloendothelial system [phagocytic cells including macrophages and monocytes involved in the immune system]. …BDG, ceftriaxone and BDG+ceftriaxone groups had statistically significant decrease in the amount of bacteria in all tissues when compared to the sepsis group (p<0.05). … The data of our study suggests that, BDG [B-D-glucan] alone, an immunomodulatory agent, alone and in combination with ceftriaxone can reverse the systemic inflammatory reaction in Streptococcus pneumoniae sepsis and thereby can reduce multiple organ failure.”
Bacterial Infection: Zechner-Krpan V, Petravic-Tominac V, GrBa Slobodan, Pnaikota-Krbavcic I, Vidovic L, “Biological Effects of Yeast B-Glucans,” Agriculturae Conspectus Scientificus, 2010, Vol 75, No.4 (149-158). Quote: “Immunomodulation by B-glucan, both in vitro and in vivo, inhibits cancer cell growth and metastasis and prevents bacterial infection. In humans, dietary B-glucan lowers blood cholesterol, improves glucose utilization by body cells and also helps wound healing.”
Bacterial Infection: Jamas S, Easson D, Ostroff G: “Underivatilized aqueous soluble beta (1,3) glucan, composition and method of making same.” U.S. Patent Application 20020032170, March 14, 2002. Quote: “The use of soluble and insoluble beta glucans alone or as vaccine adjuvants for viral and bacterial antigens has been shown in animal models to markedly increase resistance to a variety of bacterial, fungal, protozoan and viral infections.”
Bacterial Infection: Brown G D, Gordon S; “Immune recognition. A new receptor for beta-glucans.” Sir William Dunn School of Pathology, University of Oxford, Nature 6;413(6851):36-7. Sep 2001. Quote: “The carbohydrate polymers known as beta-1,3-d-glucans exert potent effects on the immune system – stimulating antitumour and antimicrobial activity, for example – by binding to receptors on macrophages and other white blood cells and activating them.”
Bacterial Infection: Franek J, Malina J, Kratka H, “Bacterial infection modulated by glucan: a search for the host defense potentiation mechanisms,” Folia Microbiol (Praha) 37(2): 146-152. 1992.
Bacterial Infections: Wyde, P., “Beta-1,3-glucan activity in mice: intraperitoneal and oral applications.” Baylor College of Medicine Research Report. 1989. Quote: “This demonstration of bactericidal enhancement via oral dosing suggests an application for beta-1,3-glucan as a component in a combined modality with conventional anti-infective agents. Beta glucan, through the stimulation of host defense systems, creates a more supportive environment within the body to assist the primary killing action of the conventional agent.”
Bacterial Infections: Czop, Joyce K., “The Role of Beta.-Glucan Receptors on Blood and Tissue Leukocytes in Phagocytosis and Metabolic Activation”. Pathology and Immunopathology Research; 5:286-296. Harvard Medical School. 1986.Quote: “…the presence of a particulate activator can rapidly initiate assembly and amplification of a host defense system involving humoral and cellular interactions with B-glucans. …Animals pretreated with purified glucan particles are subsequently more resistant to bacterial, viral, fungal, and protozoan challenge, reject antigenically incompatible grafts more rapidly and produce higher titers of serum antibodies to specific antigens. Administration of glucan particles …stimulates…proliferation of macrophages and increases in phagocytic and secretory activities of macrophages. …A cascade of interactions and reactions initiated by macrophage regulatory factors can be envisioned to occur and to eventuate in conversion of the glucan-treated host to an arsenal of defense.”
Bacterial Infection: DiLuzio N.R.,” Immunopharmacology of glucan: a broad spectrum enhancer of host defense mechanisms,” Trends in Pharmacol. SCI., 4:344-347. Dept of Physiology, Tulane U, New Orleans, LA.* 1983. Quote: (p347) “The broad spectrum of immunopharmacological activities of glucan includes not only the modification of certain bacterial, fungal, viral and parasitic infections, but also inhibition of tumor growth.”
Bacterial Infection: Browder W, Williams D, Di Luzio N, et al, “Protective effect of nonspecific immunostimulation in postsplenectomy sepsis,” J Surg Res, Dec:35(6):474-9, 1983 PMID 6656237. Quote: “This study reports the use of glucan, a beta-1,3-polyglucose, as a nonspecific immunostimulant for postsplenectomy pneumococcal sepsis. ,,, Glucan significantly increased survival in the splenectomy group (75%) compared to controls (27%). … Nonspecific immunostimulation [by a beta-1,3-polyglucose] appears to have significant potential as a treatment strategy against postsplenectomy infection.”
Bacterial Infections: Kokoshis PL, DiLuzio NR et al, “Increased resistance to Staphylococcus aureus infection and enhancement in serum lysozyme activity by glucan.” Science, 199(4335);1340-1342; 1978: Quote: “Prior treatment of mice with glucan significantly enhanced their survival when they were challenged systemically with Staphylococcus aureus. These studies indicate glucan confers an enhanced state of host defense against bacterial infections.”
Bacterial: Jordan F.; “An Effective Immune Response Potentiator– Beta-1,3/1,6-glucan Derived from Yeast Cell Wall,” Macrophage Technologies Publication, pp 1-7; 1998.
Bacterial: Rasmussen, LT and Seljelid, R.: “Novel Immunomodulators With Pronounced In Vitro Effects Caused by Stimulation of Cytokine Release”, Journal of Cellular Biochemistry; 46:60-68. Inst of Med Bio, U of Tromso, Norway. 1991.* Quote: “Beta-1,3-D-polyglucose derivatives protect mice against otherwise lethal bacterial infections.”
Bacterial: Kimura A, Sherwood R, Goldstein E; “Glucan alteration of pulmonary antibacterial defense.” J Reticuloendothel. Soc. 24:1-11. 1983.
โรคที่เกิดจากการติดเชื้อจากเชื้อรา (Fungal / Candidiasis) / ช่องคลอดอักเสบจากการติดเชื้อรา (Vulvovaginal Candidiasis)
Aspergillosis – Fungal Diseases: Clemons KV, Danielson ME, et al, “Whole glucan particles as a vaccine against murine Aspergillosis.” J Med Microbiol, 63(Pt 12):1750-9. PMID 25288643. Dec 2014. Quote: “Vaccination with … Saccharomyces cerevisiae protects against experimental infection by pathogenic fungi of five genera. …Vaccination with whole glucan particles…proved protective against systemic aspergillosis, equivalent to that of Saccharomyces cerevisiae, supporting the potential of particulate B-glucans, alone or conjugated, as vaccines against aspergillosis.” Note: Saccharomyces cerevisiae in research is particulate Beta 1,3/1,6 glucan.
Anti-Fungal Vaccines: Liao G, Zhou Z, Liao J, Zu L, Wu Q, Guo Z, “6-O-Branched Oligo-β-glucan-Based Antifungal Glycoconjugate Vaccines”, ACS Infect Dis Feb 12;2(2):123-31. 2016. PMID 27624963. Quote: “β-Glucans have a conserved β-1,3-glucan backbone with sporadic β-1,3- or β-1,6-linked short glucans as branches at the 6-O-positions, and the branches may play a critical role in their immunologic functions. … Thus, branched oligo-β-glucans were identified as functional epitopes for antifungal vaccine design and the corresponding protein conjugates as promising antifungal vaccine candidates.” Note: Epitope: the part of an antigen that is recognized by the immune system, specifically by antibodies, B cells, or T cells.
Anti-Fungal Vaccines: Clemons KV, et al; “Whole glucan particles as a vaccine against murine aspergillosis.” J Med Microbiol 63(Pt 12):1750-9; PMID 25288643. Dec 2014. Quote: “Vaccination with heat-killed Saccharomyces cerevisiae (HKY)[beta 1,3 glucan] protects against experimental infection by pathogenic fungi of five genera. …supporting the potential of particulate B-glucans, alone or conjugated as vaccines against aspergillosis.” Note: Aspergillosis is a condition in which certain fungi infect the tissues. It most commonly affects the lungs.
Anti-Fungal Immunity: Berner VK, duPre S, Redelman D, Hunter KW, “Microparticulate B-glucan vaccine conjugates phagocytized by dendritic cells activate both naive CD4 and CD8 T cells in vitro,” Cellular Immunology, ( http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.celimm.2015.10.007 ) 2015; U of Nevada School of Medicine, Dept of Microbiology. PMID:26549577 Quote: “The interaction between B-glucan and its receptors serves as an activating signal that promotes anti-fungal immunity, but fungal B-glucan also has a long history of use as an adjuvant to promote immune responses to tumors and other microorganisms…Microparticulate B-glucan (MG) was shown to exhibit adjuvant activity when conjugated to a test vaccine antigen. ….Recent studies have confirmed that B-glucan particles can be used to deliver vaccine antigen for oral immunization.
Candida albicans, Staphyloccoccus and Infectious Challenge: Rice PJ, Adams EL, Ozment-Skelton T, Gonzales A, Goldman MP,Lockhart BE, Barker LA, Breuel KF, Deponti WK, Kalbfleisch JH, Ensley HE, Brown GD, Gordon S, Williams DL.; “Oral delivery and gastrointestinal absorption of soluble glucans stimulate increased resistance to infectious challenge.” East Tennessee State University. J Pharmacol Exp Ther. Jun 23, 2005. Quote: ”Oral glucan administration also increased survival in mice challenged with Staphylococcus aureus or Candida albicans …[and] increase[s] IL-12 expression and induce[s] protection against infectious challenge.”
Candida Albicans : Browder IW., et al., “Modification of Post-Operative C. albicas Sepis by Glucan Immunostimulation,” Int. J. Immunopharmac.; 6:19-26. Dept of Surg and Physiol, Tulane U Sch of Med, LA; PubMed 6724765. 1984. Quote: “Protection against C. albicans was observed in the glucan-treated groups. …glucan increased survival and reduced renal pathology associated with C. albicans challenge in the post-operative period. These observations suggest that Biologic Response Modifiers such as glucan may be effectively employed in patients who are at risk for post-operative infections.”
Candida Albicans: Janusz M.J., Austen K.F., Czop J.K.; “Phagocytosis of heat-killed blastophores of Candida albicans by human monocytes beta-glucan receptors.” Immunology. 65:181-185. 1988.
Candidiasis: DiLuzio N.R., Williams D.L., Cook J.L., Hoffman E.O.; Protective effect of glucan in experimentally induced candidiasis; J Reticuloendothel Soc 53: 479-490, Pubmed 702473. 1978.
Candidiasis: Bonfim-Mendonca Pde S, et al; “B-Glucan Induces Reactive Oxygen Species Production in Human Neutrophils to Improve the Killing of Candida albicans and Candida glabrata Isolates from Vulvovaginal Candidiasis; PLoS One (Public Library of Science), 9(9):e107805. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0107805. eCollection 2014. Sep 17, 2014. Quote: “B-glucan significantly increased oxidant species production, suggesting that B-glucan may be an efficient immunomodulator that triggers an increase in the microbicidal [microbe destroying] response of neutrophils for both of the species isolated from vulvovaginal candidiasis.”
Chromoblastomycosis – Fungal Skin Disease: Silva E, Azevedo CD, et al; “The use of glucan as immunostimulant in the treatment of a severe case of chromoblastomycosis” [chronic fungal skin disease]; Dept. of Patologia [Pathology], U Federal do Maranhao Maranhao, Brazil; Mycoses, April 26, 2008; Quote: “We report the case of an alternative treatment for a patient with a severe form of chromoblastomycosis that responded poorly to the traditional antifungal therapy. We hereby show, in this study, the improvement of lesions after treatment with itraconazole associated with an intra muscular administration of glucan. We observed that the regression of lesions was associated with an improvement of the cellular immune response.”
Fungal Defense: Batbayar S, Lee DH, Kim HW, “Immunomodulation of Fungal B-Glucan in Host Defense Signaling by Dectin-1,” Biomol Ther: 20((5): 433-445. Pubmed 3762275. Sept 2012. Quote: “…Fungal and particulate B-glucans, despite their large size, can …activate systemic immune responses to overcome the fungal infection…. The sampled B-glucans function…on the front line against fungal infection, and have been exploited in cancer treatments to enhance the systemic immune function. …In mammals, B-glucans have been shown to induce diverse biological activities against fungal infections and tumors. …As a source of soluble fiber, B-glucan may lessen the risk of heart-related diseases by lowering total cholesterol and LDL cholesterol.”
Fungal Defense: Goodridge H, Reyes C, Becker C et al; “Activation of the innate immune receptor Dectin-1 upon formation of a ‘phagocytic synapse'” Nature, Vol 472 p 471-475, April 28, 2011. * Quote: “…Dectin-1 is a pattern-recognition receptor expressed by myeloid phagocytes (macrophages, dendritic cells and neutrophils) that detects b-glucans in fungal cell walls and triggers direct cellular antimicrobial activity… . Despite its ability to bind both soluble and particulate B-glucan polymers, Dectin-1 signaling is only activated by particulate B-glucans. …Studies in mice and humans have demonstrated an important role for Dectin-1 in anti-fungal defense. Dectin-1 signals activate anti-microbial phagocytosis, production of ROD [reactive oxygen species] and inflammatory innate immune responses, and influences the development of adaptive immunity…”
Fungal Diseases: Rondanelli M, et al”The Biological activity of beta-glucans”; Minerva Medical; 100(3):237-245; Pub Med 19571787; Jun 2009; Quote: “…Beta-glucans have studied for their hypocholesterolemic effects; these mechanisms include: reducing the intestinal absorption of cholesterol and bile acids by binding to glucans; shifting the liver from cholesterol syntheses to bile acid production; and fermentation by intestinal bacteria to short-chain fatty acids, which are absorbed and inhibit hepatic cholesterol syntheses. …beta-1,3-glucans improve the body’s immune system defense against foreign invaders by enhancing the ability of macrophages, neutrophils and natural killer cells to respond to and fight a wide range of challenges such as bacteria, viruses, fungi, and parasites. …there is renewed interest in the potential usefulness of beta-glucan as a radioprotective drug for chemotherapy, radiation therapy and nuclear emergencies, particularly because glucan can be used not only as a treatment, but also as a prophylactic [taken in advance for protection].”
Fungal Diseases – Aspergillosis: Clemons KV, Danielson ME, et al, “Whole glucan particles as a vaccine against murine Aspergillosis.” J Med Microbiol, 63(Pt 12):1750-9. PMID 25288643. Dec 2014. Quote: “Vaccination with … Saccharomyces cerevisiae protects against experimental infection by pathogenic fungi of five genera. …Vaccination with whole glucan particles…proved protective against systemic aspergillosis, equivalent to that of Saccharomyces cerevisiae, supporting the potential of particulate B-glucans, alone or conjugated, as vaccines against aspergillosis.” Note: Saccharomyces cerevisiae in research is particulate Beta 1,3/1,6 glucan.
Fungal Diseases: Silva E, Azevedo CD, et al; “The use of glucan as immunostimulant in the treatment of a severe case of chromoblastomycosis” [chronic fungal skin disease]; Dept. of Patologia [Pathology], U Federal do Maranhao Maranhao, Brazil; Mycoses, April 26, 2008; Quote: “We report the case of an alternative treatment for a patient with a severe form of chromoblastomycosis [chronic fungal skin disease] that responded poorly to the traditional antifungal therapy. We hereby show, in this study, the improvement of lesions after treatment with itraconazole associated with an intra muscular administration of glucan. We observed that the regression of lesions was associated with an improvement of the cellular immune response.”
Fungal Diseases: Schorey JS, Lawrence C; “The pattern recognition receptor Dectin-1: from fungi to mycobacteria.” Curr Drug Targets. 9(2):123-9; Dept of Bilogical Sciences, U of Notre Dame. Feb 9, 2008. Quote: The ability of the innate immune system to quickly recognize and respond to an invading pathogen is essential for controlling the infection. For this purpose, cells of the immune system express receptors which recognize evolutionarily conserved structures expressed by various pathogens but absent from host cells. …Dectin -1 is a type II transmembrane protein which binds beta-1,3 and beta-1,6 glucans. It [Dectin-1`] is expressed on most cells of the innate immune system and has been implicated in phagocytosis as well as killing of fungi by macrophages, neutrophils and dendritic cells.”
Fungal Diseases and Pathogens: Hunter KW, Jr. Berner MD, Sura ME Alvea BN, “IFN-gamma primes macrophages for enhanced TNF-alpha expression in response to stimulatory and non-stimulatory amounts of microparticulate beta-glucan.,” Immunol Letters ; 15:98(1): 115-22. Department of Microbiology and Immunology, University of Nevada School of Medicine, Applied Research Facility, MS-199, Reno, NV 89557, USA. April 2005, Quote: …”we have tested a new microparticulate form of beta-(1–> 3)-D-glucan (MG) from Saccharomyces cerevisiae for its ability to induce proinflammatory cytokine secretion in mouse peritoneal macrophages in vitro, and we have examined the effect of IFN-gamma. MG was rapidly phagocytized by peritoneal macrophages, and these MG-treated macrophages upregulated TNF-alpha, IL-6, and IL-1beta mRNAs and secreted these proinflammatory cytokines. These data suggest that a synergy between IFN-gamma and beta-glucan may have evolved to lower the threshold of sensitivity of the innate immune response to fungal pathogens.” [respond faster in attacking fungal pathogens – mycotoxins]
Fungal Infection: Sainkhuu B, Lee DH, Kim HW, “Immunomodulation of Fungal B-Glucan in Host Defense Signaling by Dectin-1”, Biomol Ther (Seoul) 20(05):433-445. PMC 3762275 Sept 2012, Quote: “Fungal and particulate B-glucans… can be taken up by the M cells of Peyer’s patches, and interact with macrophages or dendritic cells and activate systemic immune responses against fungal infections. The …β-glucans function as pathogen-associated molecular patterns (PAMPs). Dectin-1 receptor systems have been incorporated as the PRRs [pattern recognition receptors] of β-glucans in the innate immune cells of higher animal systems, which function on the front line against fungal infection, and have been exploited in cancer treatments to enhance systemic immune function.” Note: The innate immune cells in error think beta glucan is pathogenic fungus (PAMP) and respond even though beta glucan is not a pathogenic health hazard; thus creating an immune response to kill actual pathogenic fungus.
Fungal Diseases and Immunity: Brown G D, Gordon Siamon; “Fungal B-Glucans and Mammalian Immunity.” Sir William Dunn Sch of Pathology, U of Oxford, UK, Immunity, Vol19, 311-316, 2003. Quote: “B-Glucans are structural cell wall polymers of many fungi which possesses immunomodulatory activities. …The innate immune response is essential for the control of fungal infections, and there is increasing evidence that B-glucans are involved in initiating many aspects of this response. The recognition of fungal pathogens occurs through both opsonic (mainly complement) and nonopsonic mechanisms, and as conserved structural components, B-glucans…play an important role in the non-opsonic recognition of these [fungal] pathogens.
Indeed, many of the B-glucan receptors…have been shown to contribute to the recognition and phagocytosis of these organisms [fungal pathogens]. … B-glucans, especially in particulate form, can produce proinflammatory and antimicrobial responses through the TLRs and Dectin-1 [cell receptors for B-glucan]. Many of these responses are required for the control of fungal infections, such as the production of TNF-Alpha, and is an essential early cytokine required for the control of infections with C. albicans, A. fumigatus, C. neoformans, and H capsulatum. This is also true for IL-12, another important anti-fungal cytokine… . Thus B-glucans appear to have an important role in the innate immune response to fungal pathogens and in initiating a protective adaptive response.”
Fungal Diseases: Browder IW., Williams D., Pretus H., et al; “Beneficial Effect of Enhanced Macrophage Function in the Trauma Patients.” Ann. Surg.; Vol 211: 605-613. Dept of Surg and Physiol, Tulane U Sch of Med, LA and Istituto Di Chirurgia D’Urgenza, U of Torino, Torino, Italy.* 1990. Quote: “Previous studies have demonstrated that glucan, a beta-1,3-linked glucopyranose polymer, isolated from the inner cell wall of Saccharomyces cerevisiae, is a potent macrophage stimulant and is beneficial in the therapy of experimental bacterial, viral, and fungal diseases.
Fungal Diseases: Williams D.L., Browder I. and DiLuzio N.R., “Soluble phosphorylated glucan: methods and compositions for wound healing,” U.S. Patent 4975421, Issued Dec 4, 1990. Quote: “The soluble phosphorylated glucans are useful for promoting the wound healing process. The soluble phosphorylated glucans are also useful for prophylactic and therapeutic applications against neoplastic, bacteria, viral, fungal and parasitic diseases.”
Fungal Diseases: Browder IW. Williams DL, Di Luzio NR, et al, “Modification of postoperative C-albicans sepsis by glucan immunostimulation.” Int J Immunopharmacol, PubMed 6724765, 6:19-26, 1984. Quote: “…glucan increased survival and reduced renal pathology associated with C. albicans challenge in the post operative period. These observations suggest that Biologic Response Modifiers such as glucan may be effectively employed in patients who are at risk for post operative infections.”
Fungal Diseases: Williams DL, Cook JA, Di Luzio NR et al, “Protective effect of glucan in experimentally induced candidiasis.” J Reticuoendothel Soc, Pubmed 702473, Jun, 23(6):479-490, 1978
Fungal Infection: Jamas S, Easson D, Ostroff G: “Underivatilized aqueous soluble beta (1,3) glucan, composition and method of making same.” U.S. Patent Application 20020032170, March 14, 2002. Quote: “The use of soluble and insoluble beta glucans alone or as vaccine adjuvants for viral and bacterial antigens has been shown in animal models to markedly increase resistance to a variety of bacterial, fungal, protozoan and viral infections.”
Fungal Infection: DiLuzio N.R.,”Immunopharmacology of glucan: a broad spectrum enhancer of host defense mechanisms,” Trends in Pharmacol. SCI., 4:344-347. Dept of Physiology, Tulane U, New Orleans, LA.* 1983. Quote: (p347) “The broad spectrum of immunopharmacological activities of glucan includes not only the modification of certain bacterial, fungal, viral and parasitic infections, but also inhibition of tumor growth.”
Fungal Pathogen Control: Brown G D, Gordon Siamon; “Fungal B-Glucans and Mammalian Immunity.” Sir William Dunn Sch of Pathology, U of Oxford, UK, Immunity, Vol19, 311-316, 2003. Quote: “…the recognition of B-glucans in both [vertebrate and invertebrate] systems results in the triggering of immune responses, designed primarily for the control of fungal pathogens.
Fungal Pathogen Vaccine: Torosantucci A, et al; “A novel glyco-conjugate vaccine against fungal pathogens.” J Exp Med, 202(5):597-606. PMID: 16147975 PMCID: PMC2212864. Sep 2005. Quote: ….”Anti-beta glucan antibodies bound to C. albicans hyphae and inhibited their growth in vitro….Remarkably, Lam-CRM-vaccinated mice also were protected from a lethal challenge with conidia of Aspergillus fumigatus… .” Note: LAM is laminarin, an immunogenic beta glucan
Fungicidal Activity: Pelizon AC, Kaneno R, et al; “Immunomodulatory activities associated with beta-glucan derived from Saccharomyces cerevisiae.” Dept of Microbiology and Immunology, Inst of Biosciences, State U of Sao Paulo Brazil. Physio Res. 54(5):557-64 2005. Quote: “B-glucan enhances fungicidal activity against P. brasiliensis...B-glucan primes for higher IL12 and TNF-alpha production….B-glucan increases NK [Natural Killer white immune cells]. …The lower dose [20 mg/ml] was more effective to increase NK and fungicidal activity….Together, our results suggest that B-glucan derived from S. cerevisiae is able to improve Immune functions that contribute to P. brasiliensis elimination.” Note: The mitosporic fungus, Paracoccidioides brasiliensis, is the causative agent of a true systemic (endemic) mycosis [fungus] called paracoccidioidomycosis (PCM) common in parts of South America.
Vulvovaginal Candidiasis: Bonfim-Mendonca Pde S, et al; “B-Glucan Induces Reactive Oxygen Species Production in Human Neutrophils to Improve the Killing of Candida albicans and Candida glabrata Isolates from Vulvovaginal Candidiasis; PLoS One (Public Library of Science), 9(9):e107805. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0107805. eCollection 2014. Sep 17, 2014. Quote: “B-glucan significantly increased oxidant species production, suggesting that B-glucan may be an efficient immunomodulator that triggers an increase in the microbicidal [microbe destroying] response of neutrophils for both of the species [Candida albicans and Candida glabrata] isolated from vulvovaginal candidiasis.”
โรคที่เกิดจากการติดเชื้อไวรัส (Viral Diseases)
Viral – staphylococcal mastitis : Buddle BM, et al, “Protective effect of glucan against experimentally induced staphylococcal mastitis in ewes.” Vet Microbiol 16(1): 67-76, Jan 1988.
Viral Diseases: “The Biological activity of beta-glucans”; Minerva Medical; 100(3):237-245; Pub Med 19571787; Jun 2009; Quote: “…Beta-glucans have studied for their hypocholesterolemic effects; these mechanisms include: reducing the intestinal absorption of cholesterol and bile acids by binding to glucans; shifting the liver from cholesterol syntheses to bile acid production; and fermentation by intestinal bacteria to short-chain fatty acids, which are absorbed and inhibit hepatic cholesterol syntheses. …beta-1,3-glucans improve the body’s immune system defense against foreign invaders by enhancing the ability of macrophages, neutrophils and natural killer cells to respond to and fight a wide range of challenges such as bacteria, viruses, fungi, and parasites. …there is renewed interest in the potential usefulness of beta-glucan as a radioprotective drug for chemotherapy, radiation therapy and nuclear emergencies, particularly because glucan can be used not only as a treatment, but also as a prophylactic [taken in advance for protection].”
Viral Diseases: Browder IW., Williams D., Pretus H., et al; “Beneficial Effect of Enhanced Macrophage Function in the Trauma Patients.” Ann. Surg.; Vol 211: 605-613. Dept of Surg and Physiol, Tulane U Sch of Med, LA and Istituto Di Chirurgia D’Urgenza, U of Torino, Torino, Italy.* 1990. Quote: “Previous studies have demonstrated that glucan, a beta-1,3-linked glucopyranose polymer, isolated from the inner cell wall of Saccharomyces cerevisiae, is a potent macrophage stimulant and is beneficial in the therapy of experimental bacterial, viral, and fungal diseases.
Viral Infections: Jamas S, Easson D, Ostroff G: “Underivatilized aqueous soluble beta (1,3) glucan, composition and method of making same.” U.S. Patent Application 20020032170, March 14, 2002. Quote: “The use of soluble and insoluble beta glucans alone or as vaccine adjuvants for viral and bacterial antigens has been shown in animal models to markedly increase resistance to a variety of bacterial, fungal, protozoan and viral infections.”
Viral Infections: Czop, Joyce K., “The Role of Beta.-Glucan Receptors on Blood and Tissue Leukocytes in Phagocytosis and Metabolic Activation”. Pathology and Immunopathology Research; 5:286-296. Harvard Medical School. 1986. Quote: “…the presence of a particulate activator can rapidly initiate assembly and amplification of a host defense system involving humoral and cellular interactions with B-glucans. …Animals pretreated with purified glucan particles are subsequently more resistant to bacterial, viral, fungal, and protozoan challenge, reject antigenically incompatible grafts more rapidly and produce higher titers of serum antibodies to specific antigens.”
Viral Infection: DiLuzio N.R.,”Immunopharmacology of glucan: a broad spectrum enhancer of host defense mechanisms,” Trends in Pharmacol. SCI., 4:344-347. Dept of Physiology, Tulane U, New Orleans, LA.* 1983. Quote: “The broad spectrum of immunopharmacological activities of glucan includes not only the modification of certain bacterial, fungal, viral and parasitic infections, but also inhibition of tumor growth.”
Viral Pathogens: Hunter K, Gault R, Jordan F; “Mode of Action of B-Glucan Immunopotentiators-Research Summary Release,” Department of Microbiology, University of Nevada School of Medicine, Jan 2001. Quote: “MG Glucan [micronized glucan insoluble particulate] has been shown to enhance the envelopment and digestion (phagocytosis) of pathogenic microorganisms [viral, bacterial, fungal, etc.] that cause infectious disease…Laboratory studies have revealed the new MG Glucan is significantly effective at activating Macrophages, and via the Macrophages, the entire immune cascade including T-Cells and B-Cells.”
โรคที่เกิดจากการติดเชื้อ (Sepsis)/ ติดเชื้อในกระแสโลหิต (Septicemia)
Sepsis – Oxidative Stress: Prauchner CA, “Oxidative stress in sepsis: Pathophysiological implications justifying antioxidant co-therapy;”Burns, pii:S0305-4179(16)30400-4. PMID 28034666; Dec 26, 2016. Quote: Sepsis is one of the main causes of death among critically ill patients. Sepsis pathogenesis includes infection by gram-negative and gram-positive bacteria, fungi, or both; exacerbated inflammatory response; hypotension, with potential to cause vasodilatory shock; and lesser delivery of oxygen to tissues due to impairment of oxygen utilization by cells. Antioxidants could inhibit the over expression of iNOS [nitric oxide synthase] in sepsis. In line with this, several antioxidants such as vitamins C and E, polyphenols, melatonin, β-glucan, N-acetylcysteine, mitochondrion-targeted antioxidants (MitoQ, MitoE, and peptides associated with dimethyltyrosine), selenium salts, and organoselenium compounds were effective in ameliorating oxidative stress in animal models of sepsis and in a number of clinical trials with septic patients.
Sepsis-Intraabdominal: Tzianabos AO, Cisnerol RL, et al; “Protection against intra-abdominal sepsis by two polysaccharide immonumodulators (Beta 1,3/1,6 glucan),” J Infect Dis, 178:1,200-6. 1998. Quote: “These data demonstrate the usefulness of [Beta 1,3/1,6 glucan]… in preventing experimental intraabdominal sepsis…and may represent a new adjunct to antibiotic regimens currently used to prevent clinical cases of this disease”
Sepsis-Pneumoniae: Vural K, et al, “Investigation of the protective effects of beta-D-glucan against invasive encapsulated Streptococcus pneumoniae sepsis in splenectomized rats,” Mikrobiyol Bul, Jul;49(3): 314-26, 2015.PMID 26313274-PubMed in Progress. Quote: “The most common species which are responsible for sepsis are encapsulated bacteria such as Streptococcus pneumoniae, Haemophilus influenzae and Neisseria meningitidis. …b-D-glucan[BDG] … shows immunomodulatory activity, by enhancing the resistance of the host against microbial agents, and promotes phagocytic and proliferative activities of reticuloendothelial system [phagocytic cells including macrophages and monocytes involved in the immune system]. …BDG, ceftriaxone and BDG+ceftriaxone groups had statistically significant decrease in the amount of bacteria in all tissues when compared to the sepsis group (p<0.05). … The data of our study suggests that, BDG [B-D-glucan]alone, an immunomodulatory agent, alone and in combination with ceftriaxone can reverse the systemic inflammatory reaction in Streptococcus pneumoniae sepsis and thereby can reduce multiple organ failure.”
Sepsis – Pneumonia: Maurici da Rocha e Silva et al; “Infection Prevention in Patients with Severe Multiple Trauma with the Immunomodulater Beta 1-3 Polyglucose (glucan);” Surgery, Gynecology & Obstetrics; 177:383-388. 1993. Quote: “The incidence of hospital pneumonia of 55% and sepsis of 35% confirms results of previous studies of patients with multitrauma. Glucan decreased pneumonia and sepsis to a significantly lower level of 9.5%….The mortality rate related to infection decreased from 30.0 to 4.8%. The lower number of instances of pneumonia and sepsis….decreased the period of time in the intensive care and the hospital, with a global reduction of 40% on hospital cost.”
Sepsis: Sener G, Toklu H, et al; “Protective effect of beta-glucan against oxidative organ injury in a rat model of sepsis,” Int Immunopharmacol:1387-96 Epub 2005/Aug 2005. Quote: “Sepsis leads to various organ damage and dysfunction. One of the underlying mechanisms is thought to be oxidative damage due to generation of free radicals. …Elevated plasma TNF-alpha levels in septic rats [was] significantly reduced to control levels in beta-glucan treated rats. Since beta-glucan administration reversed these oxidant responses, it seems likely that beta-glucan protects against sepsis-induced oxidative organ injury.”
Sepsis Associated Lung Damage – Sepsis: Babayigit H, Kucuk C, Sozuer E, Yazici C, Kose K, Akgun H.; “Protective effect of beta-glucan on lung injury after cecal ligation and puncture in rats.” Department of General Surgery, School of Medicine, Erciyes University, 38039, Kayseri, Turkey; Intensive Care Med. (6):865-70; Jun 31, 2005. Quote: “In this rat model of intra-abdominal sepsis beta-glucan treatment partially protected against secondary lung injury, decreased lung hemorrhages, and lung neutrophilia. These results suggest that beta-glucan protects against sepsis-associated lung damage.”
Sepsis pneumoccoccal: Browder W, Williams D, Di Luzio N, et al, “Protective effect of nonspecific immunostimulation in postsplenectomy sepsis,” J Surg Res, Dec:35(6):474-9, 1983 PMID 6656237. Quote: “This study reports the use of glucan, a beta-1,3-polyglucose, as a nonspecific immunostimulant for postsplenectomy pneumococcal sepsis. ,,, Glucan significantly increased survival in the splenectomy group (75%) compared to controls (27%). … Nonspecific immunostimulation [by a beta-1,3-polyglucose] appears to have significant potential as a treatment strategy against postsplenectomy infection.”
Septic Shock: Williams D.L. ,et al; “The role of complement in glucan-induced protection against septic shock.” Circ. Shock. 25:53-60. 1988
Anthrax – Biological Warfare: Kourmikakis B, et al, “Anthrax-protective effects of yeast beta 1,3 glucans.” MedGenMed, 2003 Mar 21,5(1):1; PMD 12827062. Quote: “A single injected dose of … beta glucan immune modulators given 2 days before challenge significantly: (a) increased the survival rate of infected mice (2.5-fold), (b) diminished the bacterial load in the lungs of infected mice (4-8-fold), and (c) increased the proportion of bacteria-free animals 10 days after challenge (2-fold). In mice prophylactically administered oral … beta glucan for 1 week prior to infection, survival increased from 50% to 100%; therapeutic administration of oral … beta glucan for 10 days post infection increased survival from 30% up to 90% in treatment groups.
These results demonstrate the potential for beta1,3-glucan immune modulators to provide a significant degree of protection against anthrax, a potential biological warfare (BW) agent in a mouse model of anthrax infection.”
Anthrax: Vetvicka V, Terayama K, Ostroff G et al; “Orally-administered Yeast B1,3-glucan prophylactically protects against anthrax infection and cancer in mice.” J of the Amer Nutraceutical Assc; Vol 5-2, pp1-20; Spring 2002. Quote: “…orally-administered yeast B1,3-glucan had significant effects as a prophylactic [taken regularly for a period before condition onset] treatment to reduce the mortality of anthrax infection in mice. The mechanism of action involves the stimulation of three important cytokines: IL-2, IFN-y, and TNF-alpha.”
โรคที่มีเม็ดเลือดขาวต่ำ (Leucopenia) การฟื้นฟูเม็ดเลือดขาว และ โรคที่เกี่ยวกับไขกระดูก (Bone Marrow)
Leucopenia: Vetvicka V, Volny T, et al: “Glucan and resveratrol complex — possible synergistic effects on immune system.” U of Louisville, Dept of Pathology, Biomed Pad Mde Fac, Czech Republic 15(1)41-6; Jun 2007. Quote: “…both glucan and resveratrol complex stimulated phagocytosis of blood leukocytes, caused increase in surface expression of CD(+) splenocytes and showed higher restoration of spleen recovery after experimentally induced leucopenia [low white cell count]. In all these cases, strong synergetic effects were observed. “
Lymphopenia & Neutropenia: Sima P, et al, “Effects of glucan on bone marrow.” Ann Transl Med. 2014 Feb; 2(2)18. PMC 4202472; Quote:“The extensive research studying various effects of glucans on bone marrow showed significant restoration of both lymphopenia and neutropenia. … glucan might be widely used as radioprotectant that could mitigate the biological effects of radiation exposure both in cases of radiation accidents or in medically used irradiation.”
White Blood Cell – Recovery: Pachen ML, MacVittie TJ, “Comparative effects of soluble and particulate glucans on survival in irradiated mice,” J Biol Response Mod 5(1):45-60. Experimental Hematology Dept, Armed Forces Radiobiology Research Inst, Bethesda, MD. Feb 1986. Quote: “Both glucan-P and glucan-F enhanced the recovery of peripheral blood white cell numbers, platelet numbers, and hematocrit values. In addition, both agents increased endogenous pluripotent hemopoietic stem cell numbers in sublethally irradiated mice.”
Bone Marrow – Lymphopenia & Neutropenia: Sima P, Vetvicka V, et al, “Effects of glucan on bone marrow.” Ann Transl Med. Feb; 2(2)18. PMC 4202472; 2014. Quote: “The extensive research studying various effects of glucans on bone marrow showed significant restoration of both lymphopenia and neutropenia. … glucan might be widely used as radioprotectant that could mitigate the biological effects of radiation exposure both in cases of radiation accidents or in medically used irradiation. …they [beta glucans] are inexpensive, generally free from side effects and capable of significant protection against bone marrow damage through restoration of bone marrow cell production. “
Bone Marrow Damage: Vetvicka V; “Glucan-immunostimulant, adjuvant, potential drug,” World J Clin Oncol, 2(2):115-119 Feb 10 2010. Quote: “The significant role of glucans in cancer treatment, infection immunity, stress reduction and restoration of damaged bone marrow has already been established.”
NOTE: Mice were treated for 12 days with beta glucan and exposed to a sublethal dose of radiation. The beta glucan treated animals had approximately 40 percent more cell formation units in the spleen than untreated mice. When beta glucan was given orally, survival of animals receiving a lethal dose of radiation after stem cell transplantation was significantly enhanced. Forty days following radiation exposure, approximately 30 percent of mice treated with beta glucan survived compared with only 3 percent of untreated animals. Researchers discovered beta-glucan enhances the proliferation of stem cells, promoting white blood cell recovery in bone marrow injury and repair.
Bone Marrow: Hong F, Yan J, Baran JT, Allendorf DJ, Hansen RD, Ostroff G, Ross G, “Mechanism by Which Orally Administered B-1,3-Glucans Enhance the Tumoricidal Activity of Antitumor Monoclonal Antibodies in Murine Tumor Models,” The J of Immunology 173:797-806. James Graham Brown Cancer Ctr, Louisville, KY; July 15, 2004: Quote: “Orally administered B-1,3-glucans were taken up by macrophages that transported them to spleen, lymph nodes, and bone marrow. Within the bone marrow, the macrophages degraded the large B-1,3 glucans into smaller soluble B-1,3-glucan fragments that were taken up by the CR3 [receptors] of marginated granulocytes [white blood cells formed in the bone marrow]. These granulocytes with CR3-bound B-1,3-glucan-fluorescein were shown to kill iC3b-opsonized tumor cells following their recruitment to a site of complement activation resembling a tumor coated with mAB [monoclonal antibodies].”
Bone Marrow: Browder IW., Williams D., Pretus H., et al; Beneficial Effect of Enhanced Macrophage Function in the Trauma Patients. Ann. Surg.; Vol 211: 605-613. Dept of Surg and Physiol, Tulane U Sch of Med, LA and Istituto Di Chirurgia D’Urgenza, U of Torino, Torino, Italy.* 1990. Quote:“Use of glucan in a murine model of hind-limb crush injury decreased macrophage PGE2 release while stimulating bone marrow proliferation. “
เนื้องอก (Tumors /Neopasia)
Tumors: Mo L, Chen Y, Guo S, et al, “Anti-tumor effects of (1-3)-B-d-glucan from Saccharomyces cerevisiae in S180 tumor-bearing mice,” Int J Bil Macromol, pii:SO141-8130(16)30887-X, PMID17838421; Nov 9, 2016. Quote: “The volume and weight of S180 [cancer] tumors decreased dramatically following treatment with (1-3)-B-d-glucan, and…was furthermore shown to increase the tumor inhibition rate. …these results indicate that the anti-tumor effects exerted by (1-3)-B-d-glucan may be attributed to …immunostimulating properties and apoptosis-inducing features.” Note: apoptosis=cell death
Monoclonal Antibodies and Beta Glucan: Li B, Allendorg DJ, et al; “Yeast beta-glucan amplifies phagocyte killing of iC3b-opsonized tumor cells via complement receptor 3-Syk-phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase pathway,” J Immunol, Aug 1;177(3): 1651-9 2006. PMID 16849475, Quote: “Anti-tumor mAbs hold promise for cancer therapy, but are relatively inefficient. Therefore, there is a need for agents that might amplify the effectiveness of these mAbs. One such agent is beta glucan… . In this study, we report that tumor-bearing mice treated with a combination of beta-glucan and anti-tumor mAb show almost complete cessation of tumor growth. …These results are important inasmuch as beta-glucan, an agent without evident toxicity, may be used to amplify tumor cell killing and may open new opportunities in the immunotherapy of cancer.”
Neoplasia: Proctor and Yamamura; “Letters to the Editor: Effectiveness of Glucan in the Treatment of Human Neoplasia”. J. Nat’l Cancer Inst.; 61: 1179-1180. 1978.
Neoplasia: Schultz, et al., in “Immune Modulation and Control of Neoplasia by Adjuvant Therapy”, Chirigos, ed., Raven Press, New York; pp. 241-248. 1978.
Neoplastic Diseases: DiLuzio N.R. (deceased), Williams D.L., Browder I.W.; Soluble phosphorylated glucan: methods and compositions for treatment of neoplastic diseases; U.S. Patent 4818752; 1989.
Tumor necrosis factor: Steadman R., Petersen M.M., et al; “Differential augmentation by recombinant human tumor necrosis factor-alpha of neutrophil responses to particulate zymosan and glucan,” J. Immunol 144: 2712-2718. 1990.
Tumorigenesis: Jamas S, Easson D, Ostroff G: “Underivatilized aqueous soluble beta (1,3) glucan, composition and method of making same.” U.S. Patent Application 20020032170, March 14, 2002. Quote: “Beta-glucan was shown to be beneficial in animal models of trauma, wound healing and tumorigenesis [formation or production of tumors].”
Tumors: Mo L, Chen Y, Guo S, et al, “Anti-tumor effects of (1-3)-B-d-glucan from Saccharomyces cerevisiae in S180 tumor-bearing mice,” Int J Bil Macromol, pii:SO141-8130(16)30887-X, PMID17838421; Nov 9, 2016. Quote: “The volume and weight of S180 [cancer] tumors decreased dramatically following treatment with (1-3)-B-d-glucan, and…was furthermore shown to increase the tumor inhibition rate. …these results indicate that the anti-tumor effects exerted by (1-3)-B-d-glucan may be attributed to …immunostimulating properties and apoptosis-inducing features.” Notes: apoptosis:cell death. S180 Tumor: murine cancer cell line
Tumors: Ning Y, et al, “B-glucan restores tumor-educated dendritic cell maturation to enhance antitumor immune responses.” Int J Cancer, 1:138(11): 2713-23, June 1, 2016. PMID: 26773960. Quote: “Treatment with β-glucan drastically decreased the levels of regulatory T (Treg) cells but increased the infiltration of macrophages, granulocytes and DCs in tumor masses, thus elicited Th1 differentiation and cytotoxic T-lymphocyte responses and led to a delay in tumor progression. These findings reveal that β-glucan can inhibit the regulatory function of TEDCs, therefore revealing a novel function for β-glucan in immunotherapy.”
Tumors: Qi C, Cai Y, Ding, Li B, Kloecker G, Qian K, Vasilakos J, Saijo S, Iwakura Y, Yannelli JR, Yan J; “Differential pathways regulating innate and adaptive antitumor immune responses by particulate.” Div of Hermatology/Oncology, Dept of Medicine, James Graham Brown Ctr, U of Louisville, KY; Blood;117(25):6825-36; Jun 23 2011: Quote: “B-glucans have been reported to function as a potent adjuvant to stimulate innate and adaptive immune responses. …Here we show that yeast-derived B-glucan activated dendritic cells (DCs and macrophages….Activated DCs by particulate B-glucan promoted Th1 and cytotoxic T-lymphocyte priming and differentiation in vitro. Treatment of orally administered yeast-derived particulate B-glucan elicited potent antitumor immune responses and drastically down-regulated immunosuppressive cells, leading to the delayed tumor progression.”
Tumors: Tian J, Ma J, Ma K, etc, “B-Glucan enhances antitumor immune responses by regulating differentiation and function of monocytic myeloid-derived suppressor cells.” Eur J Immunonl, 2013 May;43(5):1220-30. doi. Quote: Myeloid-derived suppressor cells (MDSCs) accumulate in tumor-bearing hosts and play a major role in tumor-induced immunosuppression, which hampers effective immuno-therapeutic approaches. B-Glucans have been reported to function as potent immune-modulators to stimulate innate and adaptive immune responses, which contribute to their antitumor property. …thereby leading to the delayed tumor progression.”
Tumors: Lehtovaara BC, Gu FX; “Pharmacological, Structural, and Drug Delivery Properties and Applications of 1,3-B-Glucans,” Dept of Chem Eng, U of Waterloo, Ontario, Canada; J Agric Food Chem, Jun 7 2011. PMID 21609131. Quote: “The pharmacological capabilities of 1,3-B-glucans include the impartation of tumor inhibition, resistance to infectious disease, and improvements in wound healing.”
Tumors: LiB, Cai Y, Qi C, etc., “Orally administered particulate beta-glucan modulates tumor-capturing dendritic cells and improves antitumor T-cell responses in cancer.” Clin Cancer Res, 2010 Nov 1:16(21):5153-64. Quote: “IFN-y [interferon] production of tumor-infiltrating T cells and CTL responses were significantly enhanced on B-glucan treatment, which ultimately resulted in significantly reduced tumor burden. …These data highlight the ability of yeast-derived B-glucan to bridge innate and adaptive antitumor immunity and suggest that it can be used as an adjuvant for tumor immunotherapy.”
Tumors: Liu J, Gunn L, Hansen R, Yan J; “Combined yeast-derived beta-glucan with anti-tumor monoclonal antibody for cancer immunotherapy.” Tumor Immunobiology Program, James Graham Brown Cancer Ctr, Louisville, KY; Exp Mol Pathol, 86(3): 208-14, PubMed 19454271; June 2009: Quote: Recent studies have unraveled the action mode of yeast-derived beta-glucan in combination with anti-tumor monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) in cancer therapy…Pre-clinical animal studies have demonstrated the efficacy of combined beta-glucan with anti-tumor mAb therapy in terms of tumor regression and long-term survival. …It is proposed that the addition of beta-glucan will further improve the therapeutic efficacy of anti-tumor mAbs in cancer patients.”
Tumors: Akramiene D, Kondrotas A, Didziapetriene J, Kevelaitis E; “Effects of beta-glucans on the immune system.” Medicina (Kaunas). Dept of Physiology, Kaunas U of Medicine, Kaunas, Lithunia. 43(8):597-606; 2007. Quote: “Beta-glucans are naturally occurring polysaccharides….These substances increase host immune defense by activating complement system, enhancing macrophages and natural killer cell function. beta-Glucans also show anticarcinogenic activity. They can prevent oncogenesis due to the protective effect against potent genotoxic carcinogens. As immunostimulating agent, which acts through the activation of macrophages and NK cell cytotoxicity, beta-glucan can inhibit tumor growth…reduce tumor proliferation, prevent tumor metastasis. beta-Glucan as adjuvant to cancer chemotherapy and radiotherapy demonstrated the positive role in the restoration of hematopiesis [red blood cells] following by bone marrow injury. Immunotherapy using monoclonal antibodies is a novel strategy of cancer treatment. These [monoclonal] antibodies activate complement system and opsonize tumor cells with iC3b fragment. …tumor cells, as well as other host cells, lack beta-glucan as a surface component and cannot trigger complement receptor 3-dependent cellular cytotoxicity and initiate tumor-killing activity. This mechanism [tumor-killing activity] could be induced in the presence of beta-glucans.
Tumors: Sener G, Eksioglu-Demiraop E, Cetiner M, Ercan F, Yegen BC; “beta-glucan ameliorates methotrexate-induced oxidative organ injury via its antioxidant and immunomodulatory effects.” European J Pharmacology; 542(1-3):170-178; Epub May 2006. Aug 7 2006. Quote: “Methotrexate is an antifolate [antimetabolite chemotherapy drug] that is widely used in the treatment of rheumatic disorders and malignant tumors. The efficacy of methotrexate is often limited by severe side effects and toxic sequelae [disease condition caused by a disease], where oxidative stress[free radical damage] is noticeable. … Thus, the findings of the present study suggest that beta-glucan, through its antioxidant and immunoregulatory effects, may be of therapeutic value in alleviating the leukocyte apoptosis [white immune cell death], oxidative [free radical] tissue injury and thereby the intestinal and hepatorenal [liver or kidney] side effects of methotrexate treatment.”
Tumors: Gu YH, Takagi Y, et al; “Enhancement of radioprotection and anti-tumor immunity by yeast-derived beta-glucan in mice,” J Med Food. 8(2) 154-8; Dept of Radiological Technology, Suzuka U of Med Sc, Suzuka, Japan, Summer 2005. Quote: “Intraperitoneal injection of beta-glucan was shown to greatly delay mortality in mice exposed to whole-body X-ray radiation and tumor growth in tumor-bearing mice. …Augmented immunological activity as seen in increased NK (natural killer) and LAK (lymphokine-activated killer) activity by beta-glucan seems to play a role in preventing secondary infections associated with irradiation and probably contributes to the attenuated [reduced] tumor growth in tumor-bearing mice through enhanced anti-tumour immunity. These results suggest that beta-glucan may be a promising adjunct treatment for cancer patients receiving radiotherapy.”
Tumors – Immunotherapy – Cancer: Li B, Allendorf D, Hansen R, Marroquin J, Ding C, Cramer DE, Yan J; “Yeast beta-Glucan Amplifies Phagocyte Killing of iC3b-Opsonized Tumor Cells via Complement Receptor 3-Syk-Phosphatidylinositol 3-Kinase Pathway.” J Immunology: 1:177(3):1661-9. Tumor Immunobiology Program, James Graham Brown Cancer Center, University of Louisville, Louisville, KY. Aug 2006. Quote: Anti-tumor mAbs [monoclonal antibodies] hold promise for cancer therapy, but are relatively inefficient. …In this study, we report that tumor-bearing mice treated with a combination of beta-glucan and an anti-tumor mAb show almost complete cessation of tumor growth. beta-glucan, an agent without evident toxicity, may be used to amplify tumor cell killing and may open new opportunities in the immunotherapy of cancer.
Tumors – Cancer: Yan J, Allendorf DJ, Brandley B, “Yeast whole glucan particle (WGP) beta-glucan in conjunction with antitumour monoclonal antibodies to treat cancer.” Expert Opin Biol Ther; 5(5):691-702; James Graham Brown Cancer Ctr, Louisville, KY, 2005.Quote: “Extensive studies in preclinical animal tumour models have demonstrated the efficacy of combined oral particulate yeast beta-glucan with antitumour mAb [monoclonal antibodies] in terms of tumour regression and long-term survival. It is proposed that the addition of beta-glucan will further improve the clinical therapeutic efficacy of antitumour mAbs in cancer patients.”
Tumors: Hong F, Yan J,”Mechanism by which orally administered beta-1,3-glucans enhance the tumoricidal activity of antitumor monoclonal antibodies in murine tumor models.” J Immunol 173(2):797-806, Jul 15 2004. PMID 15240666. Quote: “Orally administered B-1,3-glucans were taken up by macrophages that transported them to spleen, lymph nodes, and bone marrow. …Antitumor mAb [monoclonal antibodies] bind to tumors and activate complement, coating tumors with iC3b. Intravenously administered yeast beta-1,3;1,6-glucan functions as an adjuvant for antitumor mAb by priming the inactivated C3b (iC3b complement) receptors (CR3; CD11b/CD18) of circulating granulocytes [primarily neutrophils] , enabling CR3 to trigger cytotoxicity [emitted chemical killing] of iC3b-coated tumors. “
Tumors: Ross G, Hong F, Allendorf D, Hansen R, Ostroff G; “Mechanism of Tumor Regression Stimulated by Yeast Beta Glucan Dietary Supplement.” Abstract. April 9, 2003. Quote: “The mechanism of B-glucan enhancement of tumor mAb immunotherapy involves the activation of the innate immune cells (macrophages and neutrophils) via the lectin binding site on CR3 to target and kill Ab opsonized tumor cells. Oral yeast B-glucan is orally absorbed and transported by macrophages into immune tissues and tumors resulting in the secretion of inflammatory cytokines and soluble B-glucan leading to an enhanced innate immune cell attack against tumor cells.”
Tumors: Pola P, “Composition for the prevention and/or treatment of lipid metabolism disorders and allergic forms,” U.S. Patent Application 20030017999, January 23, 2003. “.beta-1,3-D-glucan has proved effective not only in preventing lipid metabolism disorders, but also in stimulating immune defenses, in preventing onset of tumors and in controlling serum glucose.”
Tumors: Cheung NK, Modak S, Vickers A, Knuckles B; “Orally administered beta-glucans enhance anti-tumor effects of monoclonal antibodies,” Department of Pediatrics, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, Cancer Immunology, Immunotherapy ;51(10):557-64. Dec 2002. Quote: “We studied readily available (1–>3)-beta- D-glucan using the immune deficient xenograft tumor models, and examined the relationship of its anti-tumor effect …. Given the favorable efficacy and toxicity profile of oral beta- D-glucan treatment, the role of natural products that contain beta-glucan in cancer treatment as an enhancer of the effect of mAb therapy deserves further study.”
Tumors: Brown G D, Gordon S; “Immune recognition. A new receptor for beta-glucans.” Sir William Dunn School of Pathology, University of Oxford, Nature 6;413(6851):36-7. Sep 2001. Quote: “The carbohydrate polymers known as beta-1,3-d-glucans exert potent effects on the immune system – stimulating antitumour and antimicrobial activity, for example – by binding to receptors on macrophages and other white blood cells and activating them.”
Tumors: Brown G D, Gordon S; “Immune recognition. A new receptor for beta-glucans.” Sir William Dunn School of Pathology, University of Oxford, Nature 6;413(6851):36-7. Sep 2001. Quote: “The carbohydrate polymers known as beta-1,3-d-glucans exert potent effects on the immune system – stimulating antitumour and antimicrobial activity, for example – by binding to receptors on macrophages and other white blood cells and activating them.”
Tumors: Artursson P, Edman P, Ericsson JL., “Macrophage stimulation with some structurally related polysaccharides.” Scand J Immunol. 1987 Mar;25(3):245-54. PMID:3494301. Quote: “The macrophage-stimulating properties of some structurally related polysaccharides were studied in vitro. When the polysaccharides were presented to the macrophages as microparticles, they induced the release of interleukin 1 (IL-1) from the macrophages. ...Microparticulate 1.3-beta-glucan (curdlan) induced nonspecific macrophage mediated tumour cell killing while 1.4-alpha-glucan( starch), 1.6-alpha-glucan (dextran), and 1.6-alpha-mannan were without effect. The corresponding soluble polysaccharides did not stimulate the macrophages. “
Tumors : Mansell P.W.A., Rowden G., Hammer C.; “Clinical experiences with the use of glucan.” Chirigos MA, ed.; Immune Modulation and Control of Neoplasia by Adjuvant Therapy. Raven Press, New York 255-280; 1978.
Tumors – Regression: Seljelid R, “A water-soluble aminated beta 1-3D-glucan derivative causes regression of solid tumors in mice,” Biosci Rep 6(9):845-851. Sep 1986.* Quote: “When water-soluble aminated beta 1,-D-glucan (AG) was injected intravenously or intraperitoneally on day 7 of tumor growth, the tumors underwent complete regression.”
Tumors – Sarcoma: Seljelid R, et al, “Evidence that tumor necrosis induced by an irradiated beta 1-3D polyglucose is mediated by a concerted action of local and systemic cytokines,” Scand J Immuno 30(6): 687-694. Dec 1989.* Quote: “Aminated beta 1-3D polyglucose (AG) causes regression of Meth A sarcoma in syngeneic mice when injected systemically on day 7 after tumour inoculation. AG does not concentrate in the tumour, but distributes throughout the body.
Tumors: Bogwald J, Johnson E, Seljelid R;, “The Cytotoxic Effect of Mouse Macrophages Stimulated in vitro by a .beta. 1,3-D-Glucan from Yeast Cell Walls”. Scand. J. Immuol. 15: 297-304. 1982. Institute of Med Bio, U of Tromso, Norway. Quote: “ Macrophages stimulated by an insoluble beta 1-3-D-glucan from yeast cell walls were able to destroy tumour cells as measured by the release of radioactive label from prelabeled 14C-thymidine cells. Target cells were B-16 melanoma, P-815 mastocytoma, and the L-929 cell line. A significant target cell killing by macrophages stimulated by glucan was observed after 72-96 h.”
Tumors: DiLuzio N.R., Hoffman E.D., “Glucan-induced enhancement of host resistance to experimental tumors.” Prog. Cancer Therapy, 2: 475-499. 1977.
Tumors: DiLuzio N.R., McNamee R.B., Wiliams D.L., Gilbert K.M., Spanjers M.A., “Glucan induced inhibition of tumor growth and enhancement of survival in a variety of transplantable and spontaneous murine turmor models;” Adv Exp Med Biol 121A:269-290, 1980.
Tumors: DiLuzio N.R., Williams D.L., et al, “Comparative tumor-inhibotory and anti-bacterial activity of soluble and particulate glucan,” Int J Cancer, 24(6):773-779. Dec 1979.* Quote: “…these studies demonstrate that a soluble glucan preparation exhibits significant anti-tumor and anti-staphylococcal activity.”
Tumors: DiLuzio N.R.,”Immunopharmacology of glucan: a broad spectrum enhancer of host defense mechanisms,” Trends in Pharmacol. SCI., 4:344-347. Dept of Physiology, Tulane U, New Orleans, LA.* 1983. Quote: (p347) “The broad spectrum of immunopharmacological activities of glucan includes not only the modification of certain bacterial, fungal, viral and parasitic infections, but also inhibition of tumor growth.”
Tumors: Fukase S, Inoue T, Arai S, Sendo F; “Tumor cytotoxicity of polymorphonuclear leukocytes in beige mice: linkage of high responsiveness to linear beta-1,3-D-glucan with the beige gene.” Cancer Res. 47:4842-4847. 1987.
Tumors: Glovsky MM, et al,; “Effects of particulate beta-1,3 glucan on human, rat, and guinea pig complement activity,” J. Reticuloendothel Soc. 33:401-413. 1983.* Quote: “Glucan administration is associated with the modification of a variety of experimentally induced infectious disease states as well as the inhibition of growth of implantable and spontaneous tumors.”
Tumors: Kasai, S., Fujimoto S., Nitta K., Baba H., Kunimoto T., “Antitumor activity of polymorphonuclear leukcytes activated by a B-1,3-D-glucan”. J. Pharmacobiodyn. 14:519-525. Medline.
Tumors: Morikawa K., Takeda M., Yamazaki, M., and Mizuno D., “Induction of tumoricidal activity of polymorphonuclear leukocytes by a linear B-1,3-D-glucan and other immunomodulators in murine cells”. Cancer Res., 45: 1496-1501. (Medline).
Tumors: Proctor J.W., Stiteler R.D., Yamamura Y., Mansell P.W., Winters R., “Effect of glucan and other adjuvants on the clearance of radiolabeled tumor cells from mouse lungs”, Cancer Treat. Rep. ^2 (11): 1873-1880. (1978).
Tumors: Proctor, et al., “Development of a Bioassay for Anti-Tumor Activity of the Reticuloendoethelial Stimulant Class: Reproducibility of the Bioassay”. J. Immunopharmacol.; 3: 385-395. 1981-1982.* Quote: “Intravenously administered DiLuzio glucan…caused dose dependent increases in the tumor cell loss from the lungs of …mice challenged respectively with intravenous 125IuDR labelled B16 or T 1699 mammary carcinoma cells.”
Tumors: Scholtz R.M., et al; “Association of macrophage activation with antitumor activity by synthetic and biological agents.” Cancer Res., 37:3338-33343. 1977.
Tumors: Schultz, et al., “Association of Macrophage Activation with Anti-tumor Activity by Synthetic and Biologic Agents”. Cancer Res.; 37:3338-43. 1977.
Tumors: Seljelid R, “Tumour regression after treatment with aminated beta 1-3D polyglucose is initiated by circulatory failure,” Scand J Immunol 29(2): 181-192; Feb 1989.*
Tumors: Seljelid R, Busund LT, “The biology of macrophages: II. Inflammation and tumors,” Eur J Haematol 52(1): 1-12. Jan 1994.* Dept of Exp Pathol, Inst of Med Biol, U of Tromso, Norway.
Tumors: Yoshizawa, et al, “Effects of Natural Human Interleukin-6 on Thrombopoiesis and Tumor Progression in Tumor-Bearing Mice”,Cancer Letters; vol. 79, pp. 83-89. 1994.
Tumors – Pulminary Metastases: Penna C, Dean P, Nelson H (Dept of Surgery-Mayo Clinic); “Pulmonary metastases neutralization and tumor rejection by in vivo administration of beta glucan and bispecific antibody;” Int J Cancer, 65.3,377-82. Jan 1996. Quote: “In the established tumor model, beta glucan + Bispecific antibody (BsAb) reduced the incidence of s.c. tumors as compared with control…It also prolonged survival of tumor-bearing mice compared with control. We conclude that T cells can be activated in vivo by beta glucan…”
โรคมะเร็ง (Cancer)
Carcinoma – Salvador C, Li B, Hansen R, Cramer DE, Kong M, Yan J. “Yeast-Derived {beta}-Glucan Augments the Therapeutic Efficacy Mediated by Anti-Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor Monoclonal Antibody in Human Carcinoma Xenograft Models.” Clin Cancer Res, 14(4):1239-47. Feb 15 2008
Carcinoma – Bladder: Thompson I.M., Spence C.R. Lamn D.L., DiLuzio N.R., “ Immunochemotherapy of bladder carcinoma with glucan and cyclophosphamide”, Am. J. Med. Sci. 294 (5): 294-300. 1987.*
Carcinoma – Mammary: Proctor, et al., “Development of a Bioassay for Anti-Tumor Activity of the Reticuloendoethelial Stimulant Class: Reproducibility of the Bioassay”. J. Immunopharmacol.; 3: 385-395. 1981-1982.* Quote: “Intravenously administered DiLuzio glucan…caused dose dependent increases in the tumor cell loss from the lungs of …mice challenged respectively with intravenous 125IuDR labelled B16 or T 1699 mammary carcinoma cells.”
Cancer: Saber A, Alipour B, et al: “Cellular and molecular effects of yeast probiotics on cancer,” Crit Rev Microbiol, PMID 27561003, 1-20 Aug 25, 2016; Quote: “Nonpathogenic yeasts, as members of probiotics family, can be effective on gut microbiota dysbiosis. …Probiotic yeasts influence physiology, metabolism, and immune homeostasis in the colon and contribute to cancer treatment due to possessing anti-inflammatory, anti-proliferative and anti-cancer properties. This study reviews some of the health-beneficial effects of probiotic yeasts and their biological substances like folic acid and β-glucan on cancer … .”
Cancer – Melanoma: Vetvicka V et al; “Glucan Supplementation Has Strong Anti-melanoma Effects: Role of NK Cells;” Anticancer Res,15 Oct;35(10):5287-92. 2015. PMID:26408688 Quote: “…we focused on possible effects of insoluble yeast-derived β-glucan on the growth of melanoma cells. … glucan supplementation had a strong-positive effect in both reducing [melanoma] tumor weight, lung colonies and overall survival rate of tested animals. In addition, glucan inhibited the damage to blood cells and potentiated the effects of regular chemotherapy.”
Cancer – Ostadrahimi A, Esfahani A, etc, “Effect of Beta glucan on quality of life in women with breast cancer undergoing chemotherapy: a randomized double-blind placebo-controlled clinical trial.” Adv Pharm Bull, 2014 Oct; 4 (Suppl 1):471-1. doi: 10.5681/apb.2014.070. Epub Aug 25, 2014; PMID:25364665 PMCID: PMC4213788. Quote: “The findings suggest that Beta glucan may be useful as a complementary or adjuvant therapy for improving quality of life in breast cancer patients in combination with cancer therapies.”
Cancer – Jafaar ZM, Litchfield LM, etc. “B-D-glucan inhibits endocrine-resistant breast cancer cell proliferation and alters gene expression.” Int J Oncol, 2014 Apr;44(4):1365-75. doi: PMID 24534923; PMCID:PMC3977804. Quote: “B-D-glucan regulates breast cancer-relevant gene expression and may be useful for inhibiting endocrine-resistant breast cancer cell proliferation.”
Cancer – Karaca H, Bozkurt O, etc., “Positive effects of oral B-glucan on mucositis and leukopenia in colorectal cancer patients receiving adjuvant FLFOX-4 combination chemotherapy.” Asian Pac J Cancer Prev, 2014;15(8):3641-4, PMID 24870771. Quote: “Oral mucositis and diarrhea were less common in the B-glucan group. We conclude that B-glucan can be used to reduce the adverse effects of chemotherapy. “
Cancer – Aleem E, “B-Glucans and their applications in cancer therapy: focus on human studies,” Anticancer Agents Med Chem, 13(5):709-19, Jun 2013. Quote: β-glucans have been used as adjuvant therapy in clinical trials, mainly in the Far East, with a positive effect on patients’ survival and quality of life. The mechanism of action is suggested to be through its stimulation of the immune system.
Cancer – Colon – Chen J, et al, “The application of fungal B-glucans for the treatment of colon cancer.” Anticancer Agents Med Chem. 2013 Jun;13(5):725-30. Jun 2013. PMID:23293888 Quote: Evidence has supported the idea that beta-glucans can decrease the size of xenografted colon cancer tumors via the stimulation of the immune system and direct cytotoxicity. Beta-glucans can also have synergistic effects with chemotherapeutic agents and other immune stimulators, and an innovative strategy is to use beta-glucans to deliver nanoparticles containing chemotherapeutic agents to the site of the colon cancer and, thus, improve the therapeutic efficacy.
Cancer – Tian J, Ma J, Ma K, etc, “B-Glucan enhances antitumor immune responses by regulating differentiation and function of monocytic myeloid-derived suppressor cells.” Eur J Immunonl, 2013 May;43(5):1220-30. doi. Quote: Myeloid-derived suppressor cells (MDSCs) accumulate in tumor-bearing hosts and play a major role in tumor-induced immunosuppression, which hampers effective immuno-therapeutic approaches. B-Glucans have been reported to function as potent immune-modulators to stimulate innate and adaptive immune responses, which contribute to their antitumor property. …thereby leading to the delayed tumor progression.”
Cancer – Zechner-Krpan V, Petravic-Tominac V, GrBa Slobodan, Pnaikota-Krbavcic I, Vidovic L, “Biological Effects of Yeast B-Glucans,”Agriculturae Conspectus Scientificus, 2010, Vol 75, No.4 (149-158). Quote: “Immunomodulation by B-glucan, both in vitro and in vivo, inhibits cancer cell growth and metastasis and prevents bacterial infection. In humans, dietary B-glucan lowers blood cholesterol, improves glucose utilization by body cells and also helps wound healing.”
Cancer – LiB, Cai Y, Qi C, etc., “Orally administered particulate beta-glucan modulates tumor-capturing dendritic cells and improves antitumor T-cell responses in cancer.” Clin Cancer Res, 2010 Nov 1:16(21):5153-64. Quote: “IFN-y [interferon] production of tumor-infiltrating T cells and CTL responses were significantly enhanced on B-glucan treatment, which ultimately resulted in significantly reduced tumor burden. …These data highlight the ability of yeast-derived B-glucan to bridge innate and adaptive antitumor immunity and suggest that it can be used as an adjuvant for tumor immunotherapy.”
Cancer – Vetvicka V; “Glucan-immunostimulant, adjuvant, potential drug,” World J Clin Oncol, 2(2):115-119 Feb 10 2010. Quote: “The significant role of glucans in cancer treatment, infection immunity, stress reduction and restoration of damaged bone marrow has already been established.”
Cancer:– Chan GC, Chan WK, Sze DM; “The effects of beta-glucan on human immune and cancer cells.” Dept of Pediatrics and Adolescent Med. U of Hong Kong, Hong Kong; J Hematol Oncol 2:25; Pub med 19515245; June 10, 2009: Quote: …beta-glucans…trigger a group of immune cells including macrophages, neutrophils, monocytes, natural killer cells and dendritic cells. As a consequence, both innate and adaptive immune responses can be modulated by beta-glucans and they can also enhance opsonic and non-opsonic phagocytosis [ingestion of foreign matter including cancer cells]. …They [beta-glucans] are internalized and fragmented within the cells; then transported by the macrophages to the marrow and endothelial reticular system. …beta-glucans of different sizes and branching patterns may have significantly variable immune potency.”
Cancer – Immunotherapy: Liu J, Gunn L, Hansen R, Yan J; “Combined yeast-derived beta-glucan with anti-tumor monoclonal antibody for cancer immunotherapy.” Tumor Immunobiology Program, James Graham Brown Cancer Ctr, Louisville, KY; Exp Mol Pathol, 86(3): 208-14, PubMed 19454271; June 2009: Quote: Recent studies have unraveled the action mode of yeast-derived beta-glucan in combination with anti-tumor monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) in cancer therapy…Pre-clinical animal studies have demonstrated the efficacy of combined beta-glucan with anti-tumor mAb therapy in terms of tumor regression and long-term survival. …It is proposed that the addition of beta-glucan will further improve the therapeutic efficacy of anti-tumor mAbs in cancer patients.”
Cancer, Immunotherapy w/ Monoclonal Antibodies and Beta Glucan: Li B, Allendorf DJ, et al; “Yeast beta-glucan amplifies phagocyte killing of iC3b-opsonized tumor cells via complement receptor 3-Syk-phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase pathway,” J Immunol, Aug 1;177(3): 1651-9 2006. PMID 16849475, Quote: “Anti-tumor mAbs hold promise for cancer therapy, but are relatively inefficient. Therefore, there is a need for agents that might amplify the effectiveness of these mAbs. One such agent is beta glucan… . In this study, we report that tumor-bearing mice treated with a combination of beta-glucan and anti-tumor mAb show almost complete cessation of tumor growth. …These results are important inasmuch as beta-glucan, an agent without evident toxicity, may be used to amplify tumor cell killing and may open new opportunities in the immunotherapy of cancer.”
Cancer:– Kogan G, Pajtinka M, Babincova M, Miadokova E, Rauko P, Slamenova D, Korolenko TA; “Yeast cell wall polysaccharides as antioxidants and antimutagens: can they fight cancer?” Inst of Chemistry, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Bratislava, Slovakia; Neoplasma 55(5):387-93 2008. Quote: “…yeast cell wall beta-D glucans reveal immunomodulating properties which allows for their application in anti-infective and antitumor therapy. The derivatives of beta-D-glucan exerted potent enhancement of tumor necrosis [killing] factor alpha (TNF-alpha) …and revealed synergistic effect with cyclophosphamide in the treatment of Lewis lung carcinoma and two types of lymphosarcoma in murine models. The results indicate protective antioxidant, antimutagenic and antigenotoxic [deters physical dna damage] activities…and imply their potential application in anticancer prevention/therapy.”
Cancer: – Salvador C, Li B, Hansen R, Cramer DE, Kong M, Yan J. “Yeast-Derived {beta}-Glucan Augments the Therapeutic Efficacy Mediated by Anti-Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor Monoclonal Antibody in Human Carcinoma Xenograft Models.” Clin Cancer Res, 14(4):1239-47. Feb 15 2008
Cancer – Breast: Demir G, Klkein HO, Mandel-Molinas N, Tuzuner N; “Beta glucan induces proliferation and activation of monocytes in peripheral blood of patients with advanced breast cancer.” Istanbul U, Medical Oncology Dept, Turkey; Int Immunopharmacol. 7(1):113-6; PubMed 17161824. Jan 2007. Quote: “In human studies it has been shown that beta glucan has an immunomodulatory effect and can increase the efficacy of the biological therapies in cancer patients. In this prospective clinical trial we assessed in vivo effects of short term oral beta glucan administration on peripheral blood monocytes and their expression of activation markers in patients with advanced breast cancer. METHODS: 23 female patients with advanced breast cancer were included in the study. … Sixteen healthy females with a median age of 48 years served as the control group for comparing the initial blood samples. Peripheral blood samples were drawn on day zero and patients started receiving oral 1-3, 1-6, D-beta glucan daily. Blood samples were recollected on the 15th day. In the initial samples mean lymphocyte count was significantly lower in the patients with breast cancer (1281+/-306/mm(3) versus 1930+/-573/mm(3), p=0.04).
In the patients with breast cancer, mean monocyte count which was 326+124/mm(3) at the beginning, was increased to 496+194/mm(3) at the 15th day. …Oral beta glucan administration seems to stimulate proliferation and activation of peripheral blood monocytes in vivo in patients with advanced breast cancer.
Cancer: Akramiene D, Kondrotas A, Didziapetriene J, Kevelaitis E; “Effects of beta-glucans on the immune system.” Medicina (Kaunas). Dept of Physiology, Kaunas U of Medicine, Kaunas, Lithunia. 43(8):597-606; 2007. Quote: “Beta-glucans are naturally occurring polysaccharides….These substances increase host immune defense by activating complement system, enhancing macrophages and natural killer cell function. beta-Glucans also show anticarcinogenic activity. They can prevent oncogenesis due to the protective effect against potent genotoxic carcinogens. As immunostimulating agent, which acts through the activation of macrophages and NK cell cytotoxicity, beta-glucan can inhibit tumor growth…reduce tumor proliferation, prevent tumor metastasis. beta-Glucan as adjuvant to cancer chemotherapy and radiotherapy demonstrated the positive role in the restoration of hematopiesis [red blood cells] following by bone marrow injury.
Immunotherapy using monoclonal antibodies is a novel strategy of cancer treatment. These [monoclonal] antibodies activate complement system and opsonize tumor cells with iC3b fragment. …tumor cells, as well as other host cells, lack beta-glucan as a surface component and cannot trigger complement receptor 3-dependent cellular cytotoxicity and initiate tumor-killing activity. This mechanism [tumor-killing activity] could be induced in the presence of beta-glucans.
Cancer: Li B, Allendorf D, Hansen R, Marroquin J, Ding C, Cramer DE, Yan J; “Yeast beta-Glucan Amplifies Phagocyte Killing of iC3b-Opsonized Tumor Cells via Complement Receptor 3-Syk-Phosphatidylinositol 3-Kinase Pathway.” J Immunology: 1:177(3):1661-9. Tumor Immunobiology Program, James Graham Brown Cancer Center, University of Louisville, Louisville, KY. Aug 2006. Quote: “Anti-tumor mAbs [monoclonal antibodies] hold promise for cancer therapy, but are relatively inefficient. …In this study, we report that tumor-bearing mice treated with a combination of beta-glucan and an anti-tumor mAb show almost complete cessation of tumor growth. …The importance of these observations is that B-glucan is without evident toxicity, and can be orally administered and used in conjunction with existing anti-tumor mAbs [monoclonal antibodies] to greatly amplify tumor cell killing. We believe this may open new opportunities in the immunotherapy of cancer.”
Cancer: Yan J, Allendorf DJ, Brandley B, “Yeast whole glucan particle (WGP) beta-glucan in conjunction with antitumour monoclonal antibodies to treat cancer.” Expert Opin Biol Ther; 5(5):691-702; James Graham Brown Cancer Ctr, Louisville, KY, 2005. Quote: “Extensive studies in preclinical animal tumour models have demonstrated the efficacy of combined oral particulate yeast beta-glucan with antitumour mAb [monoclonal antibodies] in terms of tumour regression and long-term survival. It is proposed that the addition of beta-glucan will further improve the clinical therapeutic efficacy of antitumour mAbs in cancer patients.”
Cancer: Allendorf DJ, Yan J, Ross GD, Hansen RD, Baran JT, Suffarao K, Wang L, Haribabu B, “C5a-mediated leukotrienes B4-amplified neutrophil chemotaxis is essential in tumor immunotherapy facilitated by anti-tumor antibody and B-glucan.” J Immunology: 174:7050-56. 2005
Cancer: Gelderman K, Tomlinson S, Ross G, Gorter A; “Complement function in mAb-mediated cancer immunotherapy.” Trends in Immun: Vol 25 No 3, 159-164; March 2004. Quote: “…the use of B-glucan as an adjuvant for mAb [monoclonal antibodies]immunotherapy enables iC3b deposited on tumor cells by mAbs to activate complement [30 proteins circulating in blood plasma] receptor 3 (CR3) on effector cells, thus inducing CR3-dependent cellular cytotoxicity [toxic to cells].“
Cancer: Hong F, Yan J, Baran JT, Allendorf DJ, Hansen RD, Ostroff G, Ross G, “Mechanism by Which Orally Administered B-1,3-Glucans Enhance the Tumoricidal Activity of Antitumor Monoclonal Antibodies in Murine Tumor Models,” The J of Immunology 173:797-806. James Graham Brown Cancer Ctr, Louisville, KY; July 15, 2004: Quote: “Orally administered B-1,3-glucans were taken up by macrophages that transported them to spleen, lymph nodes, and bone marrow. Within the bone marrow, the macrophages degraded the large B-1,3 glucans into smaller soluble B-1,3-glucan fragments that were taken up by the CR3 [receptors] of marginated granulocytes [white blood cells formed in the bone marrow]. These granulocytes with CR3-bound B-1,3-glucan-fluorescein were shown to kill iC3b-opsonized tumor [cancer] cells following their recruitment to a site of complement activation resembling a tumor coated with mAB [monoclonal antibodies].”
Cancer: Hunter K, Gault R, Jordan F, “Mode of Action of B-Glucan Immunopotentiators-Research Summary Release,” Department of Microbiology, University of Nevada School of Medicine, Jan 2001. Quote: “MG Glucan has been shown to enhance the envelopment and digestion (phagocytosis) of pathogenic microorganisms that cause infectious disease…The Beta-1,3/1,6 glucans additionally enhance the ability of macrophages, one of the most important cells in the immune system, to kill tumor cells. Laboratory studies have revealed the new MG Glucan is significantly effective at activating Macrophages, and via the Macrophages, the entire immune cascade including T-Cells and B-Cells.”
Cancer: Ross GD, Vetvicka V, et al; “Therapeutic intervention with complement and beta-glucan in cancer.” Dept of Pathology, U of Louisville KY, 42(1-3):61-74; May 1999. Quote: “…the cytotoxic activation of beta-glucan-primed NK cell CR3 by iC3b-opsinized tumors is shown to be accompanied by a tumor-localized secretion of the cytokines TNFalpha, IFNalpha, IFNgamma, and IL-6.”
Cancer – Carcinoma-Colon/Liver: “Inhibition of establishment and growth of mouse liver [colon carcinoma] mestastase after treatment with interferon gamma and beta-1,3-D-glucan;””Hepatology, 27:25, 1241-8. May 1998. Quote: “Combination of IFN-gamma and animated beta-1,3-D glucan (AG) inhibited the growth of liver metastases [of colon carcinoma] almost entirely.”
Cancer – Carcinoma-Bladder: Thompson I.M., Spence C.R. Lamn D.L., DiLuzio N.R., “ Immunochemotherapy of bladder carcinoma with glucan and cyclophosphamide”, Am. J. Med. Sci. 294 (5): 294-300. 1987.*
Cancer – Carcinoma of the Breast: Mansell P.W.A., Ichinose H., Reed R.J., Krements E.T., McNamee R.B., Di Luzio N.R.; “Macrophage-mediated Destruction of Human Malignant Cells in Vitro”. Journal of National Cancer Institute; 54: 571-580. 1975. Quote: “The initial 9 patients studied had malignant carcinoma of the breast. Control and experimental lesions were injected; subsequently biopsies were performed at varying intervals for histologic evaluation. Always when glucan or glucan and RF fraction were administered intra-lesionally, the size of the lesion was strikingly reduced in as short a period as 5 days. …In small lesions, resolution was complete, whereas in large lesions, resolutions was partial.”
Cancer – Chemotherapy: Damia, et al, “Prevention of Acute Chemotherapy-Induced Death in Mice by Recombinate Human Interleukin 1: Protection from Hematological and Nonhematological Toxicities”, Cancer Research, vol. 52, pp. 4082-4089.
Cancer Lung: Roudi R, Mohammadi SR, Roubary M, Mohsenzadegan M, “Lung Cancer and B-glucans: review of potential therapeutic applications,” Invest New Drugs 10.1007/s 10637-017-0449-9, , Mar 16, 2017. Quote: “β-glucans…potentiate the immune system against microbes and toxic substances. Moreover, β-glucans are known to exhibit direct anticancer effects and can suppress cancer proliferation through immunomodulatory pathways.
Cancer –Lymphoma: Cassone A, Bistoni F., Cenci E, Pesce C., Tissi L., Marconi P., “Immunopotentiation of anticancer chemotherapy by Candida albicans, other yeast and

Cancer – Malignancies: DiLuzio N.R., et al., “The Employment of Glucan and Glucan Activated Macrophages in the Enhancement of Host Resistance to Malignancies in Experimental Animals,” in The Macrophage in Neoplasia; Academic Press, Inc. New York; pp. 181-198. 1976.
Cancer – Lewis Lung Carcinoma: Suzuki, et al, “Inhibition of experimental pulmonary metastasis of Lewis lung carcinoma by orally administered B-glucan in mice., ” Chem. Pharm. Bull. (Todyo, 39:1606-1608, 1991. PMID: 1934182..
Cancer – Mammary Carcinoma: DiLuzio N.R. Williams D.L. et al, “Comparative evaluation of the tumor inhibitory and antibacterial activity of solubilized and particulate glucan,” Recent Results Cancer Res 75:165-172. 1980.* Quote: “Intravenous administration of soluble or particulate glucan resulted in significant reduction in the growth of a syngeneic anaplastic mammary carcinoma and melanoma B16 and enhanced survival.”
Cancer – Mammary Carcinoma: Proctor, et al., “Development of a Bioassay for Anti-Tumor Activity of the Reticuloendoethelial Stimulant Class: Reproducibility of the Bioassay”. J. Immunopharmacol.; 3: 385-395. 1981-1982.* Quote: “Intravenously administered DiLuzio glucan…caused dose dependent increases in the tumor cell loss from the lungs of …mice challenged respectively with intravenous 125IuDR labelled B16 or T 1699 mammary carcinoma cells.”
Cancer – Melanoma: DiLuzio N.R. Williams D.L. et al, “Comparative evaluation of the tumor inhibitory and antibacterial activity of solubilized and particulate glucan,” Recent Results Cancer Res 75:165-172. 1980* Quote: “Intravenous administration of soluble or particulate glucan resulted in significant reduction in the growth of a syngeneic anaplastic mammary carcinoma and melanoma B16 and enhanced survival.”
Cancer – Ovarian: Kobayashi H, Yoshida R, Kanada Y, Fukuda Y, Yagyu T, Inagaki K, Kondo T, Kurita N, Suzuki M, Kanayama N, Terao T., “Suppressing effects of daily oral supplementation of beta-glucan extracted from Agaricus blazei Murill on spontaneous and peritoneal disseminated metastasis in mouse model. ”Dept of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Hamamatsu U Sch of Med; J Cancer Res Clin Oncol. 5 May 10, 2005. Quote: “Results: … (1) beta-glucan had cytotoxic effect against human ovarian cancer HRA cells in vitro; (2) beta-glucan promotes p38 MAPK activity for suppressing HRA cell proliferation and amplifying the apoptosis cascade. Conclusion: Treatment with beta-glucan may be beneficial for cancer patients with or at risk for metastasis.”
Cancer Radiation Protection: Tabele F, et al: “Radioprotective Effect of Beta D-Glucan and Vitamin E on Gamma Irradiated Mouse,” J Clin Diagn Res,; PMID:28384957 PMCID: PMC5376888, Feb 11 2017. Quote: “It is shown that beta-D-glucan is an immunologic system booster with radioprotectory effects. Radioprotectors are chemical components that can alleviate biological damage produced by ionizing radiation.”
Cancer – Radiotherapy: Gu YH, Takagi Y, et al; “Enhancement of radioprotection and anti-tumor immunity by yeast-derived beta-glucan in mice,” J Med Food. 8(2) 154-8; Dept of Radiological Technology, Suzuka U of Med Sc, Suzuka, Japan, Summer 2005. Quote: “Intraperitoneal injection of beta-glucan was shown to greatly delay mortality in mice exposed to whole-body X-ray radiation and tumor growth in tumor-bearing mice. …Augmented immunological activity as seen in increased NK (natural killer) and LAK (lymphokine-activated killer) activity by beta-glucan seems to play a role in preventing secondary infections associated with irradiation and probably contributes to the attenuated [reduced] tumor growth in tumor-bearing mice through enhanced anti-tumour immunity. These results suggest that beta-glucan may be a promising adjunct treatment for cancer patients receiving radiotherapy.”
Cancer – Sarcoma and Melanoma: Williams DL, et al, “Therapeutic efficacy of glucan in a murine model of hepatic metastatic disease,”Hepatology 5(2):198-206. Mar 1985.* Quote: “…coincubation of particulate glucan with diverse populations of normal or tumor cells in vitro indicated that glucan exerted a direct cytostatic effect on sarcoma and melanoma cells and, in contrast, had a proliferative effect on normal spleen and bone marrow cells.”
Cancer – Sarcoma: Seljelid R, et al, “Evidence that tumor necrosis induced by an irradiated beta 1-3D polyglucose is mediated by a concerted action of local and systemic cytokines,” Scand J Immuno 30(6): 687-694. Dec 1989.* Quote: “Aminated beta 1-3D polyglucose (AG) causes regression of Meth A sarcoma in syngeneic mice when injected systemically on day 7 after tumour inoculation. AG does not concentrate in the tumour, but distributes throughout the body. AG treatment causes release of large amounts of interleukin 1 (IL-1) both in vivo [in the body] and in macrophage cultures in vitro [out of body].”
Cancer : Carrow, D.J.; “Beta-1,3-glucan as a Primary Immune Activator,” Townsend Letter; June 1996. Quote: “Over the past 11 months I have been able to convince five out of eight breast cancer patients who were undergoing radiation therapy, to consume one capsule of beta 1,3/1,6 glucan (NSC-24 3 mg) three times per day. To date, I have observed that none of the patients using NSC-24 have suffered from any type of radiation injury to the skin, while the three patients who chose not to use NSC-24 all show signs of extensive radiation damage to the skin.”
Cancer – Melanoma: Vetvicka V, Vetvickova J; “Glucan Supplementation Has Strong Anti-melanoma Effects: Role of NK Cells,” J Anticancer Res, Oct, 35(10):5287-92 , 2015 PMID 26408686 – PubMed-in progress. Quote: “β-Glucan is a natural immunomodulator …with significant beneficial properties in infectious diseases and cancer therapy. … we focused on possible effects of insoluble yeast-derived β-glucan on the growth of melanoma cells. …glucan supplementation had a strong-positive effect in both reducing tumor weight, lung colonies and overall survival rate of tested animals. In addition, glucan inhibited the damage to blood cells and potentiated the effects of regular chemotherapy.”
Cancer – Melanoma: Bogwald J, Johnson E, Seljelid R;, “The Cytotoxic Effect of Mouse Macrophages Stimulated in vitro by a .beta. 1,3-D-Glucan from Yeast Cell Walls”. Scand. J. Immuol. 15: 297-304. 1982. Institute of Med Bio, U of Tromso, Norway. Quote: “ Macrophages stimulated by an insoluble beta 1-3-D-glucan from yeast cell walls were able to destroy tumor cells as measured by the release of radioactive label from prelabelled 14C-thymidine cells. Target cells were B-16 melanoma, P-815 mastocytoma, and the L-929 cell line. A significant target cell killing by macrophages stimulated by glucan was observed after 72-96 h.”
Cancer – Metastasis: Kobayashi H, Yoshida R, Kanada Y, Fukuda Y, Yagyu T, Inagaki K, Kondo T, Kurita N, Suzuki M, Kanayama N,Terao T., “Suppressing effects of daily oral supplementation of beta-glucan extracted from Agaricus blazei Murill on spontaneous and peritoneal disseminated metastasis in mouse model. ”Dept of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Hamamatsu U Sch of Med; J Cancer Res Clin Oncol. 5 May 10, 2005. Quote: “Conclusion: Treatment with beta-glucan may be beneficial for cancer patients with or at risk for metastasis.”
Cancer: Jordan, F.; “An Effective Immune Response Potentiator– Beta-1,3/1,6-glucan Derived from Yeast Cell Wall,” Macrophage Technologies Publication, pp 1-7; 1998.
Cancer: Mansell P.W.A., et al., Activation of the Alternative Complement Pathway by Water-Insouble Glucans of Streptococcus mutans: the Relation Between Their Chemical Structures and Activating Potencies”. Macrophage-Mediated Destruction of Human Malignant Cells In Vitro; Inai et al., J. Immunol (1976); 1256-1260. 1976.
Cancer: Mansell P.W.A., Ichinose H., Reed R.J., Krements E.T., McNamee R.B., Di Luzio N.R.; Macrophage-medicated Destruction of Human Malignant Cells in Vivo. Journal of National Cancer Institute; 54: 571-580. 1975.
Cancer: Niskanen E.O., Burgaleta C., Cline M.J., Goide D.W.; Effect of glucan, a macrophage activator, on murine hemopoietic cell proliferation in diffusion chambers in mice; Cancer Res 38: 1406-1409, 1978.
Cancer: Schultz, et al., “Association of Macrophage Activation with Anti-tumor Activity by Synthetic and Biologic Agents”. Cancer Res.; 37:3338-43. 1977.
Cancer: White Cell Enhancement: DiLuzio N.R., et al., The Macrophage and Cancer, James et al., eds: Edinburgh Univer. Med. Pres.; pp. 181-201. 1977.
Cancer: Williams D.L., Browder I. and DiLuzio N.R., “Methods and compositions for prophylactic and therapeutic treatment of infections,”U.S. Patent 4900722, Issued Feb 13, 1990. Quote: “The soluble phosphorylated glucans are also useful for stimulating macrophage cells, either in vivo or in vitro, to produce a cytotoxic/cyctostatic factor effective against cancer cells.” [cytotoxic: toxic to cell – prevents reproduction or growth]
Cancer – Sacrcoma Tumors: Sveinbj B, Seternes O, Seljelid R, “Macrophage cytotoxicity against murine meth A sarcoma involves nitric oxide-mediated apoptosis,” Biochem Biophys Res Commun, 223:3, 643-9. Jun 1996. Quote: “When stimulated with interferon-gamma and soluble beta 1,3-D-glucan, macrophages exerted cytotoxicity towards syngeneic Meth A [sarcoma]tumor cells.”
Cancer: Williams D.L., et al.; Curr. Chemotherapy and Infectious Disease, Proc.; 11th 1CC and 19th 1ICAAC pp. 1724-1726. 1980.
Leukemia: DiLuzio NR, Williams DL, “Protective effect of glucan against systemic Staphylococcus aureus septicemia in normal and leukemic mice,” Infect Immun 20(3):804-810. Dept of Physiology, Tulane U, New Orleans, LA.* Jun 1978. Quote: “These data denote that glucan enhances nonspecific resistance to S. aureus sepsis, promotes survival during leukemic episodes, and increases survival time of leukemic mice with experimentally induced staphylococcal infection.”
Leukemia: Stewart C.C., et al., “Preliminary Observations on the Effect of Glucan in Combination with Radiation and Chemotherapy in Four Murine Tumors,” Cancer Treat. Prep.; 62: 1867-72. 1978. Quote: “The efficacy of glucan in combination with BCNU chemotherapy was measured using the disseminated AKR transplantable leukemia; the combination yielded a high level of cures compared to no survival for either agent alone.”
Leukemia: Williams D.L, DiLuzio NR, “Glucan induced modification of experimental Staphylococcus aureus infection in normal, leukemic and immunosuppressed mice.” Adv Exp Med Biol 121(A):291-306. 1979* Quote: “…A post-treatment regimen of glucan significantly enhanced survival of AKR/J mice with lymphocytic leukemia as well as leukemic mice with experimentally induced systemic staphylococcal infection.”
Lung Cancer: Roudi R, Mohammadi SR, Roubary M, Mohsenzadegan M, “Lung Cancer and B-glucans: review of potential therapeutic applications,” Invest New Drugs 10.1007/s 10637-017-0449-9, , Mar 16, 2017. Quote: “β-glucans…potentiate the immune system against microbes and toxic substances. Moreover, β-glucans are known to exhibit direct anticancer effects and can suppress cancer proliferation through immunomodulatory pathways.
Lymphosarcoma Cancer: Kogan G, Pajtinka M, Babincova M, Miadokova E, Rauko P, Slamenova D, Korolenko TA; “Yeast cell wall polysaccharides as antioxidants and antimutagens: can they fight cancer?” Inst of Chemistry, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Bratislava, Slovakia; Neoplasma 55(5):387-93 2008.
Quote: “…yeast cell wall beta-D glucans reveal immunomodulating properties which allows for their application in anti-infective and antitumor therapy. The derivatives of beta-D-glucan exerted potent enhancement of tumor necrosis [killing] factor alpha (TNF-alpha) …and revealed synergistic effect with cyclophosphamide in the treatment of Lewis lung carcinoma and two types of lymphosarcoma in murine models. The results indicate protective antioxidant, antimutagenic and antigenotoxic [deters physical dna damage] activities…and imply their potential application in anticancer prevention/therapy.”
Melanoma – Cancer: Vetvicka V, Vetvickova J, “Glucan Supplementation Has Strong Anti-melanoma Effects: Role of NK Cells, Anticancer Res. 35(10):5287-92. Oct 2015. PMID:26408688.
Quote: ”…we focused on possible effects of insoluble yeast-derived β-glucan on the growth of melanoma cells. …glucan supplementation had a strong-positive effect in both reducing tumor weight, lung colonies and overall survival rate of tested animals. In addition, glucan inhibited the damage to blood cells and potential effects of regular chemotherapy.”
Sarcoma: Seljelid R, et al, “Evidence that tumor necrosis induced by an irradiated beta 1-3D polyglucose is mediated by a concerted action of local and systemic cytokines,” Scand J Immuno 30(6): 687-694. Dec 1989.* Quote: “Aminated beta 1-3D polyglucose (AG) causes regression of Meth A sarcoma in syngeneic mice when injected systemically on day 7 after tumour inoculation. AG does not concentrate in the tumour, but distributes throughout the body. AG treatment causes release of large amounts of interleukin 1 (IL-1) both in vivo [in the body] and in macrophage cultures in vitro [out of body].”
Sarcoma: Williams DL, et al, “Therapeutic efficacy of glucan in a murine model of hepatic metastatic disease,” Hepatology 5(2):198-206. Mar 1985.* Quote: “…coincubation of particulate glucan with diverse populations of normal or tumor cells in vitro indicated that glucan exerted a direct cytostatic effect on sarcoma and melanoma cells and, in contrast, had a proliferative effect on normal spleen and bone marrow cells.”
การรักษาด้วยเคมีบำบัด (Chemotherapy)
Chemotherapy – Karaca H, Bozkurt O, etc., “Positive effects of oral B-glucan on mucositis and leukopenia in colorectal cancer patients receiving adjuvant FLFOX-4 combination chemotherapy.” Asian Pac J Cancer Prev, 2014;15(8):3641-4, PMID 24870771. Quote: “Oral mucositis and diarrhea were less common in the B-glucan group. We conclude that B-glucan can be used to reduce the adverse effects of chemotherapy. “ [Mucositis is the painful inflammation and ulceration of the mucous membranes lining the digestive tract-an adverse effect of chemotherapy and radiotherapy treatment for cancer.]
Chemotherapy: Hofer M, Pospisil M, “Modulation of animal and human hematopoiesis by B-glucans: a review.” Molecules, Sep 15;16(9): 7969-79. PubMed 21921869. 2011. Quote: “B-glucans have been shown to support murine hematopoiesis suppressed by ionizing radiation or cytotoxic anti-cancer therapy [chemotherapy]. They also enhance stem cell homing and engraftment. Note: “Hematopoiesis” is the process of creating new blood cells in the body. All blood cells start off as hematopoietic stem cells, and then specialize or differentiate into myeloid cells including erythrocytes, megakaryocytes, monocytes, neutrophils, basophils, or eosinophils; or lymphoid cells including T-lymphocytes and B-lymphocytes.
Chemotherapy – Zechner-Krpan V, Petravic-Tominac V, GrBa Slobodan, Pnaikota-Krbavcic I, Vidovic L, “Biological Effects of Yeast B-Glucans,” Agriculturae Conspectus Scientificus, 2010, Vol 75, No.4 (149-158). Quote: B-Glucans work, in part, by stimulating the innate immune mechanism to fight a range of foreign challenges and could be used as an adjuvant, in combination with anti-infective or antineoplastic agents, radiotherapy, an a range of topical agents and nutrients.” [Note: “antineoplastic agents” inhibit the maturation and proliferation of malignant cells including chemotherapy drugs]
Chemotherapy: “The Biological activity of beta-glucans”; Minerva Medical; 100(3):237-245; Pub Med 19571787; Jun 2009; Quote: “…Beta-glucans have studied for their hypocholesterolemic effects; these mechanisms include: reducing the intestinal absorption of cholesterol and bile acids by binding to glucans; shifting the liver from cholesterol syntheses to bile acid production; and fermentation by intestinal bacteria to short-chain fatty acids, which are absorbed and inhibit hepatic cholesterol syntheses. …beta-1,3-glucans improve the body’s immune system defense against foreign invaders by enhancing the ability of macrophages, neutrophils and natural killer cells to respond to and fight a wide range of challenges such as bacteria, viruses, fungi, and parasites. …there is renewed interest in the potential usefulness of beta-glucan as a radioprotective drug for chemotherapy, radiation therapy and nuclear emergencies, particularly because glucan can be used not only as a treatment, but also as a prophylactic [taken in advance for protection].”
Chemotherapy-cyclophosphamide: Kogan G, Pajtinka M, Babincova M, Miadokova E, Rauko P, Slamenova D, Korolenko TA; “Yeast cell wall polysaccharides as antioxidants and antimutagens: can they fight cancer?” Inst of Chemistry, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Bratislava, Slovakia; Neoplasma 55(5):387-93 2008. Quote: “…yeast cell wall beta-D glucans reveal immunomodulating properties which allows for their application in anti-infective and antitumor therapy.The derivatives of beta-D-glucan exerted potent enhancement of tumor necrosis [killing] factor alpha (TNF-alpha) …and revealed synergistic effect with cyclophosphamide in the treatment of Lewis lung carcinoma and two types of lymphosarcoma in murine models. The results indicate protective antioxidant, antimutagenic and antigenotoxic [deters physical dna damage] activities…and imply their potential application in anticancer prevention/therapy.”
Chemotherapy: Akramiene D, Kondrotas A, Didziapetriene J, Kevelaitis E; “Effects of beta-glucans on the immune system.” Medicina (Kaunas). Dept of Physiology, Kaunas U of Medicine, Kaunas, Lithunia. 43(8):597-606; 2007. Quote: “Beta-glucans are naturally occurring polysaccharides….These substances increase host immune defense by activating complement system, enhancing macrophages and natural killer cell function. beta-Glucans also show anticarcinogenic activity. They can prevent oncogenesis due to the protective effect against potent genotoxic carcinogens [chemotherapy components]. As immunostimulating agent, which acts through the activation of macrophages and NK cell cytotoxicity, beta-glucan can inhibit tumor growth…reduce tumor proliferation, prevent tumor metastasis. beta-Glucan as adjuvant to cancer chemotherapy and radiotherapy demonstrated the positive role in the restoration of hematopiesis [red blood cells] following by bone marrow injury.
Chemotherapy: Sener G, Eksioglu-Demiraop E, Cetiner M, Ercan F, Yegen BC; “beta-glucan ameliorates methotrexate-induced oxidative organ injury via its antioxidant and immunomodulatory effects.” European J Pharmacology; 542(1-3):170-178; Epub May 2006. Aug 7 2006. Quote: “Methotrexate is an antifolate [antimetabolite chemotherapy drug] that is widely used in the treatment of rheumatic disorders and malignant tumors. The efficacy of methotrexate is often limited by severe side effects and toxic sequelae [disease condition caused by a disease], where oxidative stress[free radical damage] is noticeable. … Thus, the findings of the present study suggest that beta-glucan, through its antioxidant and immunoregulatory effects, may be of therapeutic value in alleviating the leukocyte apoptosis [white immune cell death], oxidative [free radical] tissue injury and thereby the intestinal and hepatorenal [liver or kidney] side effects of methotrexate treatment.”
Chemotherapy: Tohamy AA et al. “Beta-glucan inhibits the genotoxicity of cyclophosphamide, adriamycin and cisplatin.” Mutat. Research. 541(1-2):45-53. Nov 2003. Quote: “This protective effect of beta-glucan could be attributed to its scavenging ability to trap free-radicals produced during the biotransformation of these anti-neoplastic [abnormal tissue growth] drugs. Beta-glucan also markedly restored the mitotic [cell division] activity of bone marrow cells that had been suppressed by the anti-neoplastic drugs. These results indicate that in addition to known immunopotentiating activity of beta-glucan, it plays a role in reducing genotoxicity [capability to cause cancer] induced by anti-neoplastic [abnormal tissue growth] drugs during cancer chemotherapy.”
Chemotherapy: Carrow, D.J. M.D.; “Beta-1,3-glucan as a Primary Immune Activator,” Townsend Letter; June 1996. Quote: “The following list includes benefits from the use of Beta 1,3-glucan supplementation: People who have impaired immunity from any cause …; have a high occurrence of infectious diseases; have tumors and/or those undergoing chemotherapy or radiation therapy; are over forty who are concerned about the natural aging process or might have noticed a slowing down of immune reactivity; who are geriatric patients; and other with compromised immune disorders.”
Chemotherapy: Damia, et al, “Prevention of Acute Chemotherapy-Induced Death in Mice by Recombinate Human Interleukin 1: Protection from Hematological and Nonhematological Toxicities”, Cancer Research, vol. 52, pp. 4082-4089.
Chemotherapy – Leukemia: Stewart C.C., et al., “Preliminary Observations on the Effect of Glucan in Combination with Radiation and Chemotherapy in Four Murine Tumors”, Cancer Treat. Prep.; 62: 1867-72. 1978. Quote: “The efficacy of glucan in combination with BCNU chemotherapy was measured using the disseminated AKR transplantable leukemia; the combination yielded a high level of cures compared to no survival for either agent alone.”
การรักษาด้วยการฉายแสง (Radiation)
Radiation Protection: Tabele F, et al: “Radioprotective Effect of Beta D-Glucan and Vitamin E on Gamma Irradiated Mouse,” J Clin Diagn Res,; PMID:28384957 PMCID: PMC5376888, Feb 11 2017. Quote: “It is shown that beta-D-glucan is an immunologic system booster with radioprotectory effects. Radioprotectors are chemical components that can alleviate biological damage produced by ionizing radiation.”
Radiation Therapy: Sima P, Vetvicka V, et al, “Effects of glucan on bone marrow.” Ann Transl Med. 2014 Feb; 2(2)18. PMC 4202472; Quote:“The extensive research studying various effects of glucans on bone marrow showed significant restoration of both lymphopenia and neutropenia. … glucan might be widely used as radioprotectant that could mitigate the biological effects of radiation exposure both in cases of radiation accidents or in medically used irradiation. …they [beta glucans] are inexpensive, generally free from side effects and capable of significant protection against bone marrow damage through restoration of bone marrow cell production. “
Radiation Therapy: Hofer M, Pospisil M, “Modulation of animal and human hematopoiesis by B-glucans: a review.” Molecules, Sep 15;16(9): 7969-79. PubMed 21921869. 2011. Quote: “B-glucans have been shown to support murine hematopoiesis suppressed by ionizing radiation or cytotoxic anti-cancer therapy. They also enhance stem cell homing and engraftment. Note: “Hematopoiesis” is the process of creating new blood cells in the body. All blood cells start off as hematopoietic stem cells, and then specialize or differentiate into myeloid cells including erythrocytes, megakaryocytes, monocytes, neutrophils, basophils, or eosinophils; or lymphoid cells including T-lymphocytes and B-lymphocytes.
Radiation Therapy: “The Biological activity of beta-glucans”; Minerva Medical; 100(3):237-245; Pub Med 19571787; Jun 2009; Quote: “…Beta-glucans have studied for their hypocholesterolemic effects; these mechanisms include: reducing the intestinal absorption of cholesterol and bile acids by binding to glucans; shifting the liver from cholesterol syntheses to bile acid production; and fermentation by intestinal bacteria to short-chain fatty acids, which are absorbed and inhibit hepatic cholesterol syntheses. …beta-1,3-glucans improve the body’s immune system defense against foreign invaders by enhancing the ability of macrophages, neutrophils and natural killer cells to respond to and fight a wide range of challenges such as bacteria, viruses, fungi, and parasites. …there is renewed interest in the potential usefulness of beta-glucan as a radioprotective drug for chemotherapy, radiation therapy and nuclear emergencies, particularly because glucan can be used not only as a treatment, but also as a prophylactic [taken in advance for protection].”
Radiation and Radiotherapy: Akramiene D, Kondrotas A, Didziapetriene J, Kevelaitis E; “Effects of beta-glucans on the immune system.” Medicina (Kaunas). Dept of Physiology, Kaunas U of Medicine, Kaunas, Lithunia. 43(8):597-606; 2007. Quote: “Beta-glucans are naturally occurring polysaccharides….These substances increase host immune defense by activating complement system, enhancing macrophages and natural killer cell function. beta-Glucans also show anticarcinogenic activity. They can prevent oncogenesis [normal cell transformation to cancer cells] due to the protective effect against potent genotoxic carcinogens [chemical capable of causing cancer]. As immunostimulating agent, which acts through the activation of macrophages and NK cell cytotoxicity, beta-glucan can inhibit tumor growth…reduce tumor proliferation, prevent tumor metastasis. beta-Glucan as adjuvant to cancer chemotherapy and radiotherapy demonstrated the positive role in the restoration of hematopiesis [red blood cells] following by bone marrow injury. Immunotherapy using monoclonal antibodies is a novel strategy of cancer treatment. These [monoclonal] antibodies activate complement system and opsonize tumor cells with iC3b fragment. …tumor cells, as well as other host cells, lack beta-glucan as a surface component and cannot trigger complement receptor 3-dependent cellular cytotoxicity and initiate tumor-killing activity. This mechanism [tumor-killing activity] could be induced in the presence of beta-glucans.
Radiation – Radiotherapy: Gu YH, Takagi Y, et al; “Enhancement of radioprotection and anti-tumor immunity by yeast-derived beta-glucan in mice,” J Med Food. 8(2) 154-8; Dept of Radiological Technology, Suzuka U of Med Sc, Suzuka, Japan, Summer 2005. Quote: “Intraperitoneal injection of beta-glucan was shown to greatly delay mortality in mice exposed to whole-body X-ray radiation and tumor growth in tumor-bearing mice. …Augmented immunological activity as seen in increased NK (natural killer) and LAK (lymphokine-activated killer) activity by beta-glucan seems to play a role in preventing secondary infections associated with irradiation and probably contributes to the attenuated [reduced] tumor growth in tumor-bearing mice through enhanced anti-tumour immunity. These results suggest that beta-glucan may be a promising adjunct treatment for cancer patients receiving radiotherapy.”
Radiation (Irradiation): Daniel E Cramer, Daniel J Allendorf, Jarek T Baran, Richard Hansen, Jose Marroquin, Bing Li, Janina Ratajczak,Mariusz Z Ratajczak, and Jun Yan; “Beta-glucan enhances complement-mediated hematopoietic recovery after bone marrow injury;”Blood; DOI 10.1182. Tumor Immunobiology Program and Stem Cell Biology Program, James Graham Brown Cancer Center, University of Louisville, Louisville, KY, USA. Sept 2005. Quote: “…Myelotoxic injury in the bone marrow (BM) as a consequence of total body irradiation (TBI) or granulocyte colony stimulating factor (G-CSF) mobilization results in the deposition of iC3b on BM [bone marrow] stroma [cell framework]. … Taken together, these observations suggest a novel role for C, CR3, and Beta glucan in the restoration of hematopoiesis [cell formation]following injury.”
NOTE: Mice were treated for 12 days with beta glucan and exposed to a sublethal dose of radiation. The beta glucan treated animals had approximately 40 percent more cell formation units in the spleen than untreated mice. When beta glucan was given orally, survival of animals receiving a lethal dose of radiation after stem cell transplantation was significantly enhanced. Forty days following radiation exposure, approximately 30 percent of mice treated with beta glucan survived compared with only 3 percent of untreated animals.
Radiation: Gu YH, Takagi Y, et al; “Enhancement of radioprotection and anti-tumor immunity by yeast-derived beta-glucan in mice,” J Med Food. 8(2) 154-8; Dept of Radiological Technology, Suzuka U of Med Sc, Suzuka, Japan, Summer 2005. Quote: “Intraperitoneal injection of beta-glucan was shown to greatly delay mortality in mice exposed to whole-body X-ray radiation and tumor growth in tumor-bearing mice. …Augmented immunological activity as seen in increased NK (natural killer) and LAK (lymphokine-activated killer) activity by beta-glucan seems to play a role in preventing secondary infections associated with irradiation and probably contributes to the attenuated [reduced] tumor growth in tumor-bearing mice through enhanced anti-tumour immunity. These results suggest that beta-glucan may be a promising adjunct treatment for cancer patients receiving radiotherapy.”
Radiation – Allendorf D.J., Knudsen G., Elliott T., et al, “Oral Whole Glucan Particles Beta Glucan Treatment Accelerates Myeloid Recovery and Survival after Radiation Exposure.” Center for Mind-Body Medicine Comprehensive Care Symposium, April 2003. Quote: “Oral treatment with whole glucan particles may be a useful therapeutic intervention following radiation exposure to accelerate myeloid [bone marrow] recovery and increase survival after radiation exposure.”
Radiation: Patchen M.L., Vaudrain T, Correira H, Martin T, Reese D, “In vitro and in vivo hematopoietic activities of Betafectin PGG-glucan.”, Exp Hematol, 26(13):1247-54. Dec 1998.
Radiation: Patchen M.L; Mork AC, Helmke RJ, Martinez JR, Michalek MT, Zhang GH, “Effects of particulate and soluble(1,3)-beta glucans on Ca2+ influx in NR8383 alveolar macrophages,” Immunopharmacology, 40(1):77-89. Dept of Pediatrics, U of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio, Jul 1998. Quote: “Benefectin PGG-Glucan, a beta-(1,6) branched beta-(1,3) glucan purified from the cell walls of Saccharomyces cerevisiae, has been shown to synergize the myeloid growth factors in vitro and to enhance hematopoietic [formation of blood cells] recovery in myelosuppressed [bone marrow suppression] mice and primates. “
Radiation: Patchen M.L. [V Chrm, Dept of Surg, U of Washington], et al, “Mast Cell Growth Factor(c-kit Ligand) in Combination with Granulocyte-Macrophage Colony-Stimulating Factor and Interleulin-3: in vivo Hemopoietic effects in Irradiated Ice compared to in vivo effects”, Biotherapy; vol. 7. pp. 13-26. 1994.
Radiation: Patchen M.L, Brook I, Elliott TB, Jackson WE, “Adverse effects of pefloxacin in irradiated C3H/HeN mice: correction with glucan therapy.”, Antimicrob Agents Chemotherapy, Dept. of Experimental Hematology, Armed Forces Radiobiology Research Institute (AFRRI) , Bethesda, Maryland, Sept. 1993.
Radiation: Patchen M.L, Gallin EK, Green SW, “Comparative effects of particulate and soluble glucan on macrophages of C3H/HeN and C3H/HeJ mice,” Int J Immunopharmacol, 14(2):173-83; Dept of Physiology, AFRRI, Feb 1992.
Radiation: Patchen M.L., MacVittie T, Jackson W; “Survival enhancement and hemopoietic regeneration following radiation exposure, therapeutic approach using glucan and granulocyte colony-stimulating factor [G-CSF]. “Exp. Hematol. 18:1042-1048. 1990.
Quote: “Likewise, although both glucan and granulocyte colony-stimulating factor (G-CSF) alone enhanced survival following an 8-Gy radiation exposure, greatest survival was observed in mice treated with both agents. These studies suggest that glucan, a macrophage activator, can synergize the G-CSF to further accelerate hemopoietic [formation of blood cells] regeneration and increase survival following radiation-induced myelosuppression [bone marrow suppression].”
Radiation: Patchen M.L.; “Radioprotective effect of oral administration of beta-1,3-glucan,” Armed Forces Radiobiology Research Institute, Bethesda, MD Research Report, 1989.
Radiation: Patchen M.L., MacVittie T, Jackson W; “Postirradiation glucan administration enhances the radioprotective effects of WR-2721.“Radiat. Res. 117:59-69. 1989.
Radiation: Patchen M.L., MacVittie T, Bowers GJ, Hirsch EF, Fink MP, “Glucan enhances survival in an intraabdominal infection model,” J Surg Res, 47(2):183-8. Edward F. Hebert S of Medicine. Aug 1989.
Radiation: Patchen Ml, Chirigos MA, Brook I, “Use of glucan and other immunopharmacological agents in the prevention and treatment of acute radiation injuries,” Fundam Appl Toxicol, 11(4):573-4. AFRRI, Nov 1988.
Radiation: Patchen M.L., D’Alesandro M.M., Brook I., Blakely W.F. McVittie T.J.; “Glucan: Mechanisms Involved in Its ‘Radioprotective’ Effect”. J Leuc Biol.; 42:95-105. 1987.
Quote: “These results suggest that early after irradiation glucan may mediate [convey] its radioprotection by enhancing resistance to microbial invasion via mechanisms not necessarily predicated on hemopoietic [formation of blood cells] recovery. …glucan can also function as an effective free radical scavenger. Because macrophages have been shown to selectively phagocytize [ingest] and sequester[store] glucan, the possibility that these specific cells may be protected by virtue of glucan’s scavenging ability is also suggested.”
Radiation: Pachen ML, MacVittie TJ, “Comparative effects of soluble and particulate glucans on survival in irradiated mice,” J Biol Response Mod 5(1):45-60. Experimental Hematology Dept, Armed Forces Radiobiology Research Inst, Bethesda, MD. Feb 1986.
Quote: “Both glucan-P and glucan-F enhanced the recovery of peripheral blood white cell numbers, platelet numbers, and hematocrit [% of volume of packed red blood cells in a blood sample] values. In addition, both agents increased endogenous pluripotent hemopoietic stem cell numbers in sublethally irradiated mice.”
Radiation: Patchen M.L., McVittie T.J.; “Stimulated Hemopeiesis and Enhanced Survival Following Glucan Treatment in Sublethally and Lethally Irradiated Mice”. Int. J. Immunopharmac; 7: 923-932. 1985.
Radiation: Patchen M.L., MacVittie T, Wathen L; “Effects of pre- and post-irradiation glucan treatment on pluripotent stem cells, granulocyte, macrophage and erythroid progenitor cells and hemopoietic stromal cells.” Experientia. 40:1240-1244. 1984.
Radiation: Patchen M.L, MacVittie T.J.,”Dose-dependent responses of murine pluripotent stem cells and myeloid and erythroid progenitor cells following administration of immunomodulating agent glucan.” Immunopharmacology, 5(4):303-13, Apr 1983.
Quote: “The hemopoietic effects produced by six different doses of a commercially available glucan preparation were investigated….bone marrow pluripotent stem cells (CFU-s) content increased…In the spleen, all aspects of hemopoiesis [formation of blood cells] increased after glucan administration.”
Radiation: Patchen M.L., McVittie T.J.; Temporal Response of Murine Pluripotent Stem Cells and Myeloid and Erythroid Progenitor Cells to Low-dose Glucan Treatment. Acta Hemat; 70:281-288. Experimental Hematology Dept, Armed Forces Radiobiology Research Insti, Bethesda, MD. 1983.
Quote: “Clearly, there are numerous possible uses for an agent such as glucan, which is a potent stimulator of hemopoietic activity. Currently, we [U.S. Armed Services] are using glucan to enhance hemopoietic proliferation in conjunction with hemopoietic injury induced by radiation.”
Radiation: Patchen M.L., Lotzova E.; Modulation of murine hemopoiesis by glucan; Exp Hermatol 8: 409-422, 1980.
Radiation – White Blood Cell – Recovery: Pachen ML, MacVittie TJ, “Comparative effects of soluble and particulate glucans on survival in irradiated mice,” J Biol Response Mod 5(1):45-60. Experimental Hematology Dept, Armed Forces Radiobiology Research Inst, Bethesda, MD. PMID 3958734 Feb 1986. Quote: “Both glucan-P[articulate] and glucan-F enhanced the recovery of peripheral blood white cell numbers, platelet numbers, and hematocrit values. In addition, both agents increased endogenous pluripotent hemopoietic stem cell numbers in sublethally irradiated mice.”
Radiation: Carrow, D.J. M.D.; “Beta-1,3-glucan as a Primary Immune Activator,” Townsend Letter; June 1996. Quote: “The following list includes benefits from the use of Beta 1,3-glucan supplementation: People who have impaired immunity from any cause …; have a high occurrence of infectious diseases; have tumors and/or those undergoing chemotherapy or radiation therapy; are over forty who are concerned about the natural aging process or might have noticed a slowing down of immune reactivity; who are geriatric patients; and other with compromised immune disorders.”
Radiation Recovery: Popisil, et al., “Glucan Induced Hemopoietic Recovery in Gamma-Irradiated Mice”. Experientia; 38: 1232-1234. 1982.
Radiation: Hemopoietic Regeneration: Patchen M.L., MacVittie T, Jackson W; “Survival enhancement and hemopoietic regeneration following radiation exposure, therapeutic approach using glucan and granulocyte colony-stimulating factor. “Exp. Hematol. 18:1042-1048. 1990.
การทำงานในร่างกาย (Bio-Activity)
Biological activity: “The Biological activity of beta-glucans”; Minerva Medical; 100(3):237-245; Pub Med 19571787; Jun 2009; Quote: “...Beta-glucans have studied for their hypocholesterolemic effects; these mechanisms include: reducing the intestinal absorption of cholesterol and bile acids by binding to glucans; shifting the liver from cholesterol syntheses to bile acid production; and fermentation by intestinal bacteria to short-chain fatty acids, which are absorbed and inhibit hepatic cholesterol syntheses. …beta-1,3-glucans improve the body’s immune system defense against foreign invaders by enhancing the ability of macrophages, neutrophils and natural killer cells to respond to and fight a wide range of challenges such as bacteria, viruses, fungi, and parasites. …there is renewed interest in the potential usefulness of beta-glucan as a radioprotective drug for chemotherapy, radiation therapy and nuclear emergencies, particularly because glucan can be used not only as a treatment, but also as a prophylactic [taken in advance for protection].”
Beta Glucan BioActivity: Pacheco P, White D, Sulchek T, “Effects of microparticle size and Fc density on macrophage phagocytosis.” PLoS One. 2013 Apr 22;8(4):e60989. PMID:23630577; PMCID:PMC363260 . Quote: “The percentage of phagocytic macrophages was found to be strongly dependent on both the particle size and the particle Fc density. …Interaction with the smaller particles (0.5 µm and 1 µm) at a low Fc density resulted in a greater percentage of phagocytic macrophages than with high Fc density. …Therefore, larger microparticles (3 µm and 4.5 µm) may be more efficient at delivering a greater therapeutic payload to macrophages, but smaller opsonized microparticles (0.5 µm to 2 µm) can deliver bio-active substances to a greater percentage of the macrophage population.
Note: Fc is an antibody molecule known as the crystallizable fragment. µm = microns. Larger Particle sizes in this study were 3 to 4.5 µm (microns) However, particles from 5 to 100+ µm (microns) are considered aggregated or agglomerated and sometimes referred to as globular due to increased size and reduced phagocytic activity..
Beta Glucan BioActivity: Zechner-Krpan V, Petravic-Tominac V, Galovic P, Galovic V, Filipovic-Grcic J, Srecec S, “Application of Different Drying Methods on B-Glucan Isolated from Spent Brewer’s Yeast Using Alkaline Procedure” University of Zagreb, Agriculturae Conspectus Scientificus, Vol 75, No 1 2010. Quote: “The macrophage phagocytosis is more enhanced by microparticulate B-glucan than by its aggregated form. Biological activity of B-glucan can be improved by reducing the size of its particles. …The particles having 1-2 µm [microns] in diameter are optimally phagocytized by macrophages.”
Beta Glucan BioActivity: Champion JA, Walker A, Mitragotri S, “Role of particle size in phagocytosis of polymeric microspheres.” Pharmaceutical research 25: 1815–1821 2008. PMIC 18373181, PMC 2793372. Quote: “Particles possessing diameters of 2-3 microm exhibited maximal phagocytosis and attachment… . “
Beta Glucan BioActivity: Freitas Jr, RA, “ Phagocytes, Phagocytosis, and the RES – Macrophages;” Nanomedicine, Volume IIA: Biocompatibility, Landes Bioscience, Georgetown, TX 2003. Quote: “The presence and activity of phagocytes is particularly related to the presence of small particles. …Maximum stimulus occurs at average particle sizes in the 0.1-2.0 [micron] range… Human blood monocytes [macrophage precursors] readily ingest inert 0.39 micron particles, rarely ingest 1.52 micron particles, and never ingest 5.1 micron particles.”
Beta Glucan BioActivity: Jordan F, Hunter Jr. KW, Gault R, “Method for preparing small particle size glucan in a dry material,” U.S. Patent 6,476,003. November 2002. Quote: “…The greater percentage phagocytosis demonstrates the enhanced activity of the macrophage and the small particle size glucan’s ability to activate the immune system.”
Beta Glucan Extraction Processes: JS Bacon, VC Farmer, D Jones, F Taylor, “The glucan components of the cell wall of baker’s yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) considered in relation to its ultrastructure.” Biochemical Journal 09-01 1969.
Beta Glucan Phagocytosis: Vetvicka, V, “Beta Glucan, Natures Secret” , 3rd Edition, Self Published, pp153-154, 2015. Quote: “…macrophages have glucan receptors the size of only several molecules. Yet they are able to phagocytose material of more than 20% of their own size. It is apparent that, in the case of macrophages and phagocytosis, size really does not matter … some companies are selling micronized glucans that are often accompanied by claims that they are more bioavailable. It might be true.” [Note: The V Vetvicka’ position that beta glucan particle size does not matter in phagocytosis is the position found of only V Vetvicka based on extensive beta glucan’ phagocytosis research reviewed with several presented below.]
Beta Glucan Phagocytosis: Pacheco P, White D, Sulchek T, “Effects of microparticle size and Fc density on macrophage phagocytosis.” PLoS One. 2013 Apr 22;8(4):e60989. PMID:23630577; PMCID:PMC363260 . Quote: “The percentage of phagocytic macrophages was found to be strongly dependent on both the particle size and the particle Fc density. …Interaction with the smaller particles (0.5 µm and 1 µm) at a low Fc density resulted in a greater percentage of phagocytic macrophages than with high Fc density. …Therefore, larger microparticles (3 µm and 4.5 µm) may be more efficient at delivering a greater therapeutic payload to macrophages, but smaller opsonized microparticles (0.5 µm to 2 µm) can deliver bio-active substances to a greater percentage of the macrophage population.
Note: Fc is an antibody molecule known as the crystallizable fragment. µm = microns. Larger Particle sizes in this study were 3 to 4.5 µm (microns) However, particles from 5 to 100+ µm (microns) are considered aggregated or agglomerated and sometimes referred to as globular due to increased size and reduced phagocytic activity..
Beta Glucan Phagocytosis: Zechner-Krpan V, Petravic-Tominac V, Galovic P, Galovic V, Filipovic-Grcic J, Srecec S, “Application of Different Drying Methods on B-Glucan Isolated from Spent Brewer’s Yeast Using Alkaline Procedure” University of Zagreb, Agriculturae Conspectus Scientificus, Vol 75, No 1 2010. Quote: “The macrophage phagocytosis is more enhanced by microparticulate B-glucan than by its aggregated form. Biological activity of B-glucan can be improved by reducing the size of its particles. …The particles having 1-2 µm [microns] in diameter are optimally phagocytized by macrophages.”
Beta Glucan Phagocytosis: Champion JA, Walker A, Mitragotri S, “Role of particle size in phagocytosis of polymeric microspheres.” Pharmaceutical research 25: 1815–1821 2008. PMIC 18373181, PMC 2793372. Quote: “Particles possessing diameters of 2-3 microm exhibited maximal phagocytosis and attachment… . “
Beta Glucan Phagocytosis: Freitas Jr, RA, “ Phagocytes, Phagocytosis, and the RES – Macrophages;” Nanomedicine, Volume IIA: Biocompatibility, Landes Bioscience, Georgetown, TX 2003. Quote: “The presence and activity of phagocytes is particularly related to the presence of small particles. …Maximum stimulus occurs at average particle sizes in the 0.1-2.0 [micron] range… Human blood monocytes [macrophage precursors] readily ingest [phagocytize] inert 0.39 micron particles, rarely ingest 1.52 micron particles, and never ingest 5.1 micron particles.”
Beta Glucan Phagocytisis: Jordan F, Hunter Jr. KW, Gault R, “Method for preparing small particle size glucan in a dry material,” U.S. Patent 6,476,003. November 2002. Quote: “…The greater percentage phagocytosis demonstrates the enhanced activity of the macrophage and the small particle size glucan’s ability to activate the immune system.”
Phagocytosis: Vetvicka, V, “Beta Glucan, Natures Secret” , 3rd Edition, Self Published, pp153-154, 2015. Quote: “…macrophages have glucan receptors the size of only several molecules. Yet they are able to phagocytose material of more than 20% of their own size. It is apparent that, in the case of macrophages and phagocytosis, size really does not matter…” [Note: V Vetvicka’ position that beta glucan particle size does not matter in phagocytosis is the position found for only Vetvicka based on extensive beta glucan’ phagocytosis research reviewed with several presented below. Macrophages are generally 10-12 microns in diameter, indicating V Vetvicka appears to assume macrophage ability to phagocytize materials of 20% more or 12-15 microns in size.]
Phagocytosis: Pacheco P, White D, Sulchek T, “Effects of microparticle size and Fc density on macrophage phagocytosis.” PLoS One. 2013 Apr 22;8(4):e60989. PMID:23630577; PMCID:PMC363260 . Quote: “The percentage of phagocytic macrophages was found to be strongly dependent on both the particle size and the particle Fc density. …Interaction with the smaller particles (0.5 µm and 1 µm) at a low Fc density resulted in a greater percentage of phagocytic macrophages than with high Fc density. …Therefore, larger microparticles (3 µm and 4.5 µm) may be more efficient at delivering a greater therapeutic payload to macrophages, but smaller opsonized microparticles (0.5 µm to 2 µm) can deliver bio-active substances to a greater percentage of the macrophage population. Note: Fc is an antibody molecule known as the crystallizable fragment. µm = microns. Larger Particle sizes in this study were 3 to 4.5 µm (microns) However, particles from 5 to 100+ µm (microns) are considered aggregated or agglomerated and sometimes referred to as globular due to increased size and reduced phagocytic activity.
Phagocytosis: Zechner-Krpan V, Petravic-Tominac V, Galovic P, Galovic V, Filipovic-Grcic J, Srecec S, “Application of Different Drying Methods on B-Glucan Isolated from Spent Brewer’s Yeast Using Alkaline Procedure” University of Zagreb, Agriculturae Conspectus Scientificus, Vol 75, No 1 2010. Quote: “The macrophage phagocytosis is more enhanced by microparticulate B-glucan than by its aggregated form. Biological activity of B-glucan can be improved by reducing the size of its particles. …The particles having 1-2 µm [microns] in diameter are optimally phagocytized by macrophages.”
Phagocytosis: Champion JA, Walker A, Mitragotri S, “Role of particle size in phagocytosis of polymeric microspheres.” Pharmaceutical research 25: 1815–1821 2008. PMIC 18373181, PMC 2793372. Quote: “Particles possessing diameters of 2-3 microm exhibited maximal phagocytosis and attachment… . “
Phagocytosis: Freitas Jr, RA, “ Phagocytes, Phagocytosis, and the RES – Macrophages;” Nanomedicine, Volume IIA: Biocompatibility, Landes Bioscience, Georgetown, TX 2003. Quote: “The presence and activity of phagocytes is particularly related to the presence of small particles. …Maximum stimulus occurs at average particle sizes in the 0.1-2.0 [micron] range… Human blood monocytes [macrophage precursors] readily ingest inert 0.39 micron particles, rarely ingest 1.52 micron particles, and never ingest 5.1 micron particles.”
Phagocytosis: Hunter KW, Gault RA, Berner MD, “Preparation of microparticulate B-glucan from Saccharomyces cerevisiae for use in immune potentiation.” Letters in Applied Microbiology,” Vol 35 Issue 4, 267-271, PubMed 123586685, October 2002 (commercially MG Beta Glucan) Quote: “…there was evidence that macrophages, key target cells for the immunopharmacological activity of B-glucans, preferentially ingest particles in the 1-2-µ (micron) diameter size range. …This microparticulate beta-glucan …following oral administration at 0.1 mg kg(-1) for 14 d, enhanced phagocytosis of mouse peritoneal macrophages significantly better than did aggregated beta-glucan particles.”
Phagocytosis: Jordan F, Hunter Jr. KW, Gault R, “Method for preparing small particle size glucan in a dry material,” U.S. Patent 6,476,003. November 2002. Quote: “…The greater percentage phagocytosis demonstrates the enhanced activity of the macrophage and the small particle size glucan’s ability to activate the immune system.”
Phagocytosis: Brandwood A, et al, “Phagocytosis of carbon particles by macrophages in vitro.” Biomaterials, 13(9):646-8, 1992. PMID 1391413. Quote: “Particles up to 20 microns diameter were phagocytosed. Larger particles were not phagocytosed.”
Phagocytosis: Tabata Y, Ikada Y, “Effect of the Size and Surface-Charge of Polymer Microspheres on Their Phagocytosis by Macrophage.” Biomaterials 9: 356–362.1988. PMID 3214660. Quote: “It was found that the maximal phagocytosis of polystyrene and phenylated polyacrolein microspheres took place when their size was in the range 1.0-2.0 microns.”
การทำงานที่มีสรรพคุณเป็นสารเสริมภูมิคุ้มกัน (Immune response potentiation)
Immune response potentiation: Goodridge HS, Reyes CN, Becker CA, Katsumoto TR, Ma J, Wolf AJ, Bose N, Chan AS, Magee AS, Danielson ME, Weiss A, Vasilakos JP, Underhill DM; “Activation of the innate immune receptor Dectin-1 upon formation of a ‘phagocytic synapse’,” IBD and Immunobiolgy Research Institute, Available Oct 28, 2011. Quote: “The ‘phagocytic synapse [of particulate B-glucan]…provides a…mechanism…thereby initiating direct cellular antimicrobial responses only when they are required.” Note: Particulate beta 1,3/1,6 glucan potentiates an immune response when a microbe is directly contacted, but does not stimulate an immune response indiscriminately.
Immune response potentiation: Brown G D, Gordon Siamon; “Fungal B-Glucans and Mammalian Immunity.” Sir William Dunn Sch of Pathology, U of Oxford, UK, Immunity, Vol19, 311-316, 2003. Quote: “B-Glucans are structural cell wall polymers of many fungi which possesses immunomodulatory activities. …The innate immune response is essential for the control of fungal infections, and there is increasing evidence that B-glucans are involved in initiating many aspects of this response. The recognition of fungal pathogens occurs through both opsonic (mainly complement) and nonopsonic mechanisms, and as conserved structural components, B-glucans…play an important role in the non-opsonic recognition of these[fungal] pathogens.
Indeed, many of the B-glucan receptors…have been shown to contribute to the recognition and phagocytosis of these organisms [fungal pathogens]. … B-glucans, especially in particulate form, can produce proinflammatory and antimicrobial responses through the TLRs and Dectin-1 [cell receptors for B-glucan]. Many of these responses are required for the control of fungal infections, such as the production of TNF-Alpha, and is an essential early cytokine required for the control of infections with C. albicans, A. fumigatus, C. neoformans, and H capsulatum. This is also true for IL-12, another important anti-fungal cytokine… . Thus B-glucans appear to have an important role in the innate immune response to fungal pathogens and in initiating a protective adaptive response.
…particulate B-glucans can directly activate leukocytes, stimulating their phagocytic, cytotoxic, and antimicrobial activities, including the production of reactive oxygen and nitrogen intermediates. In addition, these carbohydrates [B-glucans] stimulate the production of proinflammatory mediators, cytokines and chemokines such as IL-8, IL1, IL-6 and TNF Alpha. Stimulation by particulate B-glucans also enhances the ability of macrophages to recognize and clear apoptotic [dying or dead] cells… .”
Immune response potentiation: Hunter K, Gault R, Jordan F, “Mode of Action of B-Glucan Immunopotentiators,” Department of Microbiology, University of Nevada School of Medicine, Oct 1998. Quote: “… the size of a particle is one factor influencing phagocytic [microbe ingestion] efficiency by macrophages. …the number of macrophages actively phagocytosing [ingesting microbes] is affected by the particle size of the glucan. This would suggest that, in vivo, a greater number of macrophages may be activated and thus would provide an enhanced immune response. …these data do indicate that glucan particle size is an important factor in the production of nitric oxide. Nitric oxide is generated during the “oxidative burst” that kills ingested microbes. This would suggest that the small particle glucan [MG Glucan] has greater ability to enhance the immune system than the globular form of glucan.”
Immune response potentiation: Jordan F, Hunter Jr. KW, Gault R, “Method for preparing small particle size glucan in a dry material,” U.S. Patent 6,476,003. November 2002. Quote: “The greater generation and/or production of NO (Nitric Oxide) demonstrates the enhanced activity of the macrophage with a small particle size glucan which is indicative of an activity level of an immune system. … The measurement of NO production is indicative of an oxidative burst that kills and/or destroys the ingested microbes and/or particles by the macrophage.
As a glucan re-aggregates into particles of greater than one micron in diameter, it appears to pass through an animal or human digestive system without substantially complete absorption.
… As the glucan re-aggregates to a size of greater than one micron in diameter, some of the beneficial effect of the glucan is not achieved because the macrophage receptors are not activated as readily by glucan greater than one micron in diameter because the receptor size on corresponding cells and molecules that accept the glucan is generally about one micron in size.
…The greater percentage phagocytosis demonstrates the enhanced activity of the macrophage and the small particle size glucan’s ability to activate the immune system.”
Immune response potentiation: Hunter KW, Gault RA, Berner MD, “Preparation of microparticulate B-glucan from Saccharomyces cerevisiae for use in immune potentiation.” Letters in Applied Microbiology,” Vol 35 Issue 4, 267-271, October 2002 (commercially MG Beta Glucan).
Immune response potentiation: Janusz M.J., Austen K.F., Czop J.K.; “Isolation of a Yeast Heptaglucoside that Inhibits Monocyte Phagocytosis of Zymosan Particles”. The Journal of Immunology; 142:959-965. Dept of Med, Harvard Med Sch, Boston, MA.* 1989. Quote: “Beta-Glucans with 1,3-and 1,6 glycosidic linkages are the major structural components of yeast and fungal cell walls and are active pharmacologic agents in host defense systems of plants and animals….The administration of particulate glucans from S. cerevisiae to laboratory animals induces host resistance to a variety of lethal pathogens by mechanisms involving macrophage stimulation.“
Immune response – Activation of White Blood Cells: Czop, Joyce K., “The Role of .beta.-Glucan Receptors on Blood and tissue Leukocytes in Phagocytosis and metabolic Activation”. Pathology and Immunopathology Research;
Immune response – Activation: Czop J.K., Austen K.F., A B-glucan Inhibitable Receptor on Human Monocytes: Its Identity with the Phagocytic Receptor for Particular Activators of the Alternative Complement Pathway. Journal of Immunology 134: 1985; 2588-2593. 1985.* (copy available)
Immune Response – Immune T Cells Enhancement: Lotzova and Gutterman, “Effect of Glucan on Natural Killer (NK) Cells: Further Comparison Between NK Cell and Bone Marrow Effector Cell Activities”. J. Immunol., 123: 607-611. 1979.
Immune Response – Increased Survival: Todd, R.F.; “The Continuing Saga of Complement Receptor Type 3 (CR3),” J. Clin Invest.: Vol 98, 1-2. 1996. Div of Hematology/Oncology Dept of Int. Med, U of Michigan Med Ctr.* Quote: (p2) “In certain controlled clinical trials, the increased survival of patients receiving these immunostimulatory Beta-glucans has been reported.”
Immune Response – Macrophage Cell Production Increase : Burgaleta, C. and Golde, D.W.; “Effect of Glucan on Granulopoiesis and Macrophage Genesis in Mice”. Cancer Research; 37:1739-1742; Jun 1977.*
Immune Response – Macrophage Cell Production Increase: Burgaleta C., Territo M.C., Quan C.G., Goide D.W.; Glucan activated macrophages: functional characteristics and surface morphology; J Reticuloendothel Soc 23: 195-204. 1978. Quote: “These studies indicate that glucan administration results in increased granulocyte and macrophage production….glucan as an immunotherapeutic agent can result in an increased number of available effector cells.”
Immune Response – Normalization: Chorvatovicova D., Navarova J., “Suppressing effects of glucan on micronuclei induced by cyclophosphamide in mice.” Mutat. Res., 282:147-150, 1992.
Immune response – Normalization: Ferencik M, Kotulova D, Masler L, Bergendi, L, Sandula J, Stefanovic J; “Modulatory effect of glucans on the functional and biochemical activities of guinea-pig macrophages.” Methods Find. Exp., Clin. Pharmacol. 8:163-166. 1986.
Immune response – Particulate vs Soluble: Ishibashi K, Miura NN, et al, “Relationship between the physical properties of Candida albicans cell well beta-glucan and activation of leukocytes in vitro,” Int Immunopharmacol 2(8):1109-22. Jul 2002. Quote: “Beta-glucan activated leukocytes significantly more effectively in a particulate than solubilized form in terms of TNF-alpha production by RAW 264.7 cells, hydrogen peroxide production by murine PEC and IL-8 production by human PBMC….These facts strongly suggested that the solubility and assembly of the components influence the immunopharmacological activities of 1,3-beta-D-glucans.”
Immune response – Potentiation: Czop, J.K., Valiante N.M., Janusz M.J.; “Phagocytosis of particulate activators of the human alternative complement pathway through monocyte beta-glucan receptors,” Prog Clin Biol Res 297: 287-296; Dept of Med, Harvard Med S, Boston, MA. 1989. Quote (p1): “Animal studies indicate that beta-glucans with 1,3-and/or 1,6-linkages are active pharmacologic agents that rapidly confer protection to a normal host against a variety of biological insults. The beta-glucan receptors provide a mechanism by which a heightened state of host responsiveness is initiated.”
Immune response – Potentiation: Hunter KW [U Nevada Reno], Fishcer GW, Sayles PC, Strictkland GT; “Levamisole: Potentiation of the primary immunoglobulin M antibody response in suckling rats.;” Immunopharmacology 3:117-127; 1981.
Immune Response – Small Particle Effectiveness: Hunter KW, Gault RA, Berner MD, “Preparation of microparticulate B-glucan from Saccharomyces cerevisiae for use in immune potentiation.” Letters in Applied Microbiology,” Vol 35 Issue 4, 267-271, October 2002 (commercially MG Beta Glucan). Quote: “…there was evidence that macrophages, key target cells for the immunopharmacological activity of B-glucans, preferentially ingest particles in the 1-2-µ (micron) diameter size range.”
“Compared with the aggregated form of B-glucan, the B-glucan microparticles … are more effective at enhancing phagocytosis by peritoneal macrophages following oral administration. Although both aggregated [5-100-µ micron diameter] and microparticulate [1-2-µ micron diameter] glucans enhanced peritoneal macrophage activation when administered orally in mice, the microparticulate glucan was significantly better than the aggregated form.”
Immune Response – Small Particle Effectiveness: Donzis B. A.; “Substantially purified beta (1,3) finely ground yeast cell wall glucan composition with dermatological and nutritional uses;” U.S. Patent 5702719; 1997. Quote: “The preferred particle size of the find grind glucan product is about 1.0 micron or less and more preferably, .20 microns or less.”
Immune Response – Small Particle Effectiveness: Donzis B. A.; “Substantially purified beta (1,3) finely ground yeast cell wall glucan composition with dermatological and nutritional uses;” U.S. Patent 5576015; 1996. Quote: “Upon oral administration, the smaller or finer particle sized glucan is more quickly dissolved in the gastrointestinal tract and consequently, more readily absorbed.”
Immune Response – Small Particle Effectiveness: Donzis B. A.; “Substantially purified beta (1,3) finely ground yeast cell wall glucan composition with dermatological and nutritional uses;” U.S. Patent 5705184; 1998.
Immune Response – Stimulation: DiLuzio N.R., et al., “Evaluation of the Mechanism of Glucan-Induced Stimulation of the Reticuloendothelial System”. J. Reticuloendothelial Soc.; Soc.7: 731-742. 1970.
Immune Response – T Cell Enhancement: Di Renzo, L., Yefenof, E., Klein E., “The Function of human NK [Killer T] cells is enhanced by B-Glucan, a ligand of CR3 (CD11b/CD18)”. Eur. J. Immunol., 21:1755-1758. 1991.
Immune Response Enhancement – IL 1 & IL 2: Sherwood. E.R., et al., “Enhancement of Interleukin-1 and Interleukin-2 Production by Soluble Glucan,” International Journal of Immunopharmacology.; 9:(3):261-267. 1987.
Immune Response Enhancement – IL 1: Rasmussen LT, Seljelid R, “Production of prostaglandin E2 and interleukin 1 by mouse peritoneal macrophages stimulated with beta-1,3-D-glucan derivatized plastic beads,” Scand J Immunol 26(6): 731-736. Dec 1987.*
Immune Response Enhancement – Oral Dietary Supplement: Matthews, M.; “NSC-24 and NSC-100 – Exceptional Immune Enhancing Supplements,” Nutritional Supplement Immuno-Stimulant Bulletin, Vol I, No. 3. 1997.
Immune Response Enhancement : Spiros J.; Method for immune system activation by administration of a .beta.(1-3) glucan which is produced by Saccharomyces cerevisiae strain R4; U.S. Patent 5504079; 1996.
Immune Response Enhancement Seljelid R., et al., “A Soluble .beta.-1,3-Glucan Derivative Potentiates the Cytostatic and Cytolytic Capacity of Mouse Peritoneal Macrophages In Vitro”. Immunopharmacol; 7: 69-73. 1984.*
Immune Response Enhancement Vetvicka V., Thornton B.P., Ross G.D.; “Soluble Beta-glucan Polysaccharide Binding to the Lectin Site of Neutrophil or Natural Killer Cell Complement Receptor Type 3 (CD11b/CD18) Generates a Primed State of the Receptor Capable of Mediating Cytotoxicity of iC3b-Opsonized Target Cells,”. Journal Clin Invest 98: 50-61. Div of Experimental Immuno and Immunopath, Dept Path, U of Louisville, KY.* 1996. Quote: “This investigation showed that soluble CR3-specific polysaccharides such as beta-glucan induced a primed state of CR3 that could trigger killing of iC3b-target cells that were otherwise resistant to cytotoxicity.”
Immune Response Enhancement: – Oral Applications: Wyde, P., “Beta-1,3-glucan activity in mice: intraperitoneal and oral applications.” Baylor College of Medicine Research Report. 1989.
Quote: “This demonstration of bactericidal enhancement via oral dosing suggests an application for beta-1,3-glucan as a component in a combined modality with conventional anti-infective agents. Beta glucan, through the stimulation of host defense systems, creates a more supportive environment within the body to assist the primary killing action of the conventional agent.”
Immune Response Enhancement: Janusz M.J., Austen K.F., Czop J.K.; “Lysosomal enzyme release from human monocytes by particulate activators is mediated by beta-glucan inhibitable receptors,” J. Immunol 138: 3897-3901. 1987.*
Immune Response Enhancement: Kimura A., et al., “In Vitro Activation of Human Adherent Cells by a Glucan, Schizophyllan”. J. Reticuloendothel.; Soc. 34: 1-11. 1983. Quote: “…Glucan-treated rats had significantly increased rates of phagocytosis and killing of Staphylococcus aureus immediately after infection…”
Immune Response Enhancement: Meira, D.A., et al; The Use of Glucan as Immunostimulant in the Treatment of Paracoccidioidomycosis; Am J. Trop Med Hyg 55(5), 496-503; 1996. Dept of Trop Dis, Dept of Microbio, State U of Sao Paulo, Brazil. Quote: “…glucan enhances the immune response through stimulation of macrophages by increasing their number, size, and function, stimulates secretion of lysozyme and TNF by activated macrophages, increases the phagocytosis of antigens, activates the formation of granulocyte and monocyte colonies, and factors increased activity of T and B lymphocytes, as well as complement activation.”
Immune Response Enhancement: Poutsiaka D.D., et al, “Cross-linking of the beta-glucan receptor on human monocytes results in interleukin-1 receptor antagonist but not interleukin-1 production,” Blood 82: 3695-3700 ; 1993. Dept of Med, New England Med Ctr, Boston, MA. Quote:“Because of their differential effects on cytokine production, beta-glucans may be used to therapeutic advantage in the diseases in which IL-1 is implicated.”*
Immune Response Enhancement: Rios-Hernandez M., Dos-Santos N.J., Silvia-Cardosa, Belle-Garciga J.L., Peddrosa M., “Immunopharamacological studies of beta(1-3)glucan-1, 3-glucan”, Arch. Med. Res. 25 (2): 179-180. 1994.*
Immune Response Enhancement: Sakurai T, Hashimoto K, et al; “Enhancement of murine alveolar macrophage functions by orally administered beta-glucan.” Int. J. Immunopharmacol. 14:821-830. 1992.
Immune Response Enhancement: Seljelid R., et al.,”In vivo activation of mouse macrophages with beta-1,3-D-glucan-derivatized plastic beads,” Scand J Immunol 21(6):601-605. Jun 1985.*
Immune Response Enhancement: Suzuki, Iwao, Tanaka, Hideki, Konoshita, Akira, Oikawa, Shozo, Osawa, Masumi and Yadomae. “Effects of Orally Administered.beta.-Glucan on Macrophage Function in Mice”. Toshiro, Journal of Immunopharmac; vol. 12, No. 6, pp. 675-684. 1990.
Immune Response Enhancement: Wooles and DiLuzio N.R.; “The Phagocytic and Proleferative Responses of the Reticuloendothelial System Following Glucan Administration”. J. Reticuloendothelial..; Soc. 1: 169-169. 1964.
Immune Response Potentiation – B Cells: Czop J.K., Puglisi A.V., Miorandi D.Z., Austen K.F.; “Pertubation of beta-glucan receptors on human neutrophils initiates phagocytosis and leukotriene B4 production,” J. Immunol 141: 3170-3176. 1988.*
Immune Response Potentiator: Jordan, F.; “An Effective Immune Response Potentiator– Beta-1,3/1,6-glucan Derived from Yeast Cell Wall,” Macrophage Technologies Publication, pp 1-7; 1998.
Immune Response: Bodenbach B.; NSC-24™: An Extraordinary New Immune Enhancing Supplement; Health Perspectives, vol 2, no 2; 1996.
Immune Response: Bousquet M., Escoula L. et al; “Immunopharmacologic study in mice of 2 beta-1,3, beta-1,6 polysaccharides (scleroglucan and PSAT) on the activation of macrophages and T lymphocytes,” Ann Rech Vet 20: 165-173. 1989. Station of Pharmacologie-Toxicologie, INRA, Toulouse, France.* Quote: “…PSAT and scleroglucan favorably affect the non-specific host defense and cellular immune response in mice.”
Immune response: Macrophage stimulation: Czop J.K., Austen K.F.; “Generation of leukotrienes by human monocytes upon stimulation of their beta-glucan receptor during phagocytosis,” Proc Natl Acad Sci USA; 82: 2751-2755 1985.*
Immune System: Ber L., Gazella K., “Activate Your Immune System;” Impakt Communications, 1998.
Immunizations – Adjuvant: Hunter KW Jr, Berner VK, Sura ME; “Conjugation of protein antigen to microparticulate beta-glucan from Saccharomyces cerevisiae: a new adjuvant for intradermal and oral immunizations,” Dept of Microbiology and Immunology, U of Nev Sch of Medicine, Reno, NV 89557, USA. Appl Microbiol Biotechnol; PuMed 18677470; Epub Aug 2, 2008: Quote: “Our laboratory has prepared and characterized a novel microparticulate beta-glucan (MG)…we hypothesized that MG could serve as a vaccine adjuvant to enhance specific immune responses. …When used to immunize mice by the intradermal route, these conjugates enhanced the primary IgG antibody response to BSA in a manner comparable to the prototypic complete Freund’s adjuvant....These results suggest that protein antigens can be conjugated to MG via a carabondiimide linkage and that these conjugates provide an adjuvant effect for stimulating the antibody response to the protein antigens.”
Immunostimulatory Activity -: Hunter K, Washburn R, “Efficacy of topical antimicrobial acid and immunostimulatory B-Glucan in Animal Models of Cutaneous Infection,” U Nevada Medical School-Applied Res Grant, Aug 1998. Quote: “…the B-glucans have been shown to activate macrophages to enhance their antimicrobial activity. Our laboratory has developed preliminary evidence that B-1,3/1,6 glucans possesses immunostimulatory activity for macrophages in vitro, leading to secretion of the Th-1 cytokines IL-1 B, IL-12, and TNF-µ.”
Immunotherapy: Ning Y, et al, “B-glucan restores tumor-educated dendritic cell maturation to enhance antitumor immune responses.” Int J Cancer, 1:138(11): 2713-23, June 1, 2016. PMID: 26773960. Quote: “Treatment with β-glucan drastically decreased the levels of regulatory T (Treg) cells but increased the infiltration of macrophages, granulocytes and DCs in tumor masses, thus elicited Th1 differentiation and cytotoxic T-lymphocyte responses and led to a delay in tumor progression. These findings reveal that β-glucan can inhibit the regulatory function of TEDCs, therefore revealing a novel function for β-glucan in immunotherapy.”
Immunotherapy -: Tian J, Ma J, Ma K, etc, “B-Glucan enhances antitumor immune responses by regulating differentiation and function of monocytic myeloid-derived suppressor cells.” Eur J Immunonl, 2013 May;43(5):1220-30. doi. Quote: Myeloid-derived suppressor cells (MDSCs) accumulate in tumor-bearing hosts and play a major role in tumor-induced immunosuppression, which hampers effective immuno-therapeutic approaches. B-Glucans have been reported to function as potent immune-modulators to stimulate innate and adaptive immune responses, which contribute to their antitumor property. …thereby leading to the delayed tumor progression.”
Immunotherapy – LiB, Cai Y, Qi C, etc., “Orally administered particulate beta-glucan modulates tumor-capturing dendritic cells and improves antitumor T-cell responses in cancer.” Clin Cancer Res, 2010 Nov 1:16(21):5153-64. Quote: “IFN-y [interferon] production of tumor-infiltrating T cells and CTL responses were significantly enhanced on B-glucan treatment, which ultimately resulted in significantly reduced tumor burden. …These data highlight the ability of yeast-derived B-glucan to bridge innate and adaptive antitumor immunity and suggest that it can be used as an adjuvant for tumor immunotherapy.”
Immunotherapy: Akramiene D, Kondrotas A, Didziapetriene J, Kevelaitis E; “Effects of beta-glucans on the immune system.” Medicina (Kaunas). Dept of Physiology, Kaunas U of Medicine, Kaunas, Lithunia. 43(8):597-606; 2007. Quote: “Beta-glucans are naturally occurring polysaccharides….These substances increase host immune defense by activating complement system, enhancing macrophages and natural killer cell function. beta-Glucans also show anticarcinogenic activity. They can prevent oncogenesis due to the protective effect against potent genotoxic carcinogens. As immunostimulating agent, which acts through the activation of macrophages and NK cell cytotoxicity, beta-glucan can inhibit tumor growth…reduce tumor proliferation, prevent tumor metastasis. beta-Glucan as adjuvant to cancer chemotherapy and radiotherapy demonstrated the positive role in the restoration of hematopiesis [red blood cells] following by bone marrow injury. Immunotherapy using monoclonal antibodies is a novel strategy of cancer treatment. These [monoclonal] antibodies activate complement system and opsonize tumor cells with iC3b fragment. …tumor cells, as well as other host cells, lack beta-glucan as a surface component and cannot trigger complement receptor 3-dependent cellular cytotoxicity and initiate tumor-killing activity. This mechanism [tumor-killing activity] could be induced in the presence of beta-glucans.
Immunotherapy: Li B, Allendorf D, Hansen R, Marroquin J, Ding C, Cramer DE, Yan J; “Yeast beta-Glucan Amplifies Phagocyte Killing of iC3b-Opsonized Tumor Cells via Complement Receptor 3-Syk-Phosphatidylinositol 3-Kinase Pathway.” J Immunology: 1:177(3):1661-9. Tumor Immunobiology Program, James Graham Brown Cancer Center, University of Louisville, Louisville, KY. Aug 2006. Quote: “Anti-tumor mAbs [monoclonal antibodies] hold promise for cancer therapy, but are relatively inefficient. …In this study, we report that tumor-bearing mice treated with a combination of beta-glucan and an anti-tumor mAb show almost complete cessation of tumor growth. … beta-glucan, an agent without evident toxicity, may be used to amplify tumor cell killing and may open new opportunities in the immunotherapy of cancer.”
Immunotherapy: Hong F, Yan J, ”Mechanism by which orally administered beta-1,3-glucans enhance the tumoricidal activity of antitumor monoclonal antibodies in murine tumor models.” J Immunol 173(2):797-806, Jul 15 2004. PMID 15240666. Quote: “Orally administered B-1,3-glucans were taken up by macrophages that transported them to spleen, lymph nodes, and bone marrow. …Antitumor mAb [monoclonal antibodies] bind to tumors and activate complement, coating tumors with iC3b. Intravenously administered yeast beta-1,3;1,6-glucan functions as an adjuvant for antitumor mAb by priming the inactivated C3b (iC3b complement) receptors (CR3; CD11b/CD18) of circulating granulocytes [primarily neutrophils] , enabling CR3 to trigger cytotoxicity [emitted chemical killing] of iC3b-coated tumors. “
Impaired Immunity: Carrow, D.J. M.D.; “Beta-1,3-glucan as a Primary Immune Activator,” Townsend Letter; June 1996. Quote: “The following list includes benefits from the use of Beta 1,3-glucan supplementation: People who have impaired immunity from any cause including, but not limited to HIV infection; have a high occurrence of infectious diseases; have tumors and/or those undergoing chemotherapy or radiation therapy; are over forty who are concerned about the natural aging process or might have noticed a slowing down of immune reactivity; who are geriatric patients; and other with compromised immune disorders.”
In vitro studies reveal that bone marrow-derived mouse macrophages and human peripheral blood monocytes possess Beta-glucan receptors that mediate phagocytosis of glucan particles and induce release of proinflammatory mediators…
การทำงานที่มีสรรพคุณเป็นสารต้านอนุมูลอิสระ (Antioxidant)
Antioxidant – Cancer: Kogan G, Pajtinka M, Babincova M, Miadokova E, Rauko P, Slamenova D, Korolenko TA; “Yeast cell wall polysaccharides as antioxidants and antimutagens: can they fight cancer?” Inst of Chemistry, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Bratislava, Slovakia; Neoplasma 55(5):387-93 2008. Quote: “…yeast cell wall beta-D glucans reveal immunomodulating properties which allows for their application in anti-infective and antitumor therapy. The derivatives of beta-D-glucan exerted potent enhancement of tumor necrosis [killing] factor alpha (TNF-alpha) …and revealed synergistic effect with cyclophosphamide in the treatment of Lewis lung carcinoma and two types of lymphosarcoma in murine models. The results indicate protective antioxidant, antimutagenic and antigenotoxic [deters physical dna damage] activities…and imply their potential application in anticancer prevention/therapy.”
Antioxidants: Sener G, Eksioglu-Demiraop E, Cetiner M, Ercan F, Yegen BC; “beta-glucan ameliorates methotrexate-induced oxidative organ injury via its antioxidant and immunomodulatory effects.” European J Pharmacology; 542(1-3):170-178; Epub May 2006. Aug 7 2006. Quote: “Methotrexate is an antifolate [antimetabolite chemotherapy drug] that is widely used in the treatment of rheumatic disorders and malignant tumors. The efficacy of methotrexate is often limited by severe side effects and toxic sequelae [disease condition caused by a disease], where oxidative stress [free radical damage] is noticeable. … Thus, the findings of the present study suggest that beta-glucan, through its antioxidant and immunoregulatory effects, may be of therapeutic value in alleviating the leukocyte apoptosis [white immune cell death], oxidative [free radical] tissue injury and thereby the intestinal and hepatorenal [liver or kidney] side effects of methotrexate treatment.”
Antioxidants: Toklu HZ, Sehirili AO, Velioglu-Ogunc A, Centinel S, Sener G; “Acetaminophen-induced toxicity is prevented by beta-d-glucan treatment in mice.” European J Pharmacology; 543(1-3):133-40; Epub 2006 Jun; Jun 2, 2006. Quote: “The protective effect of beta-glucan against oxidative injury caused by acetaminophen [Tylenol, Anacin 3, Tempra, Datril] was studied in mice liver…Acetaminophen caused a significant decrease in the GSH level of the tissue, which was accompanied with significant increases in the hepatic luminol and lucigenin chemiluminescence values, malondialdehyde level, MPO activity and collagen content. Similarly, serum ALT, AST levels, as well as LDH and TNF-alpha, were elevated in the acetaminophen-treated group…beta-d-glucan treatment reversed all of these [liver toxicity] biochemical indices, as well as histopathological alterations that were induced by acetaminophen. In conclusion, these results suggest that beta-d-glucan exerts cytoprotective effects against oxidative injury through its antioxidant properties and may be of therapeutic use in preventing acetaminophen toxicity.”
Antioxidants: Sener G, Eksioglu-Demiraop E, Cetiner M, Ercan F, Yegen BC; “beta-glucan ameliorates methotrexate-induced oxidative organ injury via its antioxidant and immunomodulatory effects.” European J Pharmacology; 542(1-3):170-178; Epub May 2006. Aug 7 2006. Quote: “Methotrexate is an antifolate that is widely used in the treatment of rheumatic disorders and malignant tumors. The efficacy of methotrexate is often limited by severe side effects and toxic sequelae [disease condition caused by a disease], where oxidative stress is noticeable. … Thus, the findings of the present study suggest that beta-glucan, through its antioxidant and immunoregulatory effects, may be of therapeutic value in alleviating the leukocyte apoptosis [white immune cell death], oxidative tissue injury and thereby the intestinal and hepatorenal [liver or kidney] side effects of methotrexate treatment.”
Antioxidant: Toklu HZ, Sener G, “Beta-glucan protects against burn-induced oxidative organ damage in rats,” Int. Immunopharmacol; 6(2):156-69, Marmara U., Istanbul, Turkey; Epub Aug 2005/Feb 2006. Quote: “The results indicate that both systemic and local administration of beta-glucan were effective against burn-induced oxidative tissue damage in the rat. Beta-glucan, besides their immunomodulatory effects, have additional antioxidant properties. Therefore, beta-glucans merit consideration as therapeutic agents in the treatment of burn injuries.”
Antioxidant: Kayali H, Ozdag MF, Kahraman S, Aydin A, Gonul E, Sayal A, Odabasi Z, Timurkaynak E.; “The antioxidant effect of beta-Glucan on oxidative stress status in experimental spinal cord injury in rats.” Dept Neurosurgery, Gulhane Military Medical Academy, Ankara, Turkey; Neurosurg Rev. Apr 30 2005; Quote: “According to our results, beta-Glucan works like a scavenger and has an antioxidant effect on lipid peroxidation in spinal cord injury.”
Free Radical Scavinger: Sener G, Eksioglu-Demiraop E, Cetiner M, Ercan F, Yegen BC; “beta-glucan ameliorates methotrexate-induced oxidative organ injury via its antioxidant and immunomodulatory effects.” European J Pharmacology; 542(1-3):170-178; Epub May 2006. Aug 7 2006. Quote: “Methotrexate is an antifolate [antimetabolite chemotherapy drug] that is widely used in the treatment of rheumatic disorders and malignant tumors. The efficacy of methotrexate is often limited by severe side effects and toxic sequelae [disease condition caused by a disease], where oxidative stress [free radical damage] is noticeable. … Thus, the findings of the present study suggest that beta-glucan, through its antioxidant and immunoregulatory effects, may be of therapeutic value in alleviating the leukocyte apoptosis [white immune cell death], oxidative [free radical] tissue injury and thereby the intestinal and hepatorenal [liver or kidney] side effects of methotrexate treatment.”
Free Radical Scavenger: Carrow, D.J.; “Beta-1,3-glucan as a Primary Immune Activator,” Townsend Letter; June 1996. Quote: “Free radical scavenging assays were repeated in different models, which then confirmed the antioxidant effect of beta 1,3-glucan. In light of what is presently known about the potential of free radicals to accelerate aging, cause cancer and other degenerative diseases, this particular effect of beta 1,3-glucan is especially important.”
Free Radical Scavenger: Anti-free Radical Activity of Beta(1-3)glucan Molecule. Seporga Laboratories, Sophia Antipolis, France. Research Report. 1990.
Free Radical Scavenging: Patchen M.L., D’Alesandro M.M., Brook I., Blakely W.F. McVittie T.J.; “Glucan: Mechanisms Involved in Its ‘Radioprotective’ Effect”. J Leuc Biol.; 42:95-105. 1987. Quote: “…evidence suggest that glucan can also function as an effective free radical scavenger.”
Free Radicals: Sener G, Toklu H, et al; “Protective effect of beta-glucan against oxidative organ injury in a rat model of sepsis,” Int Immunopharmacol:1387-96 Epub 2005/Aug 2005. Quote: “Sepsis leads to various organ damage and dysfunction. One of the underlying mechanisms is thought to be oxidative damage due to generation of free radicals. …Elevated plasma TNF-alpha levels in septic rats [was] significantly reduced to control levels in beta-glucan treated rats. Since beta-glucan administration reversed these oxidant responses, it seems likely that beta-glucan protects against sepsis-induced oxidative organ injury.”
การทำงานที่มีสรรพคุณเป็นสารพรีไบโอติก และ โพรไบโอติก (Prebiotic / Probiotic)
Prebiotic Effect-Beta Glucan: “Beta-Glucans Improve Growth, Viability and Colonization of Probiotic Microorganisms,” Int J MOl Sci, 13(5): 6026-6039; PMCID:PMC33822753; 2012: Quote: “Beta-D-glucan…has a prebiotic effect on three probiotic strains. …B-D-glucans mightd also contrast pathogen adhesion to the intestinal mucosa and/or act as antioxidants to protect probiotics from the intestinal hostile environment.”
Probiotic-Beta Glucan; Saber A, Alipour B, et al, “Cellular and molecular effects of yeast probiotics [beta glucan] on cancer,” Crit Rev Microbiol, PMID 27561003; Aug 25:1-20; 2016. Quote: ”Nonpathogenic yeasts, as members of probiotics family, can be effective on gut microbiota dysbiosis. …Probiotic yeasts influence physiology, metabolism, and immune homeostasis in the colon and contribute to cancer treatment due to possessing anti-inflammatory, anti-proliferative and anti-cancer properties. … This study reviews some of the health-beneficial effects of probiotic yeasts and their biological substances like folic acid and β-glucan on cancer and focuses on the possible cellular and molecular mechanisms of probiotic yeasts such as influencing pathogenic bacteria, inactivation of carcinogenic compounds, especially those derived from food, improvement of intestinal barrier function, modulation of immune responses, antitoxic function, apoptosis, and anti-proliferative effects.”
Colorectal Surgery: Guzel S, Sunamak O, AS A, Celik V, Ferahman M, Nuri MM, Gazioglu E, Atukeren P, Mutlu O; “Effects of hyperbaric oxygen and Pgg-glucan on ischemic colon anastomosis.” World J Gastroenterol: 7:12(9):1421-5. Mar 2006. Quote: “… Here we analyzed the effects of hyperbaric oxygen and beta-glucan on colon anastomoses in ischemic condition. … CONCLUSION: Hyperbaric oxygen and glucan improve healing in ischemic colon anastomoses [surgical connection of two parts of the colon together] by anti-microbic, immune stimulating properties and seem to act synergistically when combined together.
Surgical Therapy: Compton R, Williams D, Browder W; “The beneficial effect of enhanced macrophage function on the healing of bowel anastomoses,” Am Surg, 62:1,14-8. Jan 1996. Quote: “immuno-pharmacologic agents [glucan] that enhance macrophage function may be an important adjunct to surgical therapy requiring bowel anastomosis.”
Post Operative Infections: Browder IW. Williams DL, Di Luzio NR, et al, “Modification of postoperative C-albicans sepsis by glucan immunostimulation.” Int J Immunopharmacol, PubMed 6724765 , 6:19-26, 1984. Quote: “…glucan increased survival and reduced renal pathology associated with C. albicans challenge in the post operative period. These observations suggest that Biologic Response Modifiers such as glucan may be effectively employed in patients who are at risk for post operative infections.”
การใช้เป็นสารต้านจุลชีพ (Antimicrobial) และเสริมยาปฎิชีวนะ (Antibiotics)
Antibiotics: Tzianabos AO, Cisneros RL; “Prophylaxis with the immunomodulator PGG glucan enhances antibiotic efficacy in rats infected with antibiotic-resistant bacteria,” Ann NY Acad Sci 797: 285-287; Oct 1996.* Quote: “Results of these studies demonstrated that prophylaxis with PGG glucan in combination with antibiotics provided enhanced protection against lethal challenge with Escherichia coli or Staphylococcus aureus as compared with the use of antibiotics alone.”
Antimicrobial Activity: Goodridge H, Reyes C, Becker C et al; “Activation of the innate immune receptor Dectin-1 upon formation of a ‘phagocytic synapse'” Nature, Vol 472 p 471-475, April 28, 2011. * Quote: “…Dectin-1 is a pattern-recognition receptor expressed by myeloid phagocytes (macrophages, dendritic cells and neutrophils) that detects b-glucans in fungal cell walls and triggers direct cellular antimicrobial activity… . Despite its ability to bind both soluble and particulate B-glucan polymers, Dectin-1 signaling is only activated by particulate B-glucans. …Studies in mice and humans have demonstrated an important role for Dectin-1 in anti-fungal defense. Dectin-1 signals activate anti-microbial phagocytosis, production of ROD [reactive oxygen species] and inflammatory innate immune responses, and influence the development of adaptive immunity…”
Antimicrobial Activity: Hunter K, Washburn R, “Efficacy of topical antimicrobial acid and immunostimulatory B-Glucan in Animal Models of Cutaneous Infection,” U Nevada Medical School-Applied Res Grant, Aug 1998. Quote: “…the B-glucans have been shown to activate macrophages to enhance their antimicrobial activity. Our laboratory has developed preliminary evidence that B-1,3/1,6 glucans possesses immunostimulatory activity for macrophages in vitro, leading to secretion of the Th-1 cytokines IL-1 B, IL-12, and TNF-µ.”
การใช้เป็นสารเสริมฤทธิ์ในวัคซีนรักษาโรคต่างๆ (Adjuvant)
Adjuvant – Flu Vaccine: Wang M, Yang R, et al, “Improvement of immune response to influenza vaccine (H5N1) by sulfated yeast beta glucan,” Int J Biol Macromol, 93(Pt A) 203-207. PubMed 27339320. June 23, 2016. Quote: “The adjuvant activity of … glucan from saccharomyces cerevisiae (GSC) was researched…with inactivated H5N1 vaccine. The research showed that GSC could significantly enhance lymphocyte [white blood cell] proliferation, effectively increase the percentage of CD4*T Cells, decrease the percentage of CD8*T Cells and elevate the CD4/CD8 ratio, enhance the Hl antibody titre, and promote the production of IL-2, INF-y, IL4 and IL-6 at medium level. …GSC could be used as an effective immune adjuvant for an inactivated H5N1 vaccine. Note: GSC is beta 1,3/1,6 glucan. CD4 and CD8 are T Helper Cells. IL2-cytokine white immune cell regulator. IL4-induces differentiation to Th2 cells.
Adjuvant: Aleem E, “B-Glucans and their applications in cancer therapy: focus on human studies,” Anticancer Agents Med Chem, 13(5):709-19, Jun 2013. Quote: β-glucans have been used as adjuvant therapy in clinical trials, mainly in the Far East, with a positive effect on patients’ survival and quality of life. The mechanism of action is suggested to be through its stimulation of the immune system.
Adjuvant: Qi C, Cai Y, Ding, Li B, Kloecker G, Qian K, Vasilakos J, Saijo S, Iwakura Y, Yannelli JR, Yan J; “Differential pathways regulating innate and adaptive antitumor immune responses by particulate.” Div of Hermatology/Oncology, Dept of Medicine, James Graham Brown Ctr, U of Louisville, KY; Blood;117(25):6825-36; Jun 23, 2011: “B-glucans have been reported to function as a potent adjuvant to stimulate innate and adaptive immune responses. …Here we show that yeast-derived B-glucan activated dendritic cells (DCs and macrophages)….Activated DCs by particulate B-glucan promoted Th1 and cytotoxic T-lymphocyte priming and differentiation in vitro. Treatment of orally administered yeast-derived particulate B-glucan elicited potent antitumor immune responses and drastically down-regulated immunosuppressive cells, leading to the delayed tumor progression.” Note: Type 1 T helper (Th1) cells produce interferon-gamma, interleukin (IL)-2, and Lymphotoxin-alpha (formerly known as tumor necrosis factor – beta or TNF-β), which activate macrophages and are responsible for cell-mediated immunity and phagocyte-dependent protective responses.
Adjuvant – Zechner-Krpan V, Petravic-Tominac V, GrBa Slobodan, Pnaikota-Krbavcic I, Vidovic L, “Biological Effects of Yeast B-Glucans,” Agriculturae Conspectus Scientificus, 2010, Vol 75, No.4 (149-158). Quote: B-Glucans work, in part, by stimulating the innate immune mechanism to fight a range of foreign challenges and could be used as an adjuvant, in combination with anti-infective or antineoplastic agents, radiotherapy, an a range of topical agents and nutrients.” [Note: “antineoplastic agents”inhibit the maturation and proliferation of malignant cells including chemotherapy drugs]
Adjuvant – Immunizations: Hunter KW Jr, Berner VK, Sura ME; “Conjugation of protein antigen to microparticulate beta-glucan from Saccharomyces cerevisiae: a new adjuvant for intradermal and oral immunizations,” Dept of Microbiology and Immunology, U of Nev Sch of Medicine, Reno, NV 89557, USA. Appl Microbiol Biotechnol; PuMed 18677470; Epub Aug 2, 2008: Quote: “Our laboratory has prepared and characterized a novel microparticulate beta-glucan (MG)…we hypothesized that MG could serve as a vaccine adjuvant to enhance specific immune responses. …When used to immunize mice by the intradermal route, these conjugates enhanced the primary IgG antibody response to BSA in a manner comparable to the prototypic complete Freund’s adjuvant....These results suggest that protein antigens can be conjugated to MG via a carabondiimide linkage and that these conjugates provide an adjuvant effect for stimulating the antibody response to the protein antigens.”
Adjuvant – Hyperbaric oxygen: Guzel S, Sunamak O, AS A, Celik V, Ferahman M, Nuri MM, Gazioglu E, Atukeren P, Mutlu O; “Effects of hyperbaric oxygen and Pgg-glucan on ischemic colon anastomosis.” World J Gastroenterol: 7:12(9):1421-5. Mar 2006. Quote: “… Here we analyzed the effects of hyperbaric oxygen and beta-glucan on colon anastomoses in ischemic condition. … CONCLUSION: Hyperbaric oxygen and glucan improve healing in ischemic colon anastomoses [surgical connection of two parts of the colon together] by anti-microbic, immune stimulating properties and seem to act synergistically when combined together.
Adjuvant – Antibiotics: Browder IW., Williams D., Sherwood E., McNamee R., Jones E., DiLuzio N., “Synergistic effect of nonspecific immunostimulation and antibiotics in experimental peritonitis”, Surgery 102 (2): 206-214. 1987.
Adjuvant – Antibiotics: Tzianabos AO, Cisnerol RL, et al; “Protection against intraabdominal sepsis by two polysaccharide immonumodulators (Beta 1,3/1,6 glucan), J Infect Dis, 178:1,200-6. 1998.Quote: “These data demonstrate the usefulness of [Beta 1,3/1,6 glucan]… in preventing experimental intraabdominal sepsis…and may represent a new adjunct to antibiotic regimens currently used to prevent clinical cases of this disease”
Adjuvant:-Antibiotics Tzianabos AO, Cisneros RL; “Prophylaxis with the immunomodulator PGG glucan enhances antibiotic efficacy in rats infected with antibiotic-resistant bacteria,”Ann NY Acad Sci 797: 285-287; Oct 1996.* Quote: “Results of these studies demonstrated that prophylaxis with PGG glucan in combination with antibiotics provided enhanced protection against lethal challenge with Escherichia coli or Staphylococcus aureus as compared with the use of antibiotics alone.”
Adjuvant-Anti-infective Agents: Jamas S, Easson D, Ostroff G: “Underivatilized aqueous soluble beta (1,3) glucan, composition and method of making same.” U.S. Patent Application 20020032170, March 14, 2002. Quote: “The use of soluble and insoluble beta glucans alone or as vaccine adjuvants for viral and bacterial antigens has been shown in animal models to markedly increase resistance to a variety of bacterial, fungal, protozoan and viral infections.”
Adjuvant-Anti-infective Agents: Wyde, P., “Beta-1,3-glucan activity in mice: intraperitoneal and oral applications.” Baylor College of Medicine Research Report. 1989.
Quote: “This demonstration of bactericidal enhancement via oral dosing suggests an application for beta-1,3-glucan as a component in a combined modality with conventional anti-infective agents. Beta glucan, through the stimulation of host defense systems, creates a more supportive environment within the body to assist the primary killing action of the conventional agent.”
Adjuvant – Chemotherapy – Chen J, et al, “The application of fungal B-glucans for the treatment of colon cancer.” Anticancer Agents Med Chem. 2013 Jun;13(5):725-30. Jun 2013. PMID:23293888 Quote: Beta-glucans can also have synergistic effects with chemotherapeutic agents and other immune stimulators, and an innovative strategy is to use beta-glucans to deliver nanoparticles containing chemotherapeutic agents to the site of the colon cancer and, thus, improve the therapeutic efficacy.
Adjuvant – Sener G, Sert G, Ozer SA, Arbak S, Uslu B, Gedik N, Avanoglu-Dulger G; “Pressure ulcer-induced oxidative organ injury is ameliorated by beta-glucan treatment in rats.” Int Immunopharmacol:6(5):724-32; Marmara U, Sch of Pharmacy, Dept Pharmacology, Div Biochemistry; Epub Nov 2005; May 2006. Quote: “Pressure ulcers (PU) cause morphological and functional alterations in the skin and visceral organs. … Local treatment with beta-glucan inhibited the increase in MDA and MPO levels and the decrease in GSH in the skin induced by (PU), … systemic treatment prevented the damage in the visceral organs. Significant increases in creatinine, BUN, ALT, AST, LDH and collagen levels in PU [Pressure Ulcers] group were prevented by beta-glucan treatment. …Tissue injury was decreased. …Thus, supplementing geriatric and neurologically impaired patients with adjuvant therapy of beta-glucan may have some benefits for successful therapy and improving quality of life.”
Adjuvant : Mansell P.W.A., Rowden G., Hammer C.; Clinical experiences with the use of glucan. Chirigos MA, ed.; Immune Modulation and Control of Neoplasia by Adjuvant Therapy. Raven Press, New York 255-280; 1978.
Adjuvant: Benach J.L., et al., “Glucan as an adjuvant for a murine Babesia microti immunization trial,” Infection and Immunity, 35(3):947-951. 1982. Quote: “These observations demonstrate that glucan is an effective adjuvant in enhancing immunity to murine babesiosis.”
Adjuvant: Ber L., “Yeast-derived beta-1,3-D-glucan: An adjuvant concept,” American Journal of Natural Medicine; Vol 4, No. 9, Nov 1997.
Adjuvant: Jamas S., Easson D., Ostroff G.R.; “Glucan drug delivery system and adjuvant,” U.S.Patent 5607677. Issued March 4, 1997.*
Adjuvant: Lahnborg G., Hedstrom K.G., Nord C.E.; “The Effect of Glucan – A Host Resistance Activator and Ampicillin on Experimental Intraabdominal Sepsis”. Journal of Reticuloendothelial Society. 32: 347-353. 1982.* Quote: “It is concluded that glucan, in combination with ampicillin, has a significant effect on the survival rate of rats with induced peritonitis, probably by enhancing the activities of the reticuloendothelial system, an important part of the total host resistance.”
Adjuvant: Stewart C.C., et al., “Preliminary Observations on the Effect of Glucan in Combination with Radiation and Chemotherapy in Four Murine Tumors”, Cancer Treat. Prep.; 62: 1867-72. 1978. Quote: “The efficacy of glucan in combination with BCNU chemotherapy was measured using the disseminated AKR transplantable leukemia; the combination yielded a high level of cures compared to no survival for either agent alone.”
Adjuvant: Williams D.L. ,et al; “Immunization against Trypanosoma cruizi: adjuvant effect of glucan.” Int. J. Immunophar. 11:403-410. 1989.
Adjuvants: Audibert FM, Lise LD; “Adjuvants: Current status , clinical perspectives, and future prospects;” Immunol. Today 14:281-284; 1993.
การควบคุมน้ำหนัก (Weight Control – Obesity)
Weight Control – Obesity: Mosikannon K, Arthan D, et al, “Yeast B-Glucan Modulates Inflammation and Waist Circumference in Overweight and Obese Subjects,” J Diet Suppl, PMID 27715351, August 11:1-13 2016: Quote: “A randomized, double blinded, placebo-controlled, clinical trial design enrolled 44 overweight/obese participants with body mass index ≥23 kg/m2. Supplementation of yeast β-glucan for six weeks modulated pro-cytokines that accelerate overweight/obese comorbidities [multiple health issues] and reduced blood pressure as well as waist circumference, the strong risk factors for cardiovascular disease, in overweight/obese subjects. Thus, β-glucan might have the potential to decrease comorbid conditions associated with overweight/ obesity.”
Beta Glucan Microparticles: Baert K, et al, “Duality of B-glucan microparticles: antigen carrier and immunostimulants,” Int J Nanomedicine. 11: 2463–2469, May 31, 2016. PMCID:PMC 4898424. Quote: “β-glucan microparticles (GPs) are emerging microparticles known for their safety, immunogenicity, and high antigen encapsulation efficiency. These promising antigen carriers are derived from the cell wall of Saccharomyces cerevisiae (Baker’s yeast). The resulting GPs [B-glucan microparticles] were hollow and porous biomimetic 2–5 µm [micron] particles consisting of >85% β-1,3-D-glucan polymers (β-glucans), ~2% chitin, and <1% lipids and proteins, with the rest being mostly ash and moisture.
Beta Glucan Particle Size – Smaller more Effective: Donzis B. A.; Substantially purified beta (1,3) finely ground yeast cell wall glucan composition with dermatological and nutritional uses; U.S. Patent 5576015; 1996. Quote: “Upon oral administration, the smaller or finer particle sized glucan is more quickly dissolved in the gastrointestinal tract and consequently, more readily absorbed.”
Beta Glucan BioActivity: Vetvicka, V, “Beta Glucan, Natures Secret” , 3rd Edition, Self Published, pp153-154, 2015. Quote: “ … some companies are selling micronized glucans that are often accompanied by claims that they are more bioavailable. It might be true.”
Beta Glucan Micronization: See Beta Glucan Particle Size and Beta Glucan Microparticles
Micronized Particulate: Berner VK, duPre S, Redelman D, Hunter KW, “Microparticulate B-glucan vaccine conjugates phagocytized by dendritic cells activate both naive CD4 and CD8 T cells in vitro,” Cellular Immunology, ( http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.celimm.2015.10.007 ) Nov 2 2015; U of Nevada School of Medicine, Dept of Microbiology .PMID:26549577 Quote: Microparticulate β-glucan (MG) conjugated to vaccine antigen has been shown to serve as an effective adjuvant in vivo.
Micronized Particulate: Pacheco P, White D, Sulchek T, “Effects of microparticle size and Fc density on macrophage phagocytosis.” PLoS One. 2013 Apr 22;8(4):e60989. PMID:23630577; PMCID:PMC363260 . Quote: “The percentage of phagocytic macrophages was found to be strongly dependent on both the particle size and the particle Fc density. …Interaction with the smaller particles (0.5 µm and 1 µm) at a low Fc density resulted in a greater percentage of phagocytic macrophages than with high Fc density. …Therefore, larger microparticles (3 µm and 4.5 µm) may be more efficient at delivering a greater therapeutic payload to macrophages, but smaller opsonized microparticles (0.5 µm to 2 µm) can deliver bio-active substances to a greater percentage of the macrophage population.
Note: Fc is an antibody molecule known as the crystallizable fragment. µm = microns. Larger Particle sizes in this study were 3 to 4.5 µm (microns) However, particles from 5 to 100+ µm (microns) are considered aggregated or agglomerated and sometimes referred to as globular due to increased size and reduced phagocytic activity.
Micronized Particulate: Champion JA, Walker A, Mitragotri S, “Role of particle size in phagocytosis of polymeric microspheres.” Pharmaceutical research 25: 1815–1821 2008. PMIC 18373181, PMC 2793372. Quote: “Particles possessing diameters of 2-3 microm exhibited maximal phagocytosis and attachment… . “
Micronized Particulate: Hunter KW Jr, Gault RA, Berner MD; “Preparation of microparticulate beta-glucan from Saccharomyces cerevisiae for use in immune potentiation,” Department of Microbiology, University of Nevada School of Medicine, Letters of Applied Microbiology 35(4) 267-71; 2002; PMD 12358685; [mu=micron] Quote: “… a homogeneous preparation of 1-2-mu diameter beta-glucan-containing particles was made from alkali- and acid-insoluble yeast cell wall material. This microparticulate beta-glucan remained in suspension longer and, following oral administration at 0.1 mg kg(-1) for 14 d, enhanced phagocytosis of mouse peritoneal macrophages significantly better than did aggregated beta-glucan particles. … A microparticulate form of beta-glucan that remains in suspension longer for pharmaceutical applications and has superior immune potentiation characteristics has been developed. [0.1 mg kg(-1) = 7.5 mg per day for a 165 lb person].
Micronized Particulate: Tabata Y, Ikada Y, “Effect of the Size and Surface-Charge of Polymer Microspheres on Their Phagocytosis by Macrophage.” Biomaterials 9: 356–362.1988. PMID 3214660. Quote: “It was found that the maximal phagocytosis ofpolystyrene and phenylated polyacrolein microspheres took place when their size was in the range 1.0-2.0 microns.”
Microorganisms: Berner VK, duPre S, Redelman D, Hunter KW, “Microparticulate B-glucan vaccine conjugates phagocytized by dendritic cells activate both naive CD4 and CD8 T cells in vitro,” Cellular Immunology, ( http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.celimm.2015.10.007 ) Nov 2 2015; U of Nevada School of Medicine, Dept of Microbiology.PMID:26549577 Quote: “The interaction between B-glucan and its receptors serves as an activating signal that promotes anti-fungal immunity, but fungal B-glucan also has a long history of use as an adjuvant to promote immune responses to tumors and other microorganisms…Microparticulate B-glucan (MG) was shown to exhibit adjuvant activity when conjugated to a test vaccine antigen. ….Recent studies have confirmed that B-glucan particles can be used to deliver vaccine antigen for oral immunization.
Microparasitic Diseases : DiLuzio N.R. and Williams D.L., “ The Roll of Glucan in the Prevention and Modification of Microparasitic Diseases;” Immunology Medicine, Alan R. Liss, Inc.; pp. 443-456. 1984. Quote: Mindful of the extremely high rate of atherosclerotic complications and the extraordinary requirements for antioxidants in diabetic patients, the use of beta –1,3 glucan becomes an obvious adjunct for improved lifestyle under these conditions.”
Microparticulate Beta Glucan: Also See “Particle Size” and “Microspheres“
Microparticulate Beta Glucan: Baert K, et al, “Duality of B-glucan microparticles: antigen carrier and immunostimulants,” Int J Nanomedicine. 11: 2463–2469, May 31, 2016. PMCID:PMC 4898424. Quote: “β-glucan microparticles (GPs) are emerging microparticles known for their safety, immunogenicity, and high antigen encapsulation efficiency. These promising antigen carriers are derived from the cell wall of Saccharomyces cerevisiae (Baker’s yeast). The resulting GPs [B-glucan microparticles] were hollow and porous biomimetic 2–5 µm [micron] particles consisting of >85% β-1,3-D-glucan polymers (β-glucans), ~2% chitin, and <1% lipids and proteins, with the rest being mostly ash and moisture.
Microparticulate Beta Glucan: Berner VK, duPre S, Redelman D, Hunter KW, “Microparticulate B-glucan vaccine conjugates phagocytized by dendritic cells activate both naive CD4 and CD8 T cells in vitro,” Cellular Immunology, ( http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.celimm.2015.10.007 ) Nov 2 2015; U of Nevada School of Medicine, Dept of Microbiology .PMID:26549577 Quote: Microparticulate β-glucan (MG) conjugated to vaccine antigen has been shown to serve as an effective adjuvant in vivo.
Microparticulate Beta Glucan: Zechner-Krpan V, Petravic-Tominac V, Galovic P, Galovic V, Filipovic-Grcic J, Srecec S, “Application of Different Drying Methods on B-Glucan Isolated from Spent Brewer’s Yeast Using Alkaline Procedure” University of Zagreb, Agriculturae Conspectus Scientificus, Vol 75, No 1 2010. Quote: “The macrophage phagocytosis is more enhanced by microparticulate B-glucan than by its aggregated form. Biological activity of B-glucan can be improved by reducing the size of its particles. …The particles having 1-2 µm [microns] in diameter are optimally phagocytized by macrophages.”
Microparticulate Beta Glucan: Zechner-Krpan Vesna , Petrav V, Gospodari I, Sajli L, Senka Akovi, Filipovi-Gr J, “Characterization of b-Glucans Isolated from Brewer’s Yeast and Dried by Different Methods,” University of Zagreb, Faculty of Food Technology and Biotechnology, Department of Biochemical Engineering, Laboratory of Biochemical Engineering,Food Technol. Biotechnol. 48 (2) 189–197, 2010. Quote: “It is known that immunological activity of b-glucan depends on particle dimensions and can be improved by reducing the size of the particles….”
Microparticulate Beta Glucan: Hunter KW, Gault RA, Berner MD, “Preparation of microparticulate B-glucan from Saccharomyces cerevisiae for use in immune potentiation.” Letters in Applied Microbiology,” Vol 35 Issue 4, 267-271, PubMed 12358685, October 2002 (commercially MG Beta Glucan) Quote: “…there was evidence that macrophages, key target cells for the immunopharmacological activity of B-glucans, preferentially ingest particles in the 1-2-µ (micron) diameter size range. …Compared with the aggregated [5-100-µ micron diameter] form of B-glucan, the B-glucan microparticles remain in suspension longer for pharmaceutical applications… . Although both aggregated and microparticulate glucans enhanced peritoneal macrophage activation when administered orally in mice, the microparticulate glucan was significantly better than the aggregated form. …This microparticulate beta-glucan …following oral administration at 0.1 mg kg(-1) for 14 d, enhanced phagocytosis of mouse peritoneal macrophages significantly better than did aggregated beta-glucan particles….A microparticulate form of beta-glucan that remains in suspension longer for pharmaceutical applications and has superior immune potentiation characteristics has been developed. [0.1 mg kg(-1)=7.5 mg per day for a 165 lb person]
Microparticulate Beta Glucan: Jordan F, Hunter Jr. KW, Gault R, “Method for preparing small particle size glucan in a dry material,” U.S. Patent 6,476,003. November 2002. Quote: “The greater generation and/or production of NO (Nitric Oxide) demonstrates the enhanced activity of the macrophage with a small particle size glucan which is indicative of an activity level of an immune system. … The measurement of NO production is indicative of an oxidative burst that kills and/or destroys the ingested microbes and/or particles by the macrophage. As a glucan re-aggregates into particles of greater than one micron in diameter, it appears to pass through an animal or human digestive system without substantially complete absorption. …… As the glucan re-aggregates to a size of greater than one micron in diameter, some of the beneficial effect of the glucan is not achieved because the macrophage receptors are not activated as readily by glucan greater than one micron in diameter because the receptor size on corresponding cells and molecules that accept the glucan is generally about one micron in size. …The greater percentage phagocytosis demonstrates the enhanced activity of the macrophage and the small particle size glucan’s ability to activate the immune system.”
Microparticulate Beta Glucan: Donzis B. A.; Substantially purified beta (1,3) finely ground yeast cell wall glucan composition with dermatological and nutritional uses; U.S. Patent 5702719; 1997. Quote: “The preferred particle size of the find grind glucan product is about 1.0 micron or less and more preferably, .20 microns or less.” [=1000 to 200 nanometers or less; 1.0 micron = 1/25,400 of an inch]
Microparticulate Beta Glucan: Artusson P, Arro E, Edman P, Ericsson JL, Sjoholm l, “Biodegradable microspheres. V: Stimulation of macrophages with microparticles made of various polysaccharides,” J Pharm Sci. 1987 Feb;76(2):127-33; PubMed 3572750. Quote:The interaction between four different microparticulate drug carriers and macrophages was investigated in vitro. The microparticles, consisting of …lichenan (1,3-beta-D-glucan) …were investigated for their macrophage stimulatory properties. …. Microparticles made of crosslinked lichenan [1,3-beta-D-glucan] were most stimulatory,… .
Microparticulate Beta Glucan: Artursson P, Edman P, Ericsson JL., “Macrophage stimulation with some structurally related polysaccharides.” Scand J Immunol. 1987 Mar;25(3):245-54. PMID:3494301. Quote: “The macrophage-stimulating properties of some structurally related polysaccharides were studied in vitro. When the polysaccharides were presented to the macrophages as microparticles, they induced the release of interleukin 1 (IL-1) from the macrophages. …Microparticulate 1.3-beta-glucan (curdlan) induced nonspecific macrophage mediated tumour cell killing while 1.4-alpha-glucan( starch), 1.6-alpha-glucan (dextran), and 1.6-alpha-mannan were without effect. The corresponding soluble polysaccharides did not stimulate the macrophages. “
Microspheres: M.J. Auger, J.A. Ross, in: C.E. Lewis, J.O’D. McGee (Eds.), “Influence of microsphere size, composition, concentration and surface property,. The Natural Immune System: The Macrophage, Oxford University Press, New York, 1992, pp. 2–74. Quote: “The influence of … size of microspheres on their phagocytosis by mouse peritoneal macrophages were studiedby using polystyrene and phenylated polyacrolein microspheres of different diameter… .. Size: maximum phagocytosis took place when their size was in the range of 1-2 μm [microns] … .” Note: Microsphere is a term used for small spherical particles, with diameters in the micrometer/micron range (typically 1μm/micron to 1000μm (1mm)).
Microspheres: Tabata Y, Ikada Y, “Effect of the Size and Surface-Charge of Polymer Microspheres on Their Phagocytosis by Macrophage.” Biomaterials 9: 356–362.1988. PMID 3214660. Quote: “It was found that the maximal phagocytosis ofpolystyrene and phenylated polyacrolein microspheres took place when their size was in the range 1.0-2.0 microns.”
Nanoparticulates: Farris E, Brown DM, Ramer-ETait, Pannnier AK, “Miro-and nanoparticulates for DNA vaccine delivery” Exp Biol Med (Maywood) pii:1535370216643771; PMID: 27048557; April 4, 2016. Quote: “In contrast, nanoparticle encapsulation leads to increased internalization, overall greater transfection efficiency, and the ability to increase uptake across mucosal surfaces. Moreover, selection of the appropriate biomaterial can lead to increased immune stimulation and activation through triggering innate immune response receptors and target DNA to professional antigen presenting cells. Finally, the selection of materials with the appropriate properties to achieve efficient delivery through administration routes conducive to high patient compliance and capable of generating systemic and local (i.e. mucosal) immunity can lead to more effective humoral and cellular protective immune responses.”
Beta Glucan Particle Size: Farris E, Brown DM, Ramer-ETait, Pannnier AK, “Miro-and nanoparticulates for DNA vaccine delivery” Exp Biol Med (Maywood) pii:1535370216643771; PMID: 27048557; April 4, 2016. Quote: “In contrast, nanoparticle [micronized] encapsulation leads to increased internalization, overall greater transfection efficiency, and the ability to increase uptake across mucosal surfaces. Moreover, selection of the appropriate biomaterial can lead to increased immune stimulation and activation through triggering innate immune response receptors and target DNA to professional antigen presenting cells. Finally, the selection of materials with the appropriate properties to achieve efficient delivery through administration routes conducive to high patient compliance and capable of generating systemic and local (i.e. mucosal) immunity can lead to more effective humoral and cellular protective immune responses.” [Note: 1,000 nanometers = 1 micron or micrometer]
Beta Glucan Particle Size: Pacheco P, White D, Sulchek T, “Effects of microparticle size and Fc density on macrophage phagocytosis.” PLoS One. 2013 Apr 22;8(4):e60989. PMID:23630577; PMCID:PMC363260 . Quote: “The percentage of phagocytic macrophages was found to be strongly dependent on both the particle size and the particle Fc density. …Interaction with the smaller particles (0.5 µm and 1 µm) at a low Fc density resulted in a greater percentage of phagocytic macrophages than with high Fc density. …Therefore, larger microparticles (3 µm and 4.5 µm) may be more efficient at delivering a greater therapeutic payload to macrophages, but smaller opsonized microparticles (0.5 µm to 2 µm) can deliver bio-active substances to a greater percentage of the macrophage population.
Note: Fc is an antibody molecule known as the crystallizable fragment. µm = microns. Larger Particle sizes in this study were 3 to 4.5 µm (microns) However, particles from 5 to 100+ µm (microns) are considered aggregated or agglomerated and sometimes referred to as globular due to increased size and reduced phagocytic activity.
Beta Glucan Particle Size: Zechner-Krpan V, Petravic-Tominac V, Galovic P, Galovic V, Filipovic-Grcic J, Srecec S, “Application of Different Drying Methods on B-Glucan Isolated from Spent Brewer’s Yeast Using Alkaline Procedure” University of Zagreb, Agriculturae Conspectus Scientificus, Vol 75, No 1 2010. Quote: “The macrophage phagocytosis is more enhanced by microparticulate B-glucan than by its aggregated form. Biological activity of B-glucan can be improved by reducing the size of its particles. …The particles having 1-2 µm [microns] in diameter are optimally phagocytized by macrophages.”
Beta Glucan Particle Size: Champion JA, Walker A, Mitragotri S, “Role of particle size in phagocytosis of polymeric microspheres.” Pharmaceutical research 25: 1815–1821 2008. PMIC 18373181, PMC 2793372. Quote: “Particles possessing diameters of 2-3 microm exhibited maximal phagocytosis and attachment… . “
Beta Glucan Particle Size: Hunter KW, Gault RA, Berner MD, “Preparation of microparticulate B-glucan from Saccharomyces cerevisiae for use in immune potentiation.” Letters in Applied Microbiology,” Vol 35 Issue 4, 267-271, October 2002 (commercially MG Beta Glucan) Quote: “…there was evidence that macrophages, key target cells for the immunopharmacological activity of B-glucans, preferentially ingest particles in the 1-2-µ (micron) diameter size range. Compared with the aggregated [5-100-µ micron diameter] form of B-glucan, the B-glucan microparticles remain in suspension longer for pharmaceutical applications and are more effective at enhancing phagocytosis by peritoneal macrophages following oral administration. …Although both aggregated and microparticulate glucans enhanced peritoneal macrophage activation when administered orally in mice, the microparticulate glucan was significantly better than the aggregated form”
Beta Glucan Particle Size: Jordan F, Hunter Jr. KW, Gault R, “Method for preparing small particle size glucan in a dry material,” U.S. Patent 6,476,003. November 2002. Quote: “The greater generation and/or production of NO (Nitric Oxide) demonstrates the enhanced activity of the macrophage with a small particle size glucan which is indicative of an activity level of an immune system. … The measurement of NO production is indicative of an oxidative burst that kills and/or destroys the ingested microbes and/or particles by the macrophage. …As a glucan re-aggregates into particles of greater than one micron in diameter, it appears to pass through an animal or human digestive system without substantially complete absorption. … As the glucan re-aggregates to a size of greater than one micron in diameter, some of the beneficial effect of the glucan is not achieved because the macrophage receptors are not activated as readily by glucan greater than one micron in diameter because the receptor size on corresponding cells and molecules that accept the glucan is generally about one micron in size. …The greater percentage phagocytosis demonstrates the enhanced activity of the macrophage and the small particle size glucan’s ability to activate the immune system.”
Beta Glucan Particle Size – Smaller more Effective: Donzis B. A.; Substantially purified beta (1,3) finely ground yeast cell wall glucan composition with dermatological and nutritional uses; U.S. Patent 5702719; 1997. Quote: “The preferred particle size of the find grind glucan product is about 1.0 micron or less and more preferably, .20 microns or less.” [2,000 nanometers or less]
Beta Gllucan Particle Size – Smaller more Effective: Donzis B. A.; Substantially purified beta (1,3) finely ground yeast cell wall glucan composition with dermatological and nutritional uses; U.S. Patent 5576015; 1996. Quote: “Upon oral administration, the smaller or finer particle sized glucan is more quickly dissolved in the gastrointestinal tract and consequently, more readily absorbed.”
Beta Glucan – Particulate: Goodridge H, Reyes C, Becker C et al; “Activation of the innate immune receptor Dectin-1 upon formation of a ‘phagocytic synapse'” Nature, Vol 472 p 471-475, April 28, 2011. * Quote: “…Dectin-1 is a pattern-recognition receptor expressed by myeloid phagocytes (macrophages, dendritic cells and neutrophils) that detects b-glucans in fungal cell walls and triggers direct cellular antimicrobial activity… . Despite its ability to bind both soluble and particulate B-glucan polymers, Dectin-1 signaling is only activated by particulate B-glucans. …Studies in mice and humans have demonstrated an important role for Dectin-1 in anti-fungal defense. Dectin-1 signals activate anti-microbial phagocytosis, production of ROD [reactive oxygen species] and inflammatory innate immune responses, and influence the development of adaptive immunity…”
Beta Glucan Particulate: Brown G D, Gordon Siamon; “Fungal B-Glucans and Mammalian Immunity.” Sir William Dunn Sch of Pathology, U of Oxford, UK, Immunity, Vol19, 311-316, 2003. Quote: “.. B-glucans, especially in particulate form, can produce proinflammatory and antimicrobial responses through the TLRs and Dectin-1 [cell receptors for B-glucan]. Many of these responses are required for the control of fungal infections, such as the production of TNF-Alpha, and is an essential early cytokine required for the control of infections with C. albicans, A. fumigatus, C. neoformans, and H capsulatum. This is also true for IL-12, another important anti-fungal cytokine… .
Particle Size: Farris E, Brown DM, Ramer-ETait, Pannnier AK, “Miro-and nanoparticulates for DNA vaccine delivery” Exp Biol Med (Maywood) pii:1535370216643771; PMID: 27048557; April 4, 2016. Quote: “In contrast, nanoparticle encapsulation leads to increased internalization, overall greater transfection efficiency, and the ability to increase uptake across mucosal surfaces. Moreover, selection of the appropriate biomaterial can lead to increased immune stimulation and activation through triggering innate immune response receptors and target DNA to professional antigen presenting cells. Finally, the selection of materials with the appropriate properties to achieve efficient delivery through administration routes conducive to high patient compliance and capable of generating systemic and local (i.e. mucosal) immunity can lead to more effective humoral and cellular protective immune responses.”
Particle Size: Pacheco P, White D, Sulchek T, “Effects of microparticle size and Fc density on macrophage phagocytosis.” PLoS One. 2013 Apr 22;8(4):e60989. PMID:23630577; PMCID:PMC363260 . Quote: “The percentage of phagocytic macrophages was found to be strongly dependent on both the particle size and the particle Fc density. …Interaction with the smaller particles (0.5 µm and 1 µm) at a low Fc density resulted in a greater percentage of phagocytic macrophages than with high Fc density. …Therefore, larger microparticles (3 µm and 4.5 µm) may be more efficient at delivering a greater therapeutic payload to macrophages, but smaller opsonized microparticles (0.5 µm to 2 µm) can deliver bio-active substances to a greater percentage of the macrophage population.
Note: Fc is an antibody molecule known as the crystallizable fragment. µm = microns. Larger Particle sizes in this study were 3 to 4.5 µm (microns) However, particles from 5 to 100+ µm (microns) are considered aggregated or agglomerated and sometimes referred to as globular due to increased size and reduced phagocytic activity.
Particle Size: Zechner-Krpan V, Petravic-Tominac V, Galovic P, Galovic V, Filipovic-Grcic J, Srecec S, “Application of Different Drying Methods on B-Glucan Isolated from Spent Brewer’s Yeast Using Alkaline Procedure” University of Zagreb, Agriculturae Conspectus Scientificus, Vol 75, No 1 2010. Quote: “The macrophage phagocytosis is more enhanced by microparticulate B-glucan than by its aggregated form. Biological activity of B-glucan can be improved by reducing the size of its particles. …The particles having 1-2 µm [microns] in diameter are optimally phagocytized by macrophages.”
Particle Size: Champion JA, Walker A, Mitragotri S, “Role of particle size in phagocytosis of polymeric microspheres.” Pharmaceutical research 25: 1815–1821 2008. PMIC 18373181, PMC 2793372. Quote: “Particles possessing diameters of 2-3 microm exhibited maximal phagocytosis and attachment… . “
Particle Size: Hunter KW, Gault RA, Berner MD, “Preparation of microparticulate B-glucan from Saccharomyces cerevisiae for use in immune potentiation.” Letters in Applied Microbiology,” Vol 35 Issue 4, 267-271, October 2002 (commercially MG Beta Glucan) Quote:“…there was evidence that macrophages, key target cells for the immunopharmacological activity of B-glucans, preferentially ingest particles in the 1-2-µ (micron) diameter size range. Compared with the aggregated [5-100-µ micron diameter] form of B-glucan, the B-glucan microparticles remain in suspension longer for pharmaceutical applications and are more effective at enhancing phagocytosis by peritoneal macrophages following oral administration. …Although both aggregated and microparticulate glucans enhanced peritoneal macrophage activation when administered orally in mice, the microparticulate glucan was significantly better than the aggregated form”
Particle Size: Jordan F, Hunter Jr. KW, Gault R, “Method for preparing small particle size glucan in a dry material,” U.S. Patent 6,476,003. November 2002. Quote: “The greater generation and/or production of NO (Nitric Oxide) demonstrates the enhanced activity of the macrophage with a small particle size glucan which is indicative of an activity level of an immune system. … The measurement of NO production is indicative of an oxidative burst that kills and/or destroys the ingested microbes and/or particles by the macrophage. …As a glucan re-aggregates into particles of greater than one micron in diameter, it appears to pass through an animal or human digestive system without substantially complete absorption. … As the glucan re-aggregates to a size of greater than one micron in diameter, some of the beneficial effect of the glucan is not achieved because the macrophage receptors are not activated as readily by glucan greater than one micron in diameter because the receptor size on corresponding cells and molecules that accept the glucan is generally about one micron in size. …The greater percentage phagocytosis demonstrates the enhanced activity of the macrophage and the small particle size glucan’s ability to activate the immune system.”
Particle Size: , Hunter Jr. KW, Gault R, Jordan F, “Mode of Action of B-Glucan Immunopotentiators,” Department of Microbiology, University of Nevada School of Medicine, Oct 1998.
Quote: “…these data do indicate Glucan particle size is an important factor in the production of nitric oxide. Nitric oxide is generated during the “oxidative burst” that kills ingested microbes [bacteria, viruses, fungi, parasites, etc]. This would suggest that the small particle glucan has greater ability to enhance the immune system than the globular form of glucan.”
Particle Size – Smaller more Effective: Donzis B. A.; Substantially purified beta (1,3) finely ground yeast cell wall glucan composition with dermatological and nutritional uses; U.S. Patent 5702719; 1997. Quote: “The preferred particle size of the find grind glucan product is about 1.0 micron or less and more preferably, .20 microns or less.” [2,000 nanometers or less]
Particle Size – Smaller more Effective: Donzis B. A.; Substantially purified beta (1,3) finely ground yeast cell wall glucan composition with dermatological and nutritional uses; U.S. Patent 5576015; 1996. Quote: “Upon oral administration, the smaller or finer particle sized glucan is more quickly dissolved in the gastrointestinal tract and consequently, more readily absorbed.”
Particle Size: Tabata Y, Ikada Y, “Effect of the Size and Surface-Charge of Polymer Microspheres on Their Phagocytosis by Macrophage.” Biomaterials 9: 356–362.1988 . PMID 3214660. Quote: “It was found that the maximal phagocytosis ofpolystyrene and phenylated polyacrolein microspheres took place when their size was in the range 1.0-2.0 microns.”
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